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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Cordon was fixed a while back. Unless it broke again. Yeah, there are a bunch of "not-CCs that don't work through Overguard" I'm looking forward to retesting.
  2. Although one of the side effects of this change is the improved Decoy looks better than it would have if Breach Surge etc. were still CCing everything.
  3. As somebody who almost entirely plays Disruption solo, I don't regard it as an improvement to my enjoyment of the mode.
  4. It had to change for accessibility reasons, so I'm pleased about that. But for my own part, as somebody who doesn't have hearing issues (yet) and enjoys using audible clues, and doesn't mind failing the occasional conduit, I have some of the same feelings as the OP. I do feel a loss of urgency in Disruption that I miss.* Perhaps it could have been handled a little differently. Like, instead of a marker, just have a x degree direction cone marked, and only for the player unlocking the conduit, until the Demo comes close-ish to either a player or conduit. Or a toggle in options between "visually focused indicators" and "audible focused indicators". These all sound complex compared to what DE did implement though. I'm not sure there ever was a solution that would be a great compromise between preserving the old feel, accessibility for the hearing impaired, and the practical needs of game design. *Although ironically enough, I did fail a conduit yesterday. It was Lua though, and I think that's just my own personal problems with navigating there. It's always been 10x harder than any other Disruption for me.
  5. It's still blinding Eximus in the Sim, so I think it's untouched...for now. Very occasionally the blind seems unreliable, but I had the same problem when I tested it a year ago.
  6. I agree with your feedback, but I'll just mention my workarounds even though it's kind of offtopic. These are for SP, though they may have applications for some people outside of it. - I don't play in squad unless I have a pretty decent combo. It doesn't have to be "carry three afk doorjams for 90 minutes" good, but solid, and something I want to play. And this probably goes without saying, but I make an effort to contribute. People are more likely to stick around if they feel like everybody's shouldering some of the weight. - If I really want to play Circuit right away and don't have a good combo, I'll solo a round and exit, which gets me a reroll. (If the options are really bad, I'll do this in regular.) - If I'm looking to stick around in squad, I try to wait until about 15 minutes before a Mood switches to start. There are fewer people then, but the percentage of people who are looking to play multiple rounds and with better combos is way, way better. I presume this is because people who don't fit that description are more likely to just wait for the Mood to transition. - I keep an eye on what other people are picking. If two or more people have picked what are obviously awful combos, especially if they're low MR, I'm likely to bail out before we start. - I'll announce that I'm planning to do several rounds if I'm hosting. Sometimes this will prompt people to communicate what they want to do, or to leave. - I solo or do something else when dealing with all of that just seems like too much effort.
  7. AFAICT it's a visual bug, and only on the hover ability stats on the Arsenal/Dante/Upgrade screen. The correct costs are shown on Arsenal/Dante/Abilities screen, and Streamline at least is providing the proper effect on actual costs in the Sim.
  8. Oh, and here I was trying to figure out why the complaint is about low stats when the Lanka in the next post was doing more damage than it should, lol.
  9. Since you haven't shown the stats of your riven, the picture isn't as useful as it could be. What do the stats look like without any mods?
  10. Zenurik slow was the only school CC that fully worked though. So if them not working through Overguard is contradicted by the lore (and I don't know if it is or not) it would appear that was never a concern.
  11. Who knows? But I did notice the word "exclusive" wasn't used for the digital pack goodies, which is different than at least some previous years. e.g., https://www.warframe.com/news/tennocon-2021-en
  12. Yeah, there was no way I would have found it there if Avernal hadn't said it was mentioned in that specific devstream. If they'd just said "a devstream" I would have assumed the last one, not one from February.
  13. And didn't consider that knowledge important enough to highlight, or even mention in text for those looking for information afterwards, in their overviews or anything else. Sorry, not good enough, especially with the mentioned ticket issues. The time is the overview for that stream. https://www.warframe.com/news/header-devstream-177-overview But I agree with you that it's easy to think of ways that this could have been handled better.
  14. Oh, got it. Since there is apparently way more demand for them than supply, I wonder if it's intentional that they don't put out a time until an hour beforehand. I did get an email about it at about 20 minutes before they went on sale.
  15. Always room for improvement on how DE puts information out, but there were news posts about it last week. https://www.warframe.com/news/tennocon-2024-digital-pack https://www.warframe.com/news/pax-east-highlights
  16. Thank you. The only two things I've found so far that are still working are Magnetized Discharge and Chesa Neutralize. So two disarms, although I don't think any of the ones that weren't working before have been enabled. I do have more to test. Anyway I'm going to wait on revisions for a few days at least, in case a hotfix fixes the bugfixes. Or, more likely, adds to them. I'm supercurious if any of the things that seemingly should work through Overguard but didn't have also been changed.
  17. At least one of the ways to do this allowed a person to heavy attack without losing combo at all. i.e.,infinite 12x heavies.
  18. The picture doesn't show your active boosters. To see those, you can hover your cursor above the button immediately to the left of your credits in the "escape" screen. In case you didn't know already, boosters don't go into inventory. Instead they're activated as soon as you get them, and add to the timer of any you already have running.
  19. The thing that bothers me about the Jackal patch notes is that it feels to me like it bugging out was the primary issue, not difficulty. They did address one aspect of this with Silence (Albeit in the most unsatisfactory way: by not allowing it to affect Jackal's ability use at all.) but if it still locks up from other causes, the fight is still going to be very frustrating.
  20. I don't know yet that it compares in power to some of these others. But Damage Decoy is, at the very least, super fun.
  21. I added notes about Loki's new Damage Decoy augment not allowing the targeting of OGs, and Titania drones being very good at drawing OG aggro. I'll have some more additions soon. @KitMeHarder Thank you for the explanations on Sunder. I planned on adding the note about scaling but decided I want to do some retesting first.
  22. You should try support. But FYI, there is a warning in the subsume "type confirm" screen saying that any shards will be lost. If you ever got these back before, that would have been the (very weird) bug. I think so. Unfortunately a warning screen is what we've got for now. Maybe it's not as easy to fix as it seems like.
  23. Not everybody keeps Excalibur, and some who do prefer to play Umbra for style or lore or whatever. And negligible or not, higher stats and Radial Howl are still reasons.
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