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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Vast Untime has a LoS check for damaging enemies, just not for breaking objects.
  2. No. Not that how that aspect would work was well communicated. To me it doesn't seem like they anticipated that people might think they could stockpile research points up to a cap, so it never occurred to them to say, "No, you can't do that." I don't blame anybody for misunderstanding how the mode would work before release. I wasn't sure myself until after I played through twice. (Although I also hadn't assumed I understood it already.) And I don't blame people for saying it could have been explained better. I do find it strange that some people are so angry about it; the implication being DE actually lied about how the game mode would work. If you want to listen to what DE said about it, it's in Devstream 177, ~57:40. https://www.youtube.com/live/vy_vtGx8vq8?si=xDv15r5OZoFQBgxM&t=3460
  3. I'm not sure. It's hard to get inside the collective heads of buildmakers you haven't even linked to or anything. But I'd speculate it comes down to a few things: - It's not a nuke. - As a dps tool, I think it's going to suffer in comparison to some of the best weapons in the game. - It's potentially got lots of utility with Tome mods, but is still not essential to the rest of Dante's kit, and is the only ability that can reasonably be replaced. - Meanwhile, there are a few ability infusion options that help the rest of Dante's kit a lot, and do it in ways that hit you over the head and make you notice. So, less "it's useless" and more "there are even more useful tools available".
  4. I find signature weapon perks pretty silly anyway. But the fact that it's the most interesting signature weapon perk and, lol...augment dependent is just I feel like maybe it's some residual mechanic DE forgot about. Maybe the prototype of Aqualblades did something like the augment does now. I don't know.
  5. More details would be good, like where, vs. what enemies, what your exact build is, etc. In the Sim I'm getting correct bleed ticks with Nagantaka. Unmodded, with Serration, and with Serration + Bane. 56, 148, 355 respectively. Tested against a Bombard, Culverin, Culverin Overguard, and a Hollow Vein. Also did one test against the Bombard with 10x viral stacks. 1508 damage, which is 4.25x the 355 damage I was getting without viral, so was correct. Slash resistance mitigates slash damage. OP is talking about slash procs, i.e., bleeds, which deal "true" damage that is unaffected by normal resistances.
  6. Neat idea. It'd be easy to replace a strength mod on him. I'll have to try that out! ...as soon as I get around to getting Archon Vitality. :P
  7. Most bought weapons are level 0. I actually can't think of any exceptions other than the Aeolak bundle.
  8. DPS. It's not great for kpm, but I'm finding it extremely fun in a way that no other exalted weapon has been for me. I spend a lot of time trying to make ST weapons work in this game, so Noctua with infinite body PT and some ricochet feels luxurious in comparison. I don't know if it'll hold my attention long term though.
  9. Interestingly the Nataruk is missing reload speed in the Arsenal...because it's also missing magazine. :P (And yes, reload speed does affect the Nataruk.) I haven't looked at everything, but Epitaph and the bows I did check didn't have this issue.
  10. Calling it "threat-based" is factual but also kind of misleading as far as the game is concerned. Absorb or Decoy are what I'd use that term for: i.e., creating something that enemies are more likely to attack than players. In contrast, like rad status "Confusion", Chaos effectively removes the targets' affiliation, making them enemies of everything. So they'll generally attack whatever is closest and in their FoV. Unlike Absorb, etc., these effects don't work through Overguard directly. They can be impactful as very soft CCs anyway, as OGs will happily attack confused enemies that have attacked them. Certainly though, Chaos also changing threat level is something that's often been proposed and would make the ability more useful. Technically it's a weapon jam, not a disarm...but anyway, it's fixed, and mentioned in the patch notes.
  11. It's been talked about elsewhere, including bug reports. But we can call it "The Great Tiltskillet Sonic Boom Nerf of '24" if you like. :P
  12. Agree with the general idea. More consistency and unity between headshots and weak points shots would be good. Corpus Ospreys have always had heads. Infested Ospreys not so much
  13. Good news: you can put Ammo Drum on Fulmin! It just doesn't do anything. :P Seriously though, I'm not familiar with Halo weapons. Do you want it to add to the Fulmin's magazine? If so, I'd just point out that we've got several rifle magazine mods for that. Though the one with the highest bonus, Tainted Reload, only goes up to 66%.
  14. Both Eject Magazine and Tactical Reload can't be slotted on the majority of weapons with AoE. I don't recall if DE has ever said anything about it, but despite many exceptions and Lock & Load not having that problem, I think there's very clearly intention behind it. It'd probably be good if they reviewed what they want these mods to do, what restrictions they need if any. And then made them more consistent, and spell out whatever needs spelled out on the mod cards.
  15. Well, Dante was the first frame I noticed it on and the first frame I tested. The actual energy usage was exactly right. I can't explain why you're seeing a difference. But even if nothing has changed with your build and rotation and the abilities are now costing the correct amount, what do you expect DE to do about it? Re-bug it? :P
  16. That was a UI bug that was affecting multiple frames. (Probably all of them.) It was just a UI bug--abilities were costing the proper amount of energy.
  17. You seemed to be saying "Wrong, armor strip works." I was explaining that I wasn't talking about armor strip.
  18. "e.g." means "for example" not, "these and only these". There are other non-CC effects attached to CC abilities that don't work through overguard. e.g., Condemn shield restore, Breach Surge's spark propagation, Petrify resistance reduction, Containment Walls damage vulnerability, and more. There are even a few non-CC effects that don't work even though they're not attached to an ability with CC at all like Pacify's damage reduction debuff and Prowl's pickpocketing. (And armor strip through overguard is still extremely valuable on Eximus units with lots of armor. High level overguard disappears lightning fast compared to high level armored health.)
  19. I hoped for Documented Feature! :P Plus some sort of buff for Sonic Fracture, like stripping shields. Although Sonic Fracture still had a useful role, stripping armor on masses of enemies. I'd go without it when I only cared about stripping mini-bosses.
  20. It had a good run. 2 years, which is a lot longer than any non-canned milk would have lasted.
  21. The consideration being whether using the augment and possibly all those range mods is worth it 50%, 75%, or 95% of the time. Divine Retribution still reaches out to 25m+ with no LoS.
  22. Nezha was good even before Divine Retribution existed, and the augment is still powerful. It just means putting more consideration into the build.
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