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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Caliblam "under the gaze of Pablo" [😱] according to Reb, with a tease of more info at Tennocon. So that's good news.
  2. If you're basing that assumption on its absurd price, it's more than anything else about how long it's been since the last time Baro brought it. Before today, 3 years that it was only available from trading or with a Tennocon ticket. While the mod is genuinely useful and powerful, you can see similar patterns with a few mods that are close to endo fodder.
  3. True, it is interesting. Although at the same time I don't read too much into one thread. I think a lot just depends on who happens to be on the forums when a thread is near the top. And even if we are getting a representative cross section of forum posters, they may skew a lot differently than the playerbase in general.
  4. I did have that setting enabled but haven't received the email. I just went ahead and unchecked it, saved; then rechecked it and saved again, similar to what some people have had to do with twitch account linking. Even if I get the email with the next wave, I won't know if that will have made any difference, but it seemed worth a try.
  5. Because in previous threads about this, I've felt like I'm one of very few people who've disliked perks being immutably bound to a signature frame.
  6. I don't understand Gauss or Thermal Sunder's mechanics very well, so I have some (probably silly) questions. Why is that behavior predictable? On normal enemies, it looks like the initial damage of TS doesn't scale off heat from other sources. Is that correct? Against OGs it sure looks like its damage scales down--i.e., getting worse on each cast rather than better. If I'm not hallucinating it, any idea why that would happen? Hardly. :P
  7. The main one: Update 32.1 (2022-11-02) Changed the Azima’s Alt-Fire disc maximum duration to 30 seconds. Might not seem like a big deal if one never leveraged this, but before the cap people could get it to last 12+ minutes. Also Synth Charge's bonus no longer counting on all the altfire shots. (Although my personal definition of "nerf" mostly doesn't include bugfixes, which is what I'd call this.)
  8. The disk lasts until you reload, so up to 30 shots between altfires (before mods) if that makes any difference to you.
  9. No rework, at least how I would use the word. A couple of individual tweaks to Decoy and Switch Teleport. And a very fun looking third(!) augment for Decoy.
  10. It is a confusing ability, largely because of bugs, visuals, and inconsistencies in its behavior. The first thing to know is that the beams don't strip--it's the lingering "fallout field" that's left behind that does so. The cool things about this are it strips nearly any kind of enemy it removes armor permanently the field itself can't be nullified it continues to strip new targets that wander into it has a little bit of a pull on cast that will bring some enemies in the air and on its edge into the effect and can be swung around while cast to cover 360... ...in theory. Problems: it's hard to see the field. it's often outright invisible as a client it sometimes doesn't work on individual units that are clearly within its visual area. has more issues stripping enemies at point blank range and at differing elevations. even more inconsistent with the 360 technique.
  11. Yeah, what NinjaZeku said. Most hitscan weapons have tracers to make it easier to adjust aim and add some visual punch. Naturally these have to move slow enough for us to see them. I do have regular Latron, equipped a zoom mod on it, and did some sniping on the Plains. AFAICT it was hitscan. In any case, it was killing things well before the "tracer" reached the target.
  12. I don't think it would change very much, and some of the effect could be seen as negatives for diversity. Lethal Torrent and Vig Armaments get used less, often replaced with more RoF or faction. Primary Frostbite and Conjunction Voltage get used less, probably replaced with arcanes that are more used already, and discouraging the use of less popular elements. Rivens with multishot would be somewhat less valued. Anyway, something to consider. By the way, I'm not strictly against multishot being nerfed, but I think it only makes sense as part of a large scale damage overhaul.
  13. I haven't used either weapon very much, although I'd be very surprised if they weren't basic SP capable with a decent build. (And some patience, since neither is an AoE weapon.) I don't think Prisma Grakata would be enough of an upgrade over a regular Vandal to justify investing in it from a power standpoint. Supra Vandal would be a lot better than either. Of course if you love Prisma Grakata and don't care for the Supras, then that changes things considerably. You might also keep in mind that much more powerful weapons than any of these will become available, probably pretty soon at your MR. So you may want to save your resources.
  14. Exactly this. (Except I do want universal DoT bonus mods to replace that specific function, which is the only thing I find mechanically interesting enough to miss about faction mods.)
  15. Difference for me is more developer treatment than player treatment. Hydroid did get augments, skins, and at least one mini-update before the big one. So Hydroid was funny in that DE was trying to help him and players never really went for most of it. Caliban is funny in that it's easy to think DE has forgotten him. (Being the least popular frame by some measures while beating Sevagoth's record for "longest time without an augment or skin" will do that.) Of course the background is also very different. Hydroid's been out much longer, so we can see all of DE's efforts against a longer time scale. And there are so many more frames now. More are almost bound to feel forgotten as time goes on.
  16. But last week was like a week ago. You can't live in the past, Tenno.
  17. Caliblam OP already. I can't imagine how ridiculous he'd be with an Progeny augment that kept them from blocking his movement or an extra-floaty walk.
  18. I use them probably 75% of the time, generally through configs that I have set up for all the weapons I like. I don't find it much trouble to switch between them...but when I don't feel like changing setups, I've got some loadouts set up for that too. I definitely don't feel like they should be consolidated into a new mandatory mod. If there was a change at all, I'd prefer they were outright retired as long as an equivalent to the most interesting thing about them--the DoT multiplier--was put into new, faction-agnostic mods. Not that I see getting rid of faction mods happening either, since DE only recently expanded them to Murmur.
  19. From here: https://toucharcade.com/2024/02/20/warframe-mobile-interview-rebecca-ford-iphone-ipad-ffxiv-collaboration-merchandise-controls-nitro-games-digital-extreme/
  20. Probably, but I'm not totally sure. Running the Archon Spy just now I was reminded that Narmer Grineer have slightly more sensible stealth AI than regular Grineer. And some obvious AI improvements don't have to be focused on stealth specifically to have a positive impact. There is the bigger problem of "Why improve AI when most enemies are just completely immaterial except as sources of affinity and orbs?" though.
  21. I don't find the "bullet jump and aim backwards" technique difficult--much easier than licking your elbow, let alone my own elbow for that matter. I do find it annoying, given that it needs to be refreshed constantly, with the annoyance compounded by it feeling like a cheesy exploit to me in the first place.
  22. I don't understand the criteria exactly, but this has existed for ages, long before Murmur were a thing. The example that comes immediately to mind is any time I've cracked a "Finish a Survival without killing" riven. Grineer or whatever will happily trail Ivara from room to room. I think it's dependent on mission type and maybe on tileset. Yeah, things that aren't targeted. And all stuff I find easy to avoid...solo. Squad though is a different thing entirely.
  23. Which ones? Like, they'll just attack like you're visible? I have to say I don't see this happen with normal enemies that I can think of. What does happen in certain mission types is enemies will follow the invisible frame around. But in this case they don't attack.
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