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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. What Tesla_Reloaded said was my first thought. There is at least one map where it spawns really high, and another where it's on a level underneath that wasn't immediately apparent to me. It does help me to have the game sound on, because I can often hear its audio before I see it. I can only say I haven't yet had a Netracell where I couldn't progress due to the Necramite being missing. Although there have been times it took me a while to find it, and a couple where I never did see it, but somehow killed it anyway. I also haven't had the map fail to show the overlay hint of where it is.
  2. Some discussion of what is probably the same bug here: Common observation seems to be that some AoE works but direct damage doesn't. I don't think this is specific to Kullervo.
  3. It does. Since I'm here in a Ferrox thread, I'll mention another bug(?) with the Ferrox pulse: it seemingly can only damage targets that can be affected by its CC. So no Overguard eximus, juggernauts, demolishers, etc.
  4. I don't think so, not exactly anyway. The mechanic is very specific, happened at the same time armor strips were reworked in general, and seems warranted by the general mediocrity of the ability without it. My guess is it's either something they played around with but didn't mean to release, or something they meant to release and the writer of the patch notes didn't get the memo.
  5. Did you know it already strips a flat 1/3 armor? Anyway, what's your plan for the augment? It obviously couldn't be left as is and be remotely worthwhile. It's quite powerful already. Although I'd really enjoy adding a second stun when enemies exit the radius. Either a short stun innately (though probably not on the Helminth version) or added to Savage Silence; or a longer stun on a new augment. I really don't think DE is ever going to intentionally make Sound Quake easier to afk with again. It's either going to get reworked to be more active, replaced with something very different, or just keep on being the worst ultimate in the game.
  6. Calibam is so crazy already. DE knows Warframe players are far from ready for the unbridled majesty of ¡AUGMENTED CALIBLAM!
  7. Both strange, misbegotten systems. Unix Time is where it's at.
  8. Between that, how quickly they can recover, and radar and vacuum continuing to work while they're incapacitated, not that important to me.
  9. Nice video on this, in that the creator tries to approach the question scientifically:
  10. A few of the throws have far more radical arcing than any of the bows, although I think the classic ones like Kunai, Spira, Hikou are pretty comparable. Are you in the habit of fully charging bows when you use them? This drastically reduces the projectile drop, almost eliminating it except at very long ranges. Most conventional projectile weapons have no drop, so one just has to compensate for travel time, rather than both arcing and travel time. Like, Aeolak is far easier to make accurate long range shots with than Spira Prime, even though they have 100 accuracy and Aeolak seems to have a little less projectile speed. The throwing animations bothering you is an interesting theory. I definitely notice it and not in a positive way with Pox and all its dangle-y bits.
  11. If you have access to primary weapon arcanes, or once you do, the crit chance / crit damage riven will be much, much better.
  12. I'll mention what I always do when this topic comes up: Back in 2019 DE released the following update for bows: Bow Stat Changes: When tracking down a bug why Paris Bows were doing less Damage than their Arsenal stats indicated, internal stats were reporting all Bows doing more damage than they actually were. Below is a review of all Bows (with the exception of the Lenz) and increased stats where appropriate: ... I would bet a little money something similar is still going on with the conventional throwing weapons. If nothing else, their difficulty in use isn't accounted for at all in DE's calculations. I mean, compare these two old MR 10 sidearms A. Burst DPS 570; Sustained DPS 285; Procs per sec 6.6; MR 9 B. Burst DPS 320; Sustained DPS 265; Procs per sec 0.46; MR 10 "A" is a hitscan base weapon: Twin Grakata "B" is an arcing projectile advanced variant: Spira Prime. The "best" conventional throwing weapon. It's also a little newer and slightly higher MR. It's an extreme example, because Twin Graks are monsters, but there are plenty of others. I like the concept, but I think it doesn't address the basic issues with these weapons. Spira Prime only has a crit adjusted average shot of 96. So one opportunity per enemy to get a more damaging shot that may not kill it instantly isn't going to be that impactful. And to really get something out of it, there's a commitment to stealth play Which is dear to my heart, but I just can't imagine is a major part of the game's experience for most players. This is not a weakness, it's the one great thing Talons have going for them. :P
  13. Because Nezha is getting a potentially great status augment for his 4, Voruna's 2, since it also spreads status, needs to be buffed or reworked? wat Seems like if anything you should be making a suggestion for a Fangs augment.
  14. Explanation of the mechanics of these, expected and unexpected. ~3:45. He get a single green to work with Banshee in base SP, which is something. But I'm certain he could have done that with other sources of healing instead, considering everything else going into that build.
  15. C'mon confuzzled, at least wait for it to be released before you start calling it names.
  16. They haven't said. Just that the target is for it to still be very useful and popular.
  17. Seems like he's in the same position as the majority of frames in that way. But with an added 0.5 gate on top of his shield gate and less vulnerability to toxin if he chooses to go with Intrepid Stand.
  18. Just copypasta from other posts for problems that sound similar. Filters also affect the Modding Console when accessed from the Arsenal. i.e. Equipment >> Arsenal >> Upgrade >> Mods Hope it helps: If mods show up in the Arsenal but not the Modding Console it's probably a filter issue. There is a filter button on the bottom right of the Mod Console screen. A good configuration for this so no mods are hidden is Show Maxed: ✓ Rarity: Show All Polarity: Show All Game Mode: Universal Anything different than that can hide some mods.
  19. It seems odd that you're always low on Ferrite. Even when I was first starting, that was a resource I never worried about. But I've never used Air Support very much, so my take on it may not be the normal one. Although somebody suggesting Argon to replace some of that cost is a suggestion I would never have dreamt to see. :P
  20. If we're talking bugfixes, quasi-bugfixes, and UI stuff I'd add Sentient Wrath's lift status is often cancelled by damage. Which can be a good thing, if you're not depending on it for CC, but renders it almost pointless if you are. Really I feel this whole aspect of the ability needs to be reconsidered, but that's probably outside the scope of "fixes". Lethal Progeny block movement and non-Punch Through shots. Very amusing with self-stagger weapons. Also they only supply shields within 25m, but they easily wander far outside that range. And there is no clear indicator how many are out. There is a shield regen buff icon, but you have to calculate how many Progeny that translates to, which can vary with ability strength. And you have to find it in the buff bar. It would be so much simpler just to have a number on or above the ability icon. Fusion Strike's fallout field is not only hard to see, it's outright invisible (most of the time?) when one is the client. It also sometimes doesn't strip individual enemies for no discernible reason. It also had a grouping effect added in Caliban's only non-cosmetic update, but this is almost non-functional.
  21. I like this suggestion. The OP didn't say anything about RoF, but I find it useful to have a high RoF ranged weapon if the other slot has a low RoF weapon. For applying status generally, and for taking down nully bubbles specifically. I'd probably go Gibber / Ramflare for the extreme version, or Gibber / Macro Thymoid if I wanted some damage potential out of it. As a non-kitgun alternative, I really like Afuris Prime in this role. Incarnon Furis is even better.
  22. Yep. The same problem existed with Riven Ciphers. But that got fixed at some point so that it at least shows how many we have on the confirmation screen.
  23. I read this as just adding 6 seconds to the base direction and dismissed it. But you're right: it's not worded that way. Considering Kullervo has plenty of reason to recast WA regularly anyway, +6 seconds on every WA cast would be quite the augment.
  24. Any other circumstances you can describe where you were doing 0 damage? For instance, what kind of enemy, what level, and where? FWIW I ran a quick test with Dual Ichor and was getting damaging front, back, and stealth finishers with no problems that I saw.
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