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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Did you know it already strips a flat 1/3 armor? Fixed as of today, welp.
  2. From the patch today: Not necessarily comprehensive. Also Muzzle Flash blind was still working for me in the Sim as of a couple of days ago, though maybe it's fixed now. Not mentioned, but Qorvex Pillar, Vauban Bastille/Vortex, and Zephyr Tornado slows were still working as of yesterday. And Mag Discharge and Chesa Neutralize were still disarming. Again, might be different today.
  3. Just so we're clear, I'm suggesting making them work (with a penalty) on allied overguard. Specifically where the frame can't generate it themselves So less options than every frame but more than currently, where they don't work on overguard [full stop]. Which is causing problems for players who aren't opting in to overguard in the first place.
  4. It would be more options than we have now, not fewer. Players don't need endless options, and developers probably don't need balancing for every option added to their workloads when they've got plenty of other things to do. That said, there might be a way to make it work on those frames. I'm just skeptical it's worth the effort when there's no pressing need. If there is a pressing need, it's for frames that are getting overguard and don't have any say in it.
  5. It turns my stomach a bit to see a quotation responding to genocide twisted for the use of players who can't abide a change to a video game.
  6. It would have to be, given the quantities of overguard hp involved, how easy it is to generate more even apart from the extra energy, and the fact that HA/Rage returns wouldn't be reduced by DR. Without a severe penalty, these mods would work better on overguarded frames than they do on the frames that traditionally use them with health. My first instinct is to have them still not work at all on overguard when the player is opting in to it. So non-functional on Kullervo, Rhino, or Dante; or on augmented Atlas, Frost, or Styanax. Shared overguard is still problematic, but the benefit should outweigh the issues.
  7. This is a case where WF is consistent. Avenger works because it has an "on damage" trigger, so it doesn't matter what kind of damage it is: health, shields, or overguard. The complaints I've seen about overguard revolve around things that specify "on health damage". If you mean "Let's be consistent by having everything work on any kind of damage"... maybe it can move that direction but I don't think perfect consistency and no exceptions would be good. Hunter Adrenaline and Rage are what come immediately to mind. I don't think these should work on shield damage. Because then there's a loop between gaining energy by taking shield damage and restoring shields through Brief Respite/Augur. edit: Actually there are some problems with HA/Rage working on overguard damage too, on frames that can generate overguard themselves.
  8. Happened to me again today too. But like before, signing out of the main site and back in resolved it. (For a few more days, probably.) Basically the same cycle that happened before, needing to re-enter my credentials. It just hasn't involved the main site up until this last week. (And still doesn't on my phone where I'm using Chrome.)
  9. Combat Discipline's hp loss to Overguard can proc Avenger. What's odd about the aura is that it takes that hp from OG in the first place.
  10. Oh, we've been down this road before. If DE thinks they need to do it...so much better to alert people within a week of release and do it fast. Rather than wait months. And of course the longer DE waits, the more people will accuse them of only nerfing Dante once almost everybody has him and there are other things they want to push.
  11. Think of it this way: if you don't play him until after he's nerfed, you'll get the Dante Experience...minus the trauma of the Dante Nerf Experience that everyone else will have had to suffer! :P I expect him to still be very good--hopefully that's the case.
  12. The change to Warding Halo happened with Whispers in the Wall. My guess is it's a bug rather than a nerf. It works on companions too. At least his own--not sure about other players' companions.
  13. This happened to me two days ago, but when I signed out on the main site and back in, I was able to log successfully back in to the forums.
  14. That seems true, based on how much more difficult I always found tracking Demos in Lua compared to other Disruption missions. I disagree with you on stereo audio's general helpfulness though. Largely moot now, of course.
  15. That's interesting, but try reversing your headphones sometime. The last time playing WF I accidentally did this, I felt like my brain had turned upside down. And more to the point, I couldn't track down Demolysts worth a ****, lol.
  16. Sorry! :/ Often my humor is pretty obtuse. Anyway, the intended spirit was Mockery Level: Very Gentle; not Oh God, Hydrochloric Acid.
  17. It's funny, I'm sure some people would say the opposite: that most of the comments are about things being useless or needing major buffs. And then some people will think it's mostly about features people want or grousing about lack of content, or whatever. Maybe what we see depends on where we tend to stand. People have opinions, and more of than not they're not going to to match up with yours exactly. Almost all of what we say here is just noise that will never affect the game, so personally I try to let most of it just roll by without affecting me much, and just read and reply to conversations that interest me.
  18. Good catch! IIRC, it didn't open enemies up to finishers before, but now the new "sleep" tooltip makes it stand out more.
  19. Maybe an oversight, although it was much pointed out at the time, in matching it to Heavy Caliber instead of Hornet Strike. It's not plausibly a bug, since it used to be much weaker than HC. For five years after it and Heavy Caliber were introduced, Magnum Force only gave 66% damage. :P Funny thing though, if it was raised to 220%, it would stir commentary about how it and HC are still worthless without much higher bonuses than their vanilla base damage equivalents. And if they were higher, you still have a lot of comments about them being worthless as long as arcanes and Galvanized mods exist.
  20. 5000 credits each! Right. Which reminds me...I collect Desert Skate Floofs, and I earnestly feel they'd make a good starting point for a "DE deposits $5 in the bank account of players for every Skate Floof in their possession before March 2024" system. :P
  21. Now that's a failure of imagination! :P
  22. I've had that happen too. I wonder if it was an oversight after moving the Jackal back to stage 4+ in the Circuit.
  23. Eidolons? Lol, that's awesome. I did test it quite a lot at the time against OGs as it was my usual Sentinel immediately after the companion rework. But I have barely used it since the fix, so maybe it broke again or still worked under certain conditions.
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