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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Options // Accessibility. There is also a search bar at the top right of the Options screen.
  2. I love how it gives enemies radiation madness when they're near it. (Also it's so much better at this now than before yesterday.)
  3. That's really strange. I just checked the weapons I listed. I guess bugs are complicated things.
  4. This is still listed in Known Issues: Although I'm curious that you're not seeing it on Nami Solo, Praedos, and Prisma Skana, as these, plus Ruvox, are working for me. It's not working on Ceramic Dagger, Dual Ichor, or Innodem. And I don't have Anku, Bo, Magistar, Ack & Brunt, Hate, or Sibear built to check.
  5. Oh noes, Twin Kohmak, Marelok, Twin Rogga, Zakti, Velox, Akstiletto, Sepulcrum, Aegrit, STUG, Kulstar, Hystrix, Cycron, Brakk, Cyanex, the MIGHTY SEER, Afuris, Staticor. I'm quite fond of Fraggleguts, and Vermispicegirl. Actually the one I like the best of all is Gaze, but I can't think of a music joke to make of that one that's not horrendous.
  6. Still a really capable weapon! Although if I'd used it much before the shotgun status nerfs I might feel very differently.
  7. Yeah, balance issues aside. I didn't want to get into that because Equinox would clearly need other adjustments if LoS was added to Maim. (And she really could use several adjustments anyway: any rational person would admit she's much worse off overall than Dante has been at any time in his short but very eventful existence.) If somebody really wants to categorize the Halikar change as a balance adjustment at all, it's clearly on a far different scale than LoS-restricted Maim would be.
  8. Different colors can fade into matching backgrounds better, making them contribute less to visual clutter...maybe. But backgrounds even within a mission aren't uniform, and it doesn't address the most basic problem: the plates aren't transparent.
  9. Who knows?, indeed. But the situations are pretty different. Incredibly niche as Halikar was, it wasn't just a consistency fix (and disarms still aren't totally consistent) it was a bug fix. Maim lacking LoS reqs isn't a bug, and adding them would be a major balance change to a longstanding frame. Something DE is historically reluctant to do unless the frame is dominating play in some fashion.
  10. It's not a bug: Warframe weapon families can just be very counterintuitive in some cases. Rakta Cernos, and Cernos Prime are variants of the Cernos. So they share rivens, qualify for the same Archon Hunt/Arbitration bonuses, and meet the "Cernos" criterion for DA. Proboscis Cernos and Mutalist Cernos are each their own thing, with no variants. Those "Cernos" things I listed, they don't share in, and they're not variants of each other either. Same issue happens with Quanta / Quanta Vandal vs. Mutalist Quanta, and Nikana / Dex Nikana /Nikana Prime vs. Dragon Nikana. Likewise with single vs akimbo sidearms, which are always separate families: Kohmak vs. Twin Kohmak, Lex/Lex Prime vs. Aklex/Aklex Prime, Mk1-Furis/Furis vs. Afuris/Afuris Prime, etc.
  11. I don't have it, but Secondary Outburst on equipped sidearms transfers its bonuses to Exalted sidearms. Seems readily abusable with Ceramic Dagger.
  12. In a way, yes. It's got pre-nerf Catchmoon's range and usability plus some. But it's misleading in a way, because neither Incarnon Lex (without a riven) nor pre-nerf Catchmoon itself have present day Catchmoon's top end potential, due largely to multiplicative base damage scaling with Galvanized Shot.
  13. It doesn't really, not unless you just prefer having dark concrete blocks in your field of vision instead of more colorful ones. In other words, they're just as opaque.
  14. I don't know about Rhino, but Kullervo kind of had to be an exception by virtue of being able to generate Overguard and having no shields to throttle the energy gain from HA/Rage. He'd be an exponentially better HA user than any of the traditional health tankers that it's tuned for. I agree though, it's awkward as something people will have to look up on the wiki to find out.
  15. Yeah, it does strike me as a casual observer that Icy Avalanche has parallels with Intrepid Stand but is a lot worse. There may be nuances I'm not familiar with though. Wiki does say IS doesn't affect companions. As of today, Frost should be able to do so, so if Styanax still can't that's something.
  16. He does not. Same with Kullervo Recompense, and Styanax Intrepid Stand as you noted. But Frost Icy Avalanche isn't the only one that gets nullified--the same is true of Rhino Iron Skin and Atlas Rumbled. I don't know that DE has ever explained the inconsistencies, although I could take guesses at some of them. Iron Skin was converted to Overguard, and was always nullifiable before that. Kullervo doesn't have shields, so would be more hurt by the OG layer disappearing instantly than other frames would be.
  17. It sounds like if it wasn't this it would have been something else that pushed you to take a break, but FWIW Pillage has always had LoS requirements. If anything, it'll be better at tagging targets that aren't rendered.
  18. Rhino and Atlas Overguard work the same way as Frost's. So his is consistent with some!
  19. Pillage is really, really strong already.
  20. The undocumented innate armor strip was bugfixed/removed last week. :/
  21. You're not the first person who has reported a problem with Arc Coil But I can't replicate it in normal play. Mine worked fine both in the Sim and a quick mission. The only things I can think of are making sure you've got a visible energy color on Diriga, and not expecting it to work if you're not actively attacking enemies. Companions in general will often go inactive, probably as an anti-afk measure.
  22. I go into Banshee rework threads with low expectations, but this one is quite good. You didn't change her basic character, you didn't add an invulnerability or 90% DR, and you even hit a couple of very specific ideas I've wanted for a long time. Excellent job, afaic. Would it continuously knock them down or keep them knocked down? If it's either of those, I don't see it happening without other radical changes to the ability, like reducing the range or adding LoS. Neither of which I'd mind in return for being getting some agency during SQ, but other people might feel a lot differently.
  23. With Deadhead and Steady Hands, and just over +180% RoF I can't detect any screenshake at all. (I'm not very sensitive to it though.) So if you like the weapon you could try adding Deadhead. Also, I'm running WF at 60 FPS. If you run it higher than that, @aivastus found that there was a strong correlation between screenshake and max FPS, at least in the case of the Phantasma.
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