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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Teleport and Switch Teleport get hung up too. Definitely much more rarely than WA though,
  2. To me it's not inherently bad, just a product of DE stated game logic. And thus more logical than the exceptions to that logic on other abilities and effects. Spears apply their damage, they don't apply their CC. Because they don't apply their CC, they're not impaled targets for the purposes of Chakram propagation. So for me, there's no dissonance there. While for Fracturing Crush there is, and making that same illogic apply to Divine Spears would be a step backwards. I don't know that it's supposed to chain to every target. The ability description and the old dev workshop just say "spawn a second Chakram" and make no further promises that I can see. You're right in that it would be fantastic to get better targeting selection out of the extra Chakrams at least. Maybe the augment will also propagate the damage vulnerability. It only said "status" on the augment card, but Melee Influence is an example of the word perhaps being more flexible. I don't think so. Or at least I'm not seeing the slam damage happen in the Simulacrum without manually activating it, and it ignores the invalid targets I've looked at in that case. This does match the described behavior in the ability tip.
  3. Well of course, because there was nothing to slam, lol. Enemies have to be CC'd by the spear for that to happen. (And the second damage element requires reactivation of the ability before its duration ends for each individual target.) Yes, but I can't figure out what significance individual spears that aren't impaling a target would have to you. (Speaking of the game right now, not after the change you propose.) Unless you would just like having spears persist as a visual even if they aren't doing anything? To me that seems like unnecessary clutter. I feel like there is something basic I'm not understanding in what you're saying. I should have said "officially documented" to be more clear. As in, "acknowledged by DE" rather than "described by players." As far as your proposal goes... I acknowledge that Overguard's effect on most CC is frustrating and flawed. But I think the system until it's completely revised should be consistent. Even if DE someday acknowledges some exceptions as intended, Nezha is far, far down the list of frames I would think need special consideration.
  4. 306. #800 I don't know, but with a name like that it's got to be a PUNK. :P
  5. The only frame I've refused thus far to replace anything on, and the very idea offends me a bit, is Harrow. There are a few more where I don't particularly like replacing anything or my favorite builds involve their four native abilities. Kullervo is probably the best example. (Not counting a bunch I've never replaced anything on because I just don't like or want to spend any time or resources on the frame.)
  6. Let's find out. Just msg me when you're on. I tried you just now and it said offline.
  7. The spears despawning before their duration ends shouldn't be happening normally. It does happen in two cases that I'm aware of: when there is nothing but Overguarded enemies left alive in its radius, or due to nullification. Were you definitely seeing something other than those? Where and what were you fighting? If there is a bug where the spears are despawning when they shouldn't be, my opinion is the bug should be fixed. And if anything the undocumented CCs like Fracturing Crush that work through Overguard should be fixed to no longer do so. Or DE needs to review the system entirely.
  8. I feel like that was 10 years ago!
  9. I got a message for all you reload control liberals out there, you want my reload, you come take it from me.
  10. I like Harrow a lot as he is, but I can see a lot of appeal in this idea. It basically accomplishes the same thing, but gives him some protection from mis-tapping Penance at the end of Covenant, and a little bit of protection if he gets nullified during Covenant. It's also some built in self damage for Retaliation, when can be such a frustration to charge up in squads. It's slightly less thematic, and wouldn't have quite the same endorphin rush of his current gameplay when everything goes right. But I wouldn't cry if Pablo stole your idea. :P
  11. Oh gawd, here come the fun police. If I'm having a good time deleting entire maps and speeding up this game's horrific grind for my squadmates with the reload on my Buzlok, why is that a bad thing? SMH
  12. Way too many things. My mind boggles at listing even 10% of them. I'll just go for the two most recent additions to my favorites Incarnon Bronco Prime. Total PITA to charge up, not really that impressive once it is, and unfortunately the charges last about 10 seconds. Needs a lot of special modding and babying to be remotely worthwhile, especially compared to the decent Incarnon weapons. (Let alone the really good ones.) But damn, I find this thing satisfying. Qorvex. Not a great Warframe. All four of his abilities have serious flaws, and it depresses me he got minimal iteration after release. But I love the visual and sound design so much, and the chonky health and armor, and I've always got a kick out of rad status...I just find myself playing him a lot, and having a great time doing so.
  13. I can provide you a list: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Passives/Weapon You didn't say it had to be an even-remotely-close-to complete list! :P Here is an augment list. Unfortunately, like the above, it's not just melee. But I think it's at least fairly comprehensive: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Weapon_Augments
  14. I find Reload is a valuable tool when I want to reload something, but somewhat overrated. For instance, even if I hold the reload button down really hard, or hammer on it 20 times, it barely reloads my Ripkas at all.
  15. I can give you most of those mods if we're both on at the same time, no trade necessary. The only one I know I don't have a spare of is Shrapnel Rounds. When you're back online again just let me know.
  16. I'm not sure if the wording you used just wasn't precise, or if you've been misled about how the ability works. Sentient Wrath's vulnerability isn't dependent on the lift. It works on at least some targets that can't be lifted, and continues to apply to targets where the lift has been ended early.
  17. I'm quite aware! I guess I didn't communicate my point very well. I'll quote your previous post again while I try to be more clear. I'm not disputing that the Incarnon form doesn't function as normal with multishot. I don't have the weapon, but the behavior as I understand it is exactly what I've seen in other hitscan AoE examples: multishot doesn't affect the number of explosions. And this has been noted for the Zylok and the other examples elsewhere. The best compilation I know of being here: (There are other examples of multishot behaving weirdly there, but I'm talking specifically about the first section dealing with hitscan explosions.) What does surprise me is your observation that multishot wasn't working with the Zylok's Incarnon projectiles before, and since last week's update(?) that has been fixed. That's odd because there was no patch note about the Zylok at all, because the previous behavior you describe doesn't match that of the other AoE hitscan weapons, and because it's not noted anywhere else that I'm aware of. Rainy's post specifies the radial damage instances, as does the wiki article you mentioned, while also noting "...despite direct damage working as normal with multishot". None of these is conclusive. Shadow changes happen regularly, and the wiki is put together by human beings who miss things and assume things And while rainy seems extremely thorough, it's not inconceivable this could be overlooked. So that's why I'm curious how certain you are that multishot wasn't working on the Incarnon Zylok's projectiles until very recently. Because if it was different before and now is in line with the other hitscan AoE weapons, that has the troubling implication that this behavior is what DE intends and the outlier has now been fixed. Is that more clear now?.
  18. That's a totally reasonable reaction. I just think inducing frustration with abilities is Nullys' whole thing. And unfair as it can feel, I believe as long as they exist in this form, there should probably only be exceptions in the most extreme cases. But I get where you you're coming from. My own personal candidate for special Nully dispensation is Harrow.
  19. If you want the familial parallel, "my child" or "my kid". If you just want to express fondness, anything from "my love" to "my homie" to "my bff". "My fam" seems very appropriate in Xaku's case, as it evokes "family member", "close friend", and plural identity.
  20. There's been a leak of DE's thinking on this, and turns out they're waaay ahead of you. "Similar to that on damage boosting abilities, we are creating a special case for Rip Lines/Arch Lines due to the overwhelming power and popularity of these options. When you infuse these, you will receive a prompt that you can only have 1 Rip Line/Arch Line ability at a time, and thus you are limited to replacing said ability type. Which is to say - Rip Lines can only be swapped with Arch Lines and vice versa on Warframes/Archwings that already have them."
  21. Particularly since there are still issues with combined shards not working properly and/or having incorrect or misleading descriptions.
  22. If mods show up in the Arsenal but not the Modding Console it's probably a filter issue. There is a filter button on the bottom right of the Mod Console screen. A good configuration for this so no mods are hidden is Show Maxed: ✓ Rarity: Show All Polarity: Show All Game Mode: Universal Anything different than that can hide some mods. (Or all of them, in your case.) It seems like there've been a lot of these bug reports lately, like certain conditions are changing the filters without player action. Mine are how I set them, for what it's worth.
  23. Sounds more like a funny idea for a completely new frame* when DE develops the tech for it in a year or two.
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