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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. RQ is usable against SP Infested, even without an optimized build, although tedious for me. There might be better armor stripping options now for other factions. When I tried it, I used Terrify and it was still pretty bad at killing Grineer. But I have very little patience for the builds. If you can team up with another Banshee, the potential goes way up, since you can then stack the weakspots up to four times, as well as just getting easier coverage. Anyway, my opinion is the ability should be replaced or deeply restructured....like yesterday. It's untapped potential for killing things just doesn't interest me. But that's just me. You're not the first person I've met who was fond of it. Although you may only be the second one. :P (paging @AuroraSonicBoom )
  2. Got it.👍 And I agree. But my gut feeling is that the community, if they had to choose between content and bugfixes--voting with their play time and their wallets and not in some poll--the vast majority would choose new content until the bugs started to become catastrophic. Some people put a higher priority on bugfixes, no doubt, but I think we're a minority, and I suspect maybe not the most lucrative demographic.
  3. What does that mean? I agree with the first part in a way. I don't think a conventional buff will make it a good ability. It's dull on its own, and prevents her from moving, using weapons, operator, or casting anything else. Make it do 100x the damage for 1/10th the energy, and all it will be is powerful, far more commonly used, and dull.
  4. Again, I'm not attempting to justify how DE deals or doesn't deal with bug reports. Except insofar as submitting them to Support is not going to get bugs fixed; and anybody expecting a personalized staff response to a bug report--even one put in the right place--is probably being delulu. (Which is true of every game I've played, and not just this one. I expect AI will be addressing this soon if it isn't already, and will at least make people feel more like they're being listened to.) If you really just feel compelled to have an argument with someone about whether this game is inordinately buggy or not, or whether DE makes fixing bugs a high enough priority, I would not make a good dancing partner and don't intend to be one.
  5. Corpus Ship defense I'd like to be scaled down into a smaller map. :P I know that's not exactly what you're looking for with this thread. But I can't help it: it's the first thing that came to mind. Hell, it's the first five things that came to mind.
  6. Not often enough, but more than "barely ever". The key point is these responses more than anything take the form of patch notes. Direct responses to bug reports are certainly rare, extremely so in comparison to their volume. Although I'd point to the Known Issues posts, which I consider indirect responses to a significant percentage of bug reports, and a much more efficient way to do it than personal replies to every person reporting the same bug. Yeah, I'm with you there, and it's frustrating. Even moreso for me now, with the cadence we've had since Crossplay integrated platforms. But the OP said he was sending bug reports to Support, which isn't going to help the problem at all. That's all I was responding to.
  7. Usage isn't the same as power obviously, but its a lot easier to quantify. In terms of usage, combining base and primes, four of the top five frames are male. And out of the top 21, 10 are male, 10 and female, and one is Xaku. I do find the basic premise, that DE neglects frames on the basis of their gender quite dubious, although I don't think it's disprovable. Like, to me the fact that Grendel, Hydroid, and Inaros have gotten the last three extensive reworks is evidence that DE isn't neglecting male frames. Somebody else will look at that and think, "Why were these three male frames in such bad shape in the first place?!" :P
  8. Support doesn't handle bug reports. These should go in the bug report forums. Here: https://forums.warframe.com/forum/149-bug-reports/ or here: https://forums.warframe.com/forum/1874-bugs/ Although presumably there will be a new one for Dante Unbound tomorrow.
  9. Yeah, I've seen that approach suggested a few times.
  10. The first thing that comes to mind is that Euphona's buckshot has pretty ridiculous spread. Unless you're shooting at near point-blank range or at a crowd, a lot of your multishot is just going to straight up miss. Anyway, it would take a lot of testing to determine anything, but in the Sim at point blank range, 10 shots at 10 multi with 49.5% status resulted in 46 procs for me. Which is reasonable.
  11. Afaik there've been no statements. It's just based on inductive reasoning and a little bit of sketchy evidence. Personally I think it's a reasonable premise until we see an altfire weapon get Incarnononateded. And yet it's not impossible to imagine how it could happen either. So in a thread that's just about what people want to see, I don't think anybody should be coming in and wagging a finger at people who really want an Incarnon Veldt or whatever.
  12. Maybe, but my guess is that's a minor part of it. I mean, it's a relatively minor part for me with Banshee, and I play builds where a 2 second stun is valuable. Not so useful with a shieldgater, invuln/invis, or a frame that can really leverage ehp. I think it's mostly the ability suppression and a fair amount of use with the augment for affinity farming.
  13. DE shared the top 9 most used Helminth infusions recently, and Silence was #8, making it more popular than about 60 others. Of course there are a lot of outright bad options, but this still put it above some powerful and hyped choices like Pillage, Breach Surge, Ensnare, and Xata. Anyway, I don't put too much stock into popularity, but it does look like a significant number of people are finding more uses for Silence than you are.
  14. Momentary hiccup, maybe? It's working for me.
  15. It wouldn't be surprising, but it's better not to assume it in the absence of testing that verifies it. Working out that wave sizes are the same in Defense is just a case where testing may be relatively simple. On its own it doesn't answer questions like whether those spawns are throttled differently on different platforms, let alone what happens in other game modes.
  16. Well Arbitrary and I were talking about Defense. And while I don't read more into a single a-b Defense comparison than "interesting...more testing needed" I'd be far more cautious drawing conclusions about Survival. Even if it were the same player doing the comparison and duplicating everything in each sample besides platform.
  17. I think it's ugly as hell, a considerable improvement on the original, and I might love it.
  18. Switch Tele will no longer have that brief halt to Loki's movement on cast and will provide a temporary speed boost. Nothing's been mentioned about the passive that I know of.
  19. Yeah, I was curious about possible differences in how spawns were throttled too, but that would have required more samples and more controlled testing. Edit: I thought I'd mentioned this but apparently not, but I did one solo comparison in SP last year that ended up with equal spawn count. I think my partner had an older console but I wish I was certain.
  20. +1. I used Harbinger and Discipline's Merit, and lost combo every time I triggered a heavy during the Tennokai window. Heavy Slams were the same. Interestingly the Tennokai indicator doesn't vanish either, so it really does imply the heavy attacks during the window are registering as regular heavies. (Although I didn't try to see if ancillary Tennokai bonuses were applying, like the extra range on Discipline's Merit.) Also had issues as described with getting heavy regular attacks in the first place. These were less common when I had the weapon force-equipped, but didn't vanish completely.
  21. Got mine about an hour ago. So the hamsters are maybe just a little slow this weekend. edit: Rauta came up as my most used primary, which is a lie. :P But I did notice this bug(?) this year where holstered weapons were counting toward usage. Very obvious with the Rauta, which I've barely used as anything but a passive +7s combo duration statstick on Kullervo. And it very quickly became my #8 most used primary ever, despite having only ~600 kills.
  22. It probably isn't a literally harmless negative on most builds. Most will have fast reload, two shots, or both. In any of those cases, the weapon can be ready to fire before the reticle has stabilized. Well before it's stabilized with if you have additional recoil. (I have a riven like this, and I just doublechecked, so I'm not guessing here.) And yeah, I know it doesn't make any sense that recoil still matters after a reload, but that's the way the game works. All that said I don't consider it at all a serious negative, and I doubt most people would. It's harmless. Bows don't have a magazine at all, so they can't be penalized by or benefit from magazine affixes. Furthermore, negative magazine can't take even standard magazine weapons below one shot. Yeah, it does nothing. I can't think of any. As far as stance forced impact procs go, my Rabvee machete with 0 impact damage after a riven is slotted can still inflict those.
  23. I haven't given up all hope on altfire Incarnon weapons. But in order to keep my list to two of each primary, secondary, and melee I'll leave all of those out. Also not trying to be balanced in terms of role or faction or whatever: just naming the ones that come to mind immediately that would excite me most to see. (At least today.) Grinlok, Exergis. (Tigris deserves it more, and I admire it...but I love Exergis.) Twin Rogga, Twin Kohmak. Endura, Ripkas.
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