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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. How vigorously they enforce their ToS I don't know, but they say they'll suspend or ban people who do this. See their rules and how to go about reporting fake trades here: https://warframe.market/tos
  2. I don't know if there's anything new going on. But since OG is unaffected by defense strips, some vulnerability effects, and neutral to everything but void, what you described is a common experience.
  3. Unlike Prowl, Loki's Invisibility doesn't break on using a loud weapon but nearby enemies will become alerted and zero in on his location. (A few enemy types can also attack temporarily.) His augment Hushed Invisibility makes loud weapons silent, preventing that issue. (DE, make this exilus, please.)
  4. Original Opticor has the same issue.
  5. What I'd like is a different costs varying with shard type or frame. The latter is appealing to me since it's easier to distribute 7 secretion costs among so many frames (rather than a mere 6 shard types) and most of the work is already done if the types/proportions are modeled after the subsume or injection costs that already exist for each frame. If DE sees value in the resource sink, at least spread the resources around. It could be be more than 30% total, and still be easier to deal with than 30% bile, and only bile. Make shards easier to move and it will be a more effective sink.
  6. It sounds like you're thinking of the deviation stats underneath Accuracy. If so, these measure the magnitude a bullet might deviate from the reticle, rather than recoil, i.e., reticle movement. For instance, the Vectis Prime, which has perfect accuracy to the reticle with ADS but still hefty reticle movement without recoil modding. AFAIK the only way to glean recoil is to shoot the weapon under various conditions.
  7. Make sure you're looking on one of these maps: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Corpus_Ship#Missions edit: Actually it's more complicated than that, as that list includes infested missions and some older maps. You want Corpus controlled maps in the newer Granum style. You can see examples of this by hovering over Ishtar, Cytherian, and V Prime on Venus in your Navigation screen. Not sure if they're guaranteed spawns, but it seems like it. And my impression is its usually two or three spawns per mission. It helps to have the game's audio on, as they can be heard some distance away through walls.
  8. Yep. Would need some rebalancing for players, enemies, and maybe equipment though.
  9. Unless I'm mixing it up with some other game, I think DE once gave a stern warning that intentionally going to out-of-bounds areas (not just falling off the map and resetting) could result in loss of a character. I mean, I'd presume that's quite unlikely, and probably fixable if it does happen...but such a pain in the arse that DE wants to discourage it from happening in the first place.
  10. Is it a rule? I mean, do you know that DE ever said something like "beam weapons will never have recoil?" I'm really just asking for curiosity's sake. I think it would be a good thing if DE made it a rule even if it's not one now. Also if I've upset you by appearing to suggest there is no need for a DE review here, that was not my intent. My intention was just to point out a workaround that, unsatisfactory as it is, may still help people in the meantime.
  11. Good point. Although if they are made freely transferable, the next steps might be for DE to disallow us from equipping more than one shard of the same type on a frame, and add further ranks to them that require a lot more grinding. :P (And also to start handing out shards like candy during occasional events. And also to come up with a totally new reward that excites us more than those old shards and arcanes and isn't freely transferable.)
  12. You're right, and I was contemplating doing just that after reading your topic. But I thought you were concerned about the problem even when only noticeable with the added recoil from rivens. I think increasing the fps can make even the tiniest of shakes perceptible even without a riven available to test this. I should add that recoil totaling -100% seems to eliminate this shake entirely, even with 360 fps. (Although I'm quite insensitive to shake, and obviously I haven't tested every weapon in the game, so I'd be curious to hear other opinions on this.) So some combination of Deadhead / Stabilizer etc. / Vile Precision / Twitch etc. I think it would be best to remove recoil from beam weapons entirely--especially those that didn't have it originally, like Phantasma--but that's a kind of workaround in the meantime.
  13. Reb said at Pax East Q&A that Caliban was in Pablo's crosshairs and hinted we'd get some info at Tennocon. Personally I'm not commenting on CALIBLAM rework threads as much these days because I suspect it's too late in that timeline. Our feedback has accumulated for years and either been processed or binned at this point. (I also hope he's not made into a heavy summoner. I'm even less likely to say anything in threads that suggest this as a direction, as it's mostly just a matter of preference and not worth debating much.) Yeah, and not in the next batch either. Easily beating the record for "longest time with no augments" that was once held by Sevagoth. However I hope it suggests an extensive overhaul is in their plans, such that releasing augments now would make little sense.
  14. You can probably simulate it by increasing your FPS setting, as it greatly increases the shake on Phantasma and Glaxion Vandal (at least). FWIW I looked at Amprex, Synapse, Ignis Wraith, Spectra Vandal, and Ocucor briefly using this method and didn't see any. Cliffhanger...
  15. Yeah that's a funny interaction between Paused AI and disarm effects.
  16. Just wait until you find out how hard it will be to get Lato Prime.
  17. Weapons in general--not just primes, but maybe not Incarnon/Kuva/Tenet--would benefit from an additional advancement system. Just for example, a few broad Incarnon-ators, with solid but generic evos, or a way to add Nemesis style damage bonuses, mod capacity, and another perk or two to weapons. The fact this hasn't happened in any form makes me think there's a technical issue with it. In a way Velox Prime has something, as its recoil is quite a bit reduced from the original. Probably too simple compared to what you're looking for though.
  18. I don't think so. If there is, it's so short I can't tell. Although it won't refresh the blinds on a currently blinded enemies. I think that's specific to Radial Disarm.
  19. It's a bug. It was fixed for a while, and then popped back up.
  20. No idea if it's technically feasible, but it would be nice if Devouring/Devastating Attrition and Prelude of Might just disregarded absolute crit chance bonuses like Covenant, Cat's Eye, puncture procs, etc. while the relevant weapon and evolution was active.
  21. In player jargon, Point Strike and Serration are usually called additive. It can be confusing because these multiply base numbers, but the reason they're called additive is these get added with other common similar bonuses in their respective calculations. For instance, if I have both Point Strike and Argon Scope, the calculation is Base Crit Chance * ( Point Strike + Argon Scope ) = Total Crit Chance. If base crit chance is 20% and both mods are maxed the numbers are 20 * ( 1 + 150% + 135% ) = 77%. As you can see, Argon Scope and Point Strike are added together instead of multiplying with each other. Same thing happens with Serration and bonuses like Heavy Caliber. Avenger is very different, so sometimes gets called multiplicative...even though it's not really. A better word for it in relation to Point Strike would be "absolute" or "final". If we incorporate its buff to the calculation above we get ( Base Crit Chance * ( Point Strike + Argon Scope )) + Avenger or ( 20 * ( 1 + 150% + 135% )) + 45 = 122% . Also worth noting, that Avenger gets added together with some similar bonuses like Cat's Eye. There are damage bonuses that are more clearly multiplicative though, as these multiply the result of the more common "base damage" bonuses (like Serration and Heavy Caliber) instead of being added together with them. Examples are Roar, Eclipse, Faction Damage, Critical Multiplier, Heavy Attack / Sniper Rifle Combo Counter, and more. An example of how a calculation with one of these would look is Base Damage * ( Serration + Heavy Caliber ) * ( Eclipse ) = Total Damage Since these multiply the base damage multiplication, seemingly small "multiplicative damage" bonuses can be very powerful. Hopefully that's all clear enough and I didn't goof any of it up, lol. I'm supposed to be doing homework, and part of my mind is on that. :/
  22. Probably not a bug at this point, although I'm sure it looks like one to new players, and has been commented on a lot. It's been around in some form for more than 10 years. Originally on Iron Skin, the golden oldie "Overguard". I wish DE would reconsider the mechanic. If nothing else, disable the blocking animation when nothing is actually being blocked.
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