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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Icy Avalanche has always been like that, since before it was converted to Overguard. It may be intended, given all three of the converted overguard frames have the same issue. A quick change could happen, of course, but would be kind of coming out of the blue.
  2. Other than companion weapons, I use corrosive cold builds a fair bit. The main intention for cold being to make headshots easier, but a little general CC is nice too. Being able to freeze enemies will be a nice bonus, but won't come into play much with those builds. It'll help with Shivering Contagion sentinels though.
  3. It's a cool idea, but for me the hardest bottleneck of electric with slow, high damage weapons is the effect doesn't linger past target death like gas does. These weapons tend to kill the targets and waste some or all of the procs. Classic example is Lanka. Higher tesla range would mitigate this to an extent, but maybe not enough. So perhaps a combination of that and some amount of lingering AoE. If not a cloud-effect like gas, then a guarantee that targets tagged by an electric proc continue to suffer a full 6 seconds of damage even if the initial target dies.
  4. Dark Dagger and Rakta Dark Dagger don't have innate Blight.
  5. If it's just using it as a taxi or base, like in lieu of the orbiter or lander, that's totally fine AFAIC. But I see that as only a small part of what many people mean when they talk about integrating RJ. Anyway, DE's gonna do what they're gonna do, and you have every right to ask for what you want. I'm not even suggesting it would be bad for the game, only that it might be bad for me. (Or good for me, in that I should play WF less than I do. :P )
  6. OTOH that would suck for people who dislike the gamemode, of which there are a decent amount. (Including me. :/ ) Maybe good news for you though: there've been a few quasi-hints lately they're planning something along those lines.
  7. Ooh, what's post-game SP? Is that like an extra-hard RL mode after I logoff Warframe. Are the rewards a lot better, or is it mostly just bragging rights? :P (Assuming you're talking about SP Endurance though, Berzerkules knows quite well what works there.)
  8. Sorry, awful idea. I'm all for mitigating the effect of Overguard on CC, but eliminating it? That would be a step backwards as far as my gameplay is concerned. And simply isn't going to happen for the practical reason that one of DE's motives for doing this was reducing automated farming. And then substituting status immunity, of all things? Another major, major step backwards. Ugh.
  9. I -think- Incarnon is checked, and then Prime/Tenet/Kuva, then "advanced variant Prisma/Wraith/Vandal etc., and then random after that. At least I can't find any hint of used capacity being a factor. There is a used capacity check for determining default config. "Warframes and Weapons now default to Mod Config A if it uses 40+ capacity (raw drain of Mods installed), rather than defaulting to another Config with the highest capacity. If Config A is not using 40+ capacity, it will default to the highest capacity Mod Config as before." There is also a forma count check but SFAIK only for duplicates of the same weapon, not different weapons in the same family. No idea on Excal Prime vs Umbra, although Agall's experience suggests Umbra is in the same "advanced variant" layer as weapons, and behind prime.
  10. With those numbers I only get 221% crit with light attacks at 12x combo. So 21% chance of red. Base crit * (1 + Full Blood Rush% + Full Glad% + Sacrificial Steel% ) = Total crit. Animosity doesn't factor in to light attacks. 22 * ( 1 + 400.4% + 330% +175% ) = 221% Even if you had BR and SS ranked up it'd still only be 240%. Generally speaking, people don't mix Blood Rush and Sac Steel, due to diminishing returns on crit% and the value of each mod slot. Since you're mixing light attacks into your melee, you'll almost certainly be better off replacing Sac Steel with something else.
  11. Describing all of your gear contributing to crit bonuses would be a good start.
  12. https://overframe.gg/items/arsenal/1441/rubico-prime/ :P
  13. Yeah, I agree. People of course learn what sniper rifles and assault rifles are, but the game could make this more straightforward. It's one of many little friction points that make it look dashed together and unpolished. Most of these are holdovers from when launchers and some other non-sniper weapons used sniper ammo. Then there's Ambassador, which has sniper in the flavor text. Certainly some good starting points here for clean up, even if better UI categorization is a ways off.
  14. There are a few reasons. The big one for me is they're an important survival resource for him, both through their shield effect and aggro draw. They also have a tendency to wander off. Summoning all 3 at once is great but not when it means losing all 3 at once too. So this change would need more to it. The simplest addition would be recastability. There's also a secondary reason people might prefer the option to have 1 or 2 sentients. Each one takes takes up a lot of screen real estate, they're hard to see through, and they block friendly movement and shots. IOW there's more that needs consideration than might be apparent.
  15. Hah, I think of him as being one of the tightest, maybe only behind Oberon, at least when it comes to using him "as designed". He doesn't need efficiency particularly--although its tragic to have deeply negative efficiency when his energy generation fizzles out--but everything else is really useful. And he's the only frame I still use Natural Talent on, because unlike it, cast speed shards don't speed up Thurible's channel. Long story short, I never seriously use any of his augments. I should just replace Thurible with Nourish like a lot of people do, but I'm very fond of making his kit work.
  16. Off topic, but it would be nice if hovering over Disposition in the Arsenal gave the numeric dispo.
  17. Similar, and probably too much overlap especially with longer range Silence, but technically not the same. Silence prevents targets within its radius from reacting to noise. Silent weapons prevent the noise entirely, so don't care about range or alert level or targets that are immune to AI manipulation. Warding Thurible and Tribunal both kind of do this to an extent. Personally though I'd rather he had a little more independence from squad issues without using an augment. e.g., a small amount of Thurible energy return from squad kills and better ability to charge up Retaliation on Covenant when squad CC is preventing him from taking damage.
  18. The highlighting is just a flag saying "Hit this general body part. So the good news is you don't need to hit the exact spot. Like on a humanoid, a Sonar weakspot includes the foot and the upper thigh and butt. Even though the highlighted spot is basically just around the knee. The bad news is it can be hard to tell which area is indicated, especially on the upper body, as arm position and angle can make it deceptive. And non-humanoids can sometimes confuse things further. It could definitely be better implemented.
  19. I would ask "why?" in that squad if I couldn't figure it out. There are some situations where not killing things, or being selective about killing them, is helpful. But occasionally other players can be overly controlling for no great reason. Until you say what kind of mission it was and some other basic details, we can only make guesses about it.
  20. There's usually been a week between NW seasons, not a change-over on the same day. So I only have a guess: that it will be a whole new set of acts. Mainly because that'd be the simplest way for DE to do it. Anyway it's probably smart to just knock out as many challenges as you can (without making yourself miserable) up until you reach a 10000 point step where you can't reasonably make the next one. The most important thing is to spend whatever NW credits you have before the current one ends, "Wednesday, May 15th at 11 a.m. ET". They won't carry over to the new one.
  21. They have increased dispos by more, although more than 0.25 is exceedingly rare.
  22. Oh, as far as the topic goes, I'm all for enemies having a few more (and more focused) counters to invisibility. I've been thinking for a long time that a new mode could be packed with a fair bit of this stuff--Hard Mode Spy Missions basically. That's highly unlikely though, and I think making Drahks and some sort of Corpus drone a threat to invisible frames would be fine in regular missions. Not ignoring invisibility completely, but within a certain range, and a longer range when alerted. Most players will still just blow stuff away, but people who enjoy playing more stealthily have something to watch out for. Anyway, if it's done reasonably, I'd find it to be engaging.
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