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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Oh, well you wouldn't if you have better non-spooled weapons available, and don't care about reasons other than results. But you could insert any other weapon attribute into that question and have the same answer. Why pick projectile? Why pick falloff? Why pick charge-up? Why pick finite ammo? Or the really common one, why pick non-AoE? In a vacuum, all of these seem like valid questions, but we don't play in a vacuum. Outside of Archwing, anyway. :P Let's put it a different way.... Reading your last reply, if we weren't in a "delete spool up" thread, I might think you were complaining that we don't have good enough spool-up weapons. And I'd probably agree, because Secura Dual Cestra kinda sucks, we don't have an advanced variant of Twin Kohmak, and Incarnon Soma doesn't do much for me in its regular mode, etc. (I don't have Incarnon Gorgon built yet.) Since I don't hate auto-spool weapons innately, adding better ones seems like the natural solution to that. Far more natural than "delete auto-spool" which still wont make these weapons competitive in your Knukor and Bramma comparisons, or magically make them become turrets like the Azima.
  2. Oh definitely. Although maybe it used to have more problems, especially with Fatal Tele. I couldn't replicate this in the Sim yesterday though, so maybe it's cleaned up Switch Tele I use a lot, and it does still fizzle occasionally. WA OTOH I hit 2 times just by habit, because I'm trained to expect the first one to fail. It's not nearly that bad in reality, but it's bad enough.
  3. Yeah, I didn't mean to imply Sonar was better than radar in Open Worlds, only that Sonar does better in those than it does on most maps.
  4. ?? Sonar does behave that way. You can see the highlighting gradually show up on enemies with distance. A fun way (well, it was fun for me) to observe it is to go to an open world map with long range Sonar and no radar. You can see enemy markers gradually popup on the map in an expanding circle.
  5. I'd think the scientific way to get an answer to this is start calling one of your alts names and then report yourself.
  6. They all kill things so far as I know. Maybe I don't understand your question.
  7. Which spool-up weapons don't have have any positives?
  8. It didn't need its ammo nerfed so hard in Veilbreaker. Ammo pick up is a stat I would have no problem getting bumped up a notch, same with falloff. I guess. I just don't think it's a major limitation when the game feels pretty easy overall, so I feel relatively free to select weapons for character that I enjoy. To a point anyway. Slow single target weapons I find really difficult to use in more horde-y content. Most automatic weapons though are on the more challenging end but still in my comfort zone. And Twin Kohmak among the more capable of those that are still technically single target, since it does decent damage, has natural spread, and some innate punch through.
  9. They're in better shape than the majority of weapons without slash focus, since they do have some they have a couple of forced slashes on their standard combos, and forced slash on their heavies and finishers. It's a little ironic to grumble about this now, when recent updates have made them better at slash via their heavies and ground finishers. And Melee Arcanes and the puncture buff have made a slash focus a little less important. FWIW I've been taking advantage of these changes and using Endura again a ton.
  10. Yes, please. I'd really like all the stances with missing combos to be completed. Some that don't even have one complete stance even more so than polearms, which at least has Twirling Spire with all four moves. Sparring, Staves, and Whips all lack even that. And then, getting further afield, I'd love a second stance for all the weapon classes that only have one.
  11. I can kind of get it. Less so with Mesmer specifically. But what I really don't get was adding the CD on Mesmer charge loss instead of buffing his other abilities. (Don't even get me started on their stated reasoning for adding the CD, after making no allowances for the extra vulnerability of other frames that were more fragile and more dependent on CC and more impacted by Eximus 2.0.) :/ ) You are totally right though. It's utterly pointless to blame players for DE's mistakes.
  12. This * ♾️. I'd bet there are reasons it wasn't done this way from the beginning. I can even guess at one or two. But gawd, now that they've said they're finally going to save Circuit point progress, I hope they're also willing to look at how much extra friction this lobby causes.
  13. Yeah, I can understand where you're coming from. Like I said earlier, at one time I avoided these weapons too. And maybe if I were an engineer or armorer or gun collector I'd still be agreeing with you. But all I can say now is...I don't feel that way at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not going to disparage anybody for disliking characteristics of imaginary items in a video game. But I do believe extra caution is warranted in making permanent changes to longstanding weapons that affect their feel. Twin Kohmak has been around for 5 years, plenty of time for a few weirdos like me to become attached to them. And I do see it in lists of "favorite fringe weapons" and the like, so I'm not the only one. In your shoes I'd be more inclined to feedback along the lines of "I'd like a weapon a lot like Kohm, but without that spool-up which feels bad to me." Or, "When you design Incarnon Twin Kohmak [🔥!! ] can it have an evolution that starts it at its max RoF?" Speaking of which, what about the exilus mod that removes spool-up idea? Too much of a hassle?
  14. Oh, dang, I disagree. Although for a long time I avoided these weapons by default, so I kind of know what you mean. But even then my thought process was more "spool-up weapons aren't my cup of tea" rather than "remove spool-up from the game". Then I revisited Twin Kohmak, after initially treating it as MR fodder. And I'm so glad I did, because it's fun as hell, and it became my favorite side-arm in the game. For a lot of reasons, but the biggest one is its feel. Spool-up is an integral part of that. Since then I've really gotten into Tenora Prime, and have just recently started having a blast with Kuva Kohm. Despite all that, one proposal I've seen once or twice that people who hate the mechanic might appreciate is this: an exilus mod that removes it. Maybe with a small bonus to something else too.
  15. I think it's basically Verglas and Helstrum. I prefer Helstrum overall for utility, but Verglas is competitive with it and much better at killing things. (I don't really care about my pets killing things though.) Vulklok has a niche use as a Tenacious Bond statstick. Deconstructor is decent at killing if you like using Helios, though still not as good as Verglas except maybe at low-ish levels. If any of the other weapons have niches, I'd love to hear about them. But I think sentinel weapons may look a lot different once the second part of the Companion rework happens. Whether that happens soon or not is anybody's guess.
  16. Oh yeah? I bet you can't list even half that many. :P
  17. Ha, well, it seems like you understand how it works better than I do. What I didn't do yesterday was compare it to radar mods, and doing that now I can see what you mean. While what I described is basically true, Sonar map highlighting is constrained by the edges of the minimaps, whereas normal radar highlighting is happy to mark things on my screen well outside those edges. Like I mentioned yesterday, it does work much better in areas with larger maps available like the Plains. Anyway, good job bringing this up.
  18. I think that DE should stick to whatever commitments they made in the past about exclusivity. (I haven't followed the issue in this thread, so I'm not saying they made a commitment and broke it here. I'm venturing no opinion on that.) Going forward I agree with you, the less fomo the better. But they should be transparent about it and take care not to imply exclusivity where there is none. Because that's predatory too.
  19. For whatever guesses are worth, mine is that we see it next time, since this season they finally reintroduced some that had been missing even longer.
  20. It's just old. Bleeds bypassed shields (as well as armor) before the status and shield rework in 2020.
  21. In most areas the minimap only extends about 45 meters. So in a static environment, Sonar only extends range between the innate 30m radar and that upper limit. Although in reality, longer range Sonar will highlight spawned enemies in advance so that they show up once they're within ~45m. Not terribly useful, but it's there. Open World maps and minimaps are larger, so you'll get more value out of it on these. I think some other minimaps might be larger too, but I'm not certain. As an aside, I've always been curious if the effect on other players' minimaps still works and how reliably.
  22. Ah, I always forget hounds are a thing since I still haven't done SoP content. I should do something about that some day.
  23. Can it be good at spreading viral adequately now? Before Bonds, I generally didn't find it useful for that except as a supplement. Unreliable and too slow even when it was reliable. And I play pretty slow compared to a lot of people. Much better than old Panzer is new Manifold Diriga. Better than that potentially is Melee Influence, if one wants to use melee. I still think these won't be ideal compared to supplying the viral oneself for a lot of builds. OTOH the game can be so easy that "ideal" priming isn't needed, and may not even be noticed.
  24. According to the wiki, that's [de]Megan screaming her head off.
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