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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. It's whichever duplicate has the most forma, random if there is a tie.
  2. She didn't really, although it could have been more clear. And I don't blame anybody for misinterpreting before actually seeing the change in writing. The explanation starts at 11:30 in the short if you want to listen to it again.
  3. Yeah, a base 25 energy / 25m range, quick cast, untargeted gathering tool would feel powerful in a pretty open map!
  4. I think that's just a mistake in wording. Pull still has a short range, unmoddable 360 radial pull, in addition to the moddable range cone. So, vaguely keyhole shaped, as you said. The Dante Unbound bug was that Pull seemed to work at 360 degrees out to modded range after Dante Unbound instead of having a cone effect at all. So a big circle rather than a keyhole.
  5. In comparison to what? :P On the face of it, I'd much rather use radiation-cold Verglas or Helstrum for CC. I'd lose out on viral or heat, but Artax is such a mediocre primer for anything but cold, it's hard for me to see it as a big loss. Better not to outsource those at all if I'm relying on them. If there's more to it, I'd love to understand it better.
  6. Sounds like a bug. Both are working for me. Only thing I can think of is to make sure you're within range of enemies with Lockdown, as it's only got half the range of Anomaly. Although even so I don't see much point in Anomaly, and maybe less so in combination with Lockdown.
  7. I don't know what you mean. Headshots are fun, of course. Sniper headshots extra-extra fun. But Sniper combo just depends on hitting the target directly, not on headshots. If it's not bugged, it should just be a straightforward propagation of damage from all of Zymos' effects. But I haven't tried it. It does strike me as the kind of thing where something might not work as expected.
  8. I do occasionally in sniper sorties. But mostly if I'm using a sniper rifle, I'm not playing in squad. Even though Kullervo is better than anybody at keeping up with 2024 squads while using one. It's a touch deeper than that with snipers, as Curse propagates not just melee combo but also sniper combo. I wouldn't know whether to call it "very unique" or not. It's more work than melee, so probably not popular.
  9. Well, it's really hard to get headshots with. And the magazine is tiny, so you're constantly reloading. And it only gets half a charge per headshot. So overall, I think it's harder to charge than any other Incarnon. And it might not seem to do all that much once you get it into Incarnon mode. Does that explain it well enough, lol? I will say it helps a lot to have punch through and the 1.2 sprint speed perk active, and a riven. Periodically it'll do something downright amazing...although that's at least partly because I have low expectations! Hipster cred. I think that might be the best explanation. :P
  10. I should hope so. Artax only does 5 damage per shot, and only fires once per second at base according to the wiki. (It actually seems to me it shoots a little faster than that, but not much. In any case, a typical beam weapon it is not.) The weapon has forced cold, with only 3% base status chance for natural procs. Not directly to companion weapons or attacks. Hopefully some of this is coming with part 2, supposedly sometime this year.
  11. I have zero objection to it, and it might encourage me to spend some more on the game and play some frames I don't play much otherwise. I don't really care about frame gender, but I might prefer the aethetics of, say, a female Lavos, or a male Saryn--frames that seem cool mechanically, but I just don't bother with because something about their look turns me off. OTOH, if I had a choice between this and DE just putting out a bunch more Deluxe skins out a year, or getting voidshell textures to work on more skins or with prime toggles, I'd I think I'd take those instead.
  12. Phenmoar. I even love it in semi-auto, AKA Veldt Prime Prime Mode. Miter. Incarnon mode done right, where it adds something new but is still reminiscent of classic Miter. Boltor. Full disclosure, I've got a RoF riven for this thing. One word: BRRRRRRRRRRRRT. Onos. Great aethetics, delightful headshot machine in normal mode, with completely bizarre but powerful Incarnon mode. Bronco. I can't explain this one. Somehow so frustrating and so, so satisfying at the same time. Nami Solo. Machetes are awesome. 9m long Machetes with 100% Follow Through are
  13. Update 31.5 (2022-04-27) Gyre Introduced. Hotfix 31.5.5 (2022-05-03) Fixed Gyre Rotorswell lightning strike cooldown being permanently decreased when the electric arcs chain to other enemies. So perhaps we should expect an augment next year that removes LoS from Tragedy. :P
  14. Base damage on the primer isn't "inherited" by the dps weapon's heat stacks. What is inherited are heat% damage and faction damage. Furthermore faction damage gets applied again. You'll want that base damage on the dps weapon of course, as well as crit stats, and enough heat to make sure you keep refreshing it at least every 6 seconds. Base damage on the primer doesn't hurt, but there'll always or nearly always be other mods in that slot that make it a better heat applicator. More heat, more faction, more status, multi, RoF, some viral, etc. Definitely load up on base damage on the dps weapon of course. Here's Dystopia's full explanation. I think he was the first to figure it out.
  15. Magazine size is a significant dps increase for a lot of weapons. You're right that for the most part--with several exceptions with mag unload gimmicks or 1- or 2-shot mags--it's not enough to usurp a regular mod slot. However I think a better lens to look through than "How does the dps increase compare to regular mods?" is "How does the dps increase compare to other exilus mods?" There'd be a pretty obvious disparity, even without looking at the high capacity cost primed mag mods. I think we'd mostly get less varied mod building. Similar issue with reload mods. Better in some ways, but worse because these also have better application with Incarnon weapons.
  16. I will never turn down an Argonak buff, but in terms of dps it's roughly in the right place for an MR7 single target rifle. For me it's main problem is it feels bad in both modes, having RoF I can't use effectively and not enough punch in semi-auto, and having too small a magazine and too long a reload to use in full-auto. It really could have used something like the Stradavar Prime formula, where the weapon's mag/reload/RoF was balanced better around full auto, and then semi-auto used more ammo per shot. But seven years after its release, a restructure seems implausible. My main hope is for a higher MR variant with significant improvements.
  17. Ooh, I thought this was just weapon augments. For frame augments, Hushed Invisibility please.
  18. I mostly don't rush, but you can pretty easily skip all of the terminals on many maps. Probably most or all of them, but I'm still getting acquainted with the newer ones. Pretty decent explanation here:
  19. The prime version is way better than most melee weapons that don't have an arcane slot or a riven. Just the arcane slot would do it.
  20. Harkonar Scope, Sharpshooter. Metal Auger, Seeker, Seeking Force. I'd prefer Punch Through be made innate to most ST weapons, but if DE made these PT mods exilus I'd still be delighted. Kinda like how Vigilante Supplies is? My response to that would be that Vigilante Supplies was a mistake too, that probably only happened because ammo mutation is its primary affix. But Repeater Clip and its counterparts would be a bigger dps increase than Vigilante Supplies for more weapons, and much more dominant. Some of these would be pretty funny, as they're already well worth a regular slot. Sentient Surge, Double Tap, Acid Shells, Efficient Beams, and Volatile Variant come to mind immediately.
  21. I'm not getting my hopes up until I see something solid, but there was a bit of a tease of a tease that Caliban will be getting a look soon. https://www.youtube.com/live/aMTym46pDns?si=29KF2kyrPgWlkQN9&t=2505
  22. 1. Tragedy's status detonation damage takes remaining duration into account, so that works. 2. The wiki and an ability tip says it's just slash, toxin, and heat. I verified gas did not work. 3. Oh yes.
  23. Yeah, pretty much. He's one of about 5 frames I regularly play in the last 6 months, but the entertainment value I get from him is basically conceptual, visual and audio design, and beefy innate tank. All four of his abilities have issues that I think might have been addressed if he'd come out at a different time. Really strikes me as a parallel with Caliban's release situation. Although to end on a more cheerful note, I'm much happier with Pillar after this week. Still could use improvements, but the enhanced LoS basically fixed what to me was its most frustrating problem.
  24. I can't recall the results of all of them, but there are at least some others that are blocked or impeded by Overguard and often by other CC immunities. Equinox Rage, Khora Strangledome, Gara Splinter Storm and Mass Vitrify, Nezha Chakram (because it doesn't affect OG hp), Nova Molecular Prime (because it only affects health hp), and Atlas Petrify resist reduction (if it counts as "vulnerability") all have problems. The ones I recall for sure do work against Overguard are Caliban Sentient Wrath, Yareli Sea Snares, Sevagoth Reap, and Banshee Sonar. So it's sort of a mess. As far as Containment Walls goes though, yes please! It really could use the help. It's pretty funny that it doesn't work and Sea Snares does, considering how much more powerful the latter is anyway.
  25. It seems to me like they were kept in to appease Steve, primarily. :P
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