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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. https://www.youtube.com/live/_k1tkT_4tUk?si=Pn0aUUUzt3LUYMea
  2. I use the charged shot for utility, or sometimes for getting rid of lots of trash. Quick shot works better for me normally.
  3. It certainly suffers in comparison to AoE weapons that came later, and I could say the same for Sonicor, Penta, Kulstar, Lenz, and more. Offhand I think the Staticor has held up better than most for its age. Like when it comes up in Circuit, I'm happy to see it. So to me maybe the first thing it's crying out for is a good augment or variant. But... ...this would be fantastic.
  4. Yeah, I agree it could be read into that way, though it's not what they said. (And maybe it's not as simple a matter to remove enemy headshots as it is enemy crits. For example, hypothetically maybe that would have an unwanted effect on Conclave without special coding.) OTOH there are often differences between the literal interpretation of patch notes and the in-game effect.
  5. That's just tenths of a second. Although enemy heat procs just tick down from 6.0 to 5.0 and so on rather than displaying actual tenths.
  6. I don't know, but the following patch note implies they can or could: Hotfix 35.0.9 (2024-01-17) Removed the ability for enemies to deal critical hits to players, Defense targets, Extractors, Rescue targets, and all other friendly targets. In most cases, enemies equipped with “player” weapons (Grineer Ballista using the Vulkar for example) could land critical hits due to those weapons using the same crit setup as their player counterpart. With a lack of feedback to inform players as to why or how sudden damage spikes were occurring, these enemies could easily jeopardize a mission. Additionally, while it makes sense to reward players for landing critical headshots, whether an enemy hits a head or not is outside of player control - which ultimately made countering it near impossible. So, in an effort to provide more consistent and predictable damage output from enemies, we have removed their ability to deal critical hits. I read that as most likely meaning they can still inflict headshots, just not criticals or critical headshots.
  7. While I think you're right to a degree, and I would expect things like Dispatch Overdrive to get used less, my guess is even deletion of viral on Nourish wouldn't impact variety very drastically. I think the majority of people use that Viral to supplement weapons they'd be using anyway, either because of fondness or feel or power or whatever. It'll affect modding variety, but there are other ways to offload viral. And to the extent that priming weapons get used more, that's variety and somewhat richer gameplay IMO. There could be other positive effects on variety too, if not directly on variety as it pertains to the ways weapons are used. And that's all assuming the viral weapon buff gets removed. Which seems possible but I don't think is at all a given.
  8. This year the new one is Dex Nikana. It's impossible to say anything for sure, but personally I don't foresee a Dex archgun unless maybe archwing gets reworked. I think they want the gift weapons to be something a player just starting out can get a lot of use out of immediately. And probably not part of a system a lot of people dislike.
  9. Unless its an absorptive form of digestion, like a fungus or tapeworm. Actually we could combine passive, aggressive, and eating and give him Absorptive Digestion, where if he stands still he gradually eats enemies that stay within 5m over the course of, say, 24 hours or so. Actually this seems a little unfair though, giving Rhino a passive that's about the same as Inaros' Devour.
  10. Loki is a meme, so Loki automatically wins on that front. Plus the augment does look really fun. Other than that I'm most excited about Nezha's Divine Spears augment. I play him a lot, and it's easy to fit augments on him. Plus I expect there may be shenanigans involved. Could be great / could be terrible: The Axios Javelin augment. The one I don't think I'll ever use is Kullervo's. I mostly want Storm in a different place than I'm in, and when I want it to move to me I'll just recast. The duration bonus is a nice little perk, but I'm pretty satisfied with my current duration. If the augment made his 4 a tap/hold where tap left it immobile I'd be somewhat more interested.
  11. The last one was delayed longer due to the event being reworked. So I'd bet on it happening within a year.
  12. Objective seems a bit much. Breach Surge has lower range and longer cast time than Radial Blind. And there's a delay even after its cast while Breach's projectiles seek out targets to blind, and it seems (even) less forgiving about LoS than Radial Blind. However...and this is a big "however"...Breach Surge also blinds eximus through Overguard, while Radial Blind does not. (Although the mini-RB on Exalted Blade spins does, because nothing in Warframe is straightforward.)
  13. Totally agree that blocking would be great, even if it's not the full effect. Probably me with Kullervo. I can't recall if I've tested it with other sources of Overguard, so I just tested it with Iron Skin in the Sim. Level 47 Butcher does 200 damage normally, 50 if he catches Rhino in a roll.
  14. I actually tried that first, but there are only four corrosive capable enemies listed in the wiki (I don't know if it's complete or not.) and the three I have scanned did not seem able to inflict corrosive status. The one I don't have scanned is the Artificer, which doesn't appear in the game any longer. It apparently had a Stug so it might be a promising one if anybody has it scanned and wants to give it a shot.
  15. I don't know, since I don't have a great picture of how fast Confusion would build up and how easy it would be to maintain. So I really did mean "not sure" rather than "these are bad numbers". I'd just want him to be able to approach current range with reasonable preparation--whatever that means--and probably exceed it substantially with extensive preparation and management. Definitely more interested in that general goal than the numbers needed to get there.
  16. Have a cap in mind? And no decay except when visible? It seems like with all the Confusion generation you've got built into the abilities, he's just going to max this out unless he runs out of enemies for a while. Maybe a short CD on the finisher generation, so that he can't just use ground finishers to cheese it. I'd suggest it persist for at least a couple of seconds before exploding. Nice to see Decoy to its thing for a few moments, and otherwise it could be quite annoying when trying to Switch Tele with it. So just to be clear, Vanish is always dispelled by attacks that aren't headshots or finishers? Not sure about the numbers here, but I like the general idea.
  17. Just for curiosity's sake, I'd be curious if the durations change... - as you take duration mods off and put them back on. - if you duplicate the mod order from the first config to the second, and vice versa.
  18. In the Sim a Butcher was causing me 13 damage with 684 armor normally, and it looked like it went up slightly with heat status. Because the heat dot makes it tricky to separate the heat dot from other damage I'm not certain though. It'd be easier with video, but I don't have access to that at the moment.
  19. Just FYI, it's the same way with most or all skins and Incarnon forms. Personally, I have a small preference for seeing the Incarnon form even if I have a skin equipped. So I suppose another route is to make a checkbox in Options or the Appearance tab for Incarnon weapons.
  20. I don't know if that's true. But if they are weak for their MR and class, and maybe age, I think that's best addressed by buffing their stats or supplementing them with augments or variants rather than changing their character. Is "theatrics" meant to be an insult, or to imply I don't hold the positions I say I do? I've been honest and polite and have tried to be understanding , and I don't know what I might have done to deserve it. I certainly wouldn't put significant time into trolling a feedback thread for chuckles.
  21. Safeguard Loki is close-ish. Not in terms of laziness really, as its more busy and fiddle-y than Rev. And has more limitations. Not good in boss fights without a supply of minions except where Switch Tele can target the boss. Requires an augment. OTOH, he really is invulnerable, unlike Rhino, Nezha, or Ivara. And not as restricted as Valk or Nyx. And Loki's invuln doesn't know the meaning of nullification.
  22. Some of us asked for that when parazon mods were introduced. But probably DE wanted to push Mercy finishers when those were the shiny new thing, rather than the old, cobwebby things that finishers were. I'd still like these to have a reduced effect on standing finishers at least. Ground finishers could be more awkward for some of the Mercy mods though, given that they can kill many targets at once.
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