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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. I like the way recoil works in this game, but I'm not prone to nausea from screenshake. So it would be great if there were an alternate system in place so that people could choose. If that's not possible, DE should release more 0 recoil weapons, and a few more recoil reduction sources. And eliminate the recoil on weapons where it didn't originally exist like the Phantasma. Kulstar is odd in that ADS drastically reduces the recoil.
  2. Same. "Adds 90% of Base Damage as Heat" would be more accurate, and at least gets the idea across that it's not like a 90% IPS mod. OTOH, it's still subject to misinterpretation, and it's not going to be clear to most new players what "base damage" is getting at.
  3. If you want to health tank for whatever reason it'll extend her capability and comfort ceiling. 73% DR (from armor) with 1000 health and incidental shieldgate is enough for me for 1 hr SP, although it gets my heart rate up quite high after 40 minutes, and starts depending more and more on the shieldgate. (I think I could take it somewhat higher, but 1 hour is really pushing it hard for my fingers and attention span.) Stack it on top of that armor and that's 93% DR. Which I don't think would raise my upper limit any significant measure, but make it more comfortable getting there. If you want to stack that with Adaptation it's 98%+ However I'd personally rather inject Breach Surge as long as it retains the ability to blind eximus. Plus rad procs and headshot fireworks, yeehah. I may still contemplate Eclipse on a few frames that are already tanky. On Merulina's health pool? The wiki says Total Eclipse doesn't work on that currently. If you mean on the DR Yareli gets from Merulina, I don't know. Although I would either expect it to work or expect the wiki to say something about it if it didn't.
  4. Does Total Eclipse DR affect Ironskin? Eclipse DR doesn't affect Recompense Overguard, so I wouldn't think so. But WF is full of surprises.
  5. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1374373-whispers-in-the-walls-known-issues-thread/ Known Issues (Either Investigating or Pending Hotfix): Stropha shots do not gain Combo
  6. Certainly. Although a fair amount of people are using it in such a way as to get the full bonus, regardless of light.
  7. Yeah, they changed course on that, though it would have been good to have spelled it out here.
  8. I still don't understand that comment. It sounded like Reb said "That's part of GDC with Steve" if I didn't mishear. Why would Steve have anything to do with a Caliban announcement? Why would they do that at GDC? Did Reb think the chat question (which Steve read) was about something else entirely? Anyway, GDC is happening next week and there are some DE people doing a session there, so... It's probably nothing though.
  9. 10 seconds is pretty long, although maybe the chance could be structured differently. Also it already opens up finishers. Hopefully it's not losing that capability. Also blinds eximus, last I checked. Which I'll definitely be retesting once this goes live.
  10. That's a good point, but it comes with several important caveats you didn't spell out.
  11. No, no, no, it's not complicated. You just put "READY TO RELEASE UPDATE"* in all caps on the company's shared calendar. But put it on an EARLY date. And then when that day comes...you release it. Implement this plan and really nothing is stopping us from getting major expansions every day! *Extra credit for posting "READY TO RELEASE BUG FREE UPDATE".
  12. Yeah, good catch. Now I'm curious whether it works for allies (without channeled abilities active on them)while you've got Gloom active. Anyway, according to the wiki, While Gloom is active, Sevagoth can not replenish energy using Energy Vampire, Rift Plane's innate energy regeneration, or Squad Energy Restores. While Gloom is active, but not draining energy, Sevagoth can replenish energy using Rally Point, Energy Siphon, Energy Nexus, Dreamer's Bond, and/or Wellspring. If an enemy walks into range the energy replenishment from these effects will halt until the enemy is removed from the radius. With Thurible in the first category according to your testing. As far as Thurible specifically goes, I think any reasonable but niche buff like this would be welcome. But it seems like for consistency's sake these should all or almost all work while Gloom is toggled but not draining, or none of them should work. Personally I don't care that much which, but I haven't thought through the ramifications.
  13. The 30th is a Saturday. i.e., Steve was making what humans call a "joke".
  14. You're probably thinking of the Tenoras. There may be more, but I can't think of any others that do this--Soma doesn't. Yeah, exactly. Same with all of them really, it's just the Kohm family take it to another level by increasing multishot as well as RoF. I think that gets at what may be part of the disconnect between how people view these weapons. Some seem to view it as an irredeemable hindrance. So they don't argue for shorter spools or better spooled-up stats because no matter what it's just a roadblock, delaying them from getting to the "good stuff". But for me, there is some special delayed gratification to holding Tenora's trigger down and seeing it ramp up to max. And if it didn't have the ramp-up, not only would it lose that distinct character, but it would be balanced around an average. No spooling, but also brrrrrrrrrt mode wouldn't be quite as brrrrrrrrrt-y. Sometimes I'd rather have the high and the low than something that just stays parked somewhere in the upper-middle. When I want that, there are a few hundred of those right there in my Arsenal.
  15. I don't have an answer, as I haven't infused it on any other frames yet. But keep in mind the Pillars need LoS. And it's quite strict, seemingly based on a point pretty low down on the Pillar. (The very first pulse, the one that occurs on the initial slam is slightly more forgiving for some reason.) So besides range, they often need careful placement, and will work much better on some maps than others. I really like using rad status for CC too and enjoy trying to get the most out of it in Qorvex's kit. But as it's a very soft form of CC I do wish the LoS requirement was loosened up or removed, or that a third pillar could be placed, or that the base range was somewhat higher. Although it's decent from a damage perspective, especially with the Crucible Blast synergies. But of course, another frame using Pillar won't benefit from those.
  16. For the most part the people I deal with seem like they're totally fine waiting a minute or two for a response. Of course that doesn't mean I expect them to wait patiently for me and not contact other sellers. You might try adjusting Options // Social // Chat Notifications Volume and maybe lowering some of your other audio.
  17. I'm getting it to work in the Sim. L190 CHG Eximus, with Ceramic 30% CC bonus, damage done to Overguard... unmodded: 1375 white, occasional 1375 yellow. + Sac Steel: 1375 yellow, no white. + Organ Shatter: 2613 yellow, no white. So 1.9x CD. + Red CD Shard: 2957 yellow, no white. 2.15x CD. How, where, and on what did you test it? I have a couple of thoughts on what could have gone wrong if you were testing in the Sim.
  18. Counterpoint: the OP's account name isn't IncarnonElementBasedGunblade. :P
  19. I'm not sure which proposals you're referring to. In any case I'm responding to this proposal, not one I think was made in the past about melee. And FWIW I don't think it's utterly hopeless that automelee gets a toggle itself some day, though I haven't had a need for it myself.
  20. Have you seen a lot of people madly ranting about how great Safeguard Switch is? :P
  21. The OP's proposal is a full-auto option, not a conversion of all semi auto weapons to full auto.
  22. Atlas Landslide is the one that springs immediately to mind for me, although as a targeted ability the way autocast was implemented would require some consideration. I can imagine Whipclaw might be simpler example, but I don't play Khora. Shattered Lash I know from experience could be way more pleasant with auto-repeat. It presents an issue though in that hold-cast already has a function on it, so that would have to change too. (Personally I'd be ok sacrificing easy access to the thrust attack, but other people might feel differently.)
  23. I imagine it would look just like how they do now with macros and scroll wheel input.
  24. It's standard for Arbitration drones and the units in their aura to be unaffected by abilities. So it would be a bug if they were affected by Landslide. You might instead want to create a post in Mission Feedback or Warframe Feedback about why you'd like this changed.
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