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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. I did not expect ...to end with... lol. But I agree. It's wild for instance that I can shoot a Bombard in the leg 20 times, whittling his health away, and his buddies right next to him won't become suspicious until they notice his corpse on the ground. Though since a lot of people enjoy how chill invisible frames can be in the content we already have, I'd at least like a game mode that throws more--and more interesting--obstacles in their way.
  2. Honestly Combat Discipline's health loss not triggering HA is just like "whatever" to me. I don't think I'd mind if they changed it to health damage, don't care if it stays as is. But in terms of small inconsistencies that grind my gears. Combat Discipline removing overguard instead of health--even though it says "Health" right on the label--and thus not triggering HA... lol. I still want to know if allies with overguard gain more of it when somebody in the squad has CD and makes a kill. I'd guess not, but then it's really funny because "health" means one thing for the penalty and a different thing for the bonus.
  3. AFAIK the ones that do work just have the general "On Damaged" trigger, so they trigger from health, shield, or overguard damage. Grace, which specifies "On Health Damaged" doesn't trigger from damage to Overguard. (Likewise Aegis IRT its shield damage trigger.) That's my pedantic technicality for the week, I think. Fortunately a new week is starting soon.
  4. Neat idea. If it's technically feasible, would there be any reason not to just add that to the current versions, as long as it's alluded to on the card? "Disables outside sources of Invulnerability, Shields, and Overguard". If somebody is slotting HA/Rage, it seems like they probably want to benefit from them.
  5. Just for simplicity's sake, I think they could just add uncapped kuva and credit options at lower efficiency. Or even simpler still from a UI standpoint, but maybe more problematic, uncap the current kuva and credit options, rejiggering the values as needed. Out of the other ideas suggested, I don't have strong opinions on most of them, but I'd welcome another source of ciphers, and my instinct is that more rivens isn't a great idea. But related to that, riven transmuters would be cool. Even simpler still!
  6. It's probably just the randomness of who responds to forum threads, and could be very different on a different day, but I'm surprised to see so many negative responses about signature weapon perks being tied to the frame.
  7. I don't use the Ignis, but I noticed a while back that PT wasn't working on it in the Sim. But then the next time I tested it it was working, and it had the old AoE PT behavior where the radial damage instance was centered on the last target hit. Make of that very useful info what you will, if you can make anything of it. :P There was a large scale change to the way PT functions with AoE weapons around Veilbreaker. With a few exceptions, PT does nothing for them, not even to the projectile. Regardless of what the Arsenal says. Many or most headshot triggers never stopped working with AoE. It's easiest to see with Castanas and Talons, since there is no contact damage instance to muddy the waters.
  8. Yeah. It's been true for at least as long as I've been playing, and I'd guess probably since the beginning. Although Zenith breaks through some barriers that 9.7m Argonak can't, even though they're clearly way less than that.
  9. I'm not sure what's normal, as some altfires do work. For instance throwable mines, Bramma, and at least some of the Incarnon transitions. I'm sure I've noticed others that don't, though the only ones that spring to mind immediately are the spearguns. Mainly because their post rework reload behavior irked me so much. Whatever the standard behavior is, I think there's a legitimate case for calling it a bug or at least a splotch of unnecessary friction that shouldn't be there. Maybe try binding your altfire to a different button? My standard altfire is mousewheel down, and it's much harder to use than my alternate mouse 4. Otherwise, I don't know. I'd agree if you were calling it kludge-y and unpleasant, especially with projectile speed, but it's not unusable for me. edit: in the Sim, and briefly in a solo mission. If it's presenting larger problems outside those conditions, that's suggestive.
  10. Yeah, it seems like it should be rethought. If they could make the evo ignore Puncture's debuff, that would help a lot. If not, maybe raise the CC thresholds, varying with the Braton type, and lower the CD a bit if needed.
  11. I haven't tested this. But you had another thread about this where a tester said it was working, though not reflected in the Arsenal stats. And had a couple of observations that might be pertinent if you're not seeing it work.
  12. Tiltskillet

    XP event

    There's a very good chance there be some affinity bonus events during the anniversary. Which should start at the end of the month.
  13. Well we were talking about things that mitigate the damage to player Overguard. Unless you're saying that Enthrall strips player Overguard somehow? Which would be pretty funny. When I try using Enthrall on an eximus with Overguard in the Sim, I'm not able to target it, and I wasn't able to get the beta thrall mechanic to work on it either. So I'd like to know more details if that's what you're talking about.
  14. Are you in the habit of doubletapping the button or nearly so? There's a short gap between firing the grenade and before the reload animation starts where it can be detonated. I don't think so. There was a period when they made more swerves in prime mechanics, (See Zhuge and Panthera Prime, for example.) and my guess is DE thought it would be a popular change.
  15. Partly I think you have all the people who said they disliked sequential reload for that. Although it bothers me it ended up with much longer total reload. The mag is huge in comparison of course, but I'd gladly trade some of that mag for a shorter reload. I don't think it should be made sequential at this point. Even though I'd prefer it, and I feel it was poor form to change it for the prime in the first place. But changing it after four years would be another mistake. Unless it came via an augment with other benefits. Holstered Reload is maybe the best workaround, FWIW. It sort of comes down to a range/projectile speed problem for me. At longer ranges it's not a issue for me at all. At medium ranges it's difficult with a projectile sped mod, but otherwise not. At short ranges it's very rough. And it seems almost impossible to do the "point at toes, EXPLODE" technique that's so notorious in this game. The especially irksome thing being that projectile speed is pretty desirable for normal mode. Keeping the altfire but making it autodetonate on contact would be great. (As an aside, my theory is the only reason it doesn't do this is because it was developed before the removal of self damage. Ironically though it was released right after that change.) Yep, this sucks. And if nothing else happens, this should be treated as a bug and fixed.
  16. Basically Hunter Adrenaline and Rage only confer energy on health damage; while Quick Thinking and Finesse make you take damage to energy instead as long as you're at 2hp. (Or the energy runs out. Or you take such a large damage spike that the energy pool wouldn't be enough to survive.)
  17. I don't think so. Not against sufficient damage input due to Hunter Adrenaline and Rage not supplying energy while a frame is taking energy damage. Of course Nourish is also a heal. So as long as he's got enemies to eat it's easy for Grendel to go back to taking health damage. But then the question becomes, is QT really doing much compared to say, Rolling Guard or Adaptation etc.? Or something that helps kill things faster? Especially since at a certain point high enough damage spikes will circumvent QT entirely I don't know, there might be a fun gimmick in there somewhere anyway, just having the extra buffer. I'm just not seeing it right off.
  18. I'd like DE to scrap the idea of signature bonuses and just make them innate, regardless of frame used. Maybe if they want to keep a bit of the flavor, make it so that the specific frame gets the gimmick automatically, while other frames have to grind a bit first. Weapons can be tied to frames purely by theme, lore, and aethetics. And sometimes by an implied synergy in the gimmick or design of the weapon. A good example is Knell. People will still think of Harrow even if using him isn't a requirement to get a base 2 shot mag. There are several. The wiki has a good breakdown here; https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Signature_Weapon
  19. Known issue: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1374373-whispers-in-the-walls-known-issues-thread/
  20. Well the punch contact results from an ability so... I mean, I can see why it seems nonsensical that Atlas hitting an Arbitration Drone with a statstick does damage but doing it with his statsticked fist does not. But I think looking hard at the realism of the game's rules is largely a dead end. From a bug reporting standpoint, anyway. That's why I think a feedback thread explaining how you feel about it would make more sense.
  21. Most things don't affect Overguard, but there are at least a couple of exceptions. Not counting invulns and debuffs, Dodge mitigation and Ancient Healer Specter aura do reduce incoming damage to Overguard directly. I'd guess the latter is a bug, and I'd hope the former isn't. Armor, Adaptation, airborne mitigation, blocking, and Eclipse (unaugmented) do not. I suspect the many things I haven't tested don't either, but I'd not be shocked if there was another oddball or two.
  22. Looking at the images I still don't understand the bug. Is it not allowing you to rotate every active hex?
  23. I like the way recoil works in this game, but I'm not prone to nausea from screenshake. So it would be great if there were an alternate system in place so that people could choose. If that's not possible, DE should release more 0 recoil weapons, and a few more recoil reduction sources. And eliminate the recoil on weapons where it didn't originally exist like the Phantasma. Kulstar is odd in that ADS drastically reduces the recoil.
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