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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Qorvex strikes me as mirroring this, though to a lesser degree.
  2. I'm not sure. There was some talk about Greedy Pull builds being one of DE's anti-"automation" targets right around Veilbreaker. I did see a pretty awful looking video centered on exploiting it with a Nekros Wukong camp strat right before that talked about how much easier it would be with the new version.
  3. I think every ability should be weaker when injected, with some caveats. - This could be handled by f making them stronger on their native frame in many cases. - A few abilities like Shuriken and Decoy need a general buff before considering anything else. - Some abilities may already be sufficiently stronger on the native frame due to synergies. - A few abilities that are already weaker when injected are penalized too much. You mentioned Pull, and to me that's a great example. (Greedy Pull is probably the issue. But if so, that should be dealt with directly )
  4. Stripping eximus through Overguard is standard. I would not be surprised if there are a few exceptions, but I can't think of them. All the strips I use regularly work: Fusion Strike, Sonic Fracture, Seeking Shuriken, Terrify, Tharros Strike, Pillage, HG/Reckoning, Caustic Strike, Corrosive, Shattering Impact... Frost Avalanche was one originally, but was fixed by DE early on.
  5. Earth outdoor nodes are on a different, longer day/night cycle than Plains. I'm not positive, but I think you can tell in game by looking at the outdoor node pictures on the Nav Screen. The wiki also has a timer: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Grineer_Forest
  6. Check out Citrine's Prismatic Gem.
  7. I'm hoping they at least do something like raise significantly the base damage bonus for Mirage.
  8. On Kullervo and Rhino, Combat Discipline removed Overguard instead of health last I checked. It's possible it's changed or that it works differently when other players are the source of the Overguard, I don't know.
  9. Actually, thinking about it more, a lot of my perception may be due to much less Limboo. Very solid combined usage of 2.7 in 2020. By the end of 2023 that's all the way down to... 0.87, lol. Say what you want about all the flaws of Eximus 2.0--and I do feel bad for all the Limbo players of non-Chaotic Evil With Trollish Tendencies alignments--but a 2/3 reduction in Limbooos might equate to a 3x increase in my co-op satisfaction. :P
  10. @sunderthefirmament All good points.
  11. It's been an issue as long as I've been playing. I don't really think it's worse than when I started, though I could be wrong. Energy is a lot more plentiful now, so maybe. OTOH I don't feel like I see Bastille, Strangledome, etc., nearly as much, and DE has tended to give out smaller scale CCs to newer frames. It's hard to imagine how DE could do more than tidy the problem up a bit anyway. Like Wrathful Advance at least gives you its buffs even if you fail to hit a target. But when CCs are competing against each other, something is going to take priority. (You're right though: I wish electric motes were near the very bottom of the priority list. :P )
  12. Sure, I made this very point in my reply.
  13. I think you're misremembering. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1382344-eclipse-feedback-megathread/ The key part that they've miscommunicated or changed their minds about without explanation (yet) is that it would be nerfed on Mirage.
  14. It's not that I prefer it without--I like the augment a lot. But unaugmented is more useful in a few cases like speeding up Defense. And it's safer for Loki when there are Eximus abilities in play. So I wouldn't want to lose the option to use his 4 without the confusion effect.
  15. Seeking Shuriken is temporary and strips Acolytes though. I think Psychic Bolts too, though it's been so long since I've played Nyx I could be misremembering. Just, like, the three top line items with no thorough discussion, maybe? Because I've never encountered this distinction before.
  16. What's the difference? (And please don't say, "One works on Acolytes and one doesn't." :P )
  17. As far as first impressions go, I was pretty excited. Second impression: Equinox be like...
  18. I like that the proposals are pretty understated without changing Loki's identity much. I think they might be a little too understated though. I have an issue with this one, as Radial Disarm without the augment is sometimes preferable. Maybe a tap/hold option? What would you suggest for a revised augment?
  19. I appreciate that the proposals are just fun fluff. Though my other thought is that if I had to choose, I'd much rather DE put their voice work capabilities into stuff more people will enjoy and not just whatever small percentage get to MR30.
  20. Ground Finishers can affect multiple targets at once, and his new 2 seems intentionally set up to do that. Unfortunately the one brief example they showed in the stream wasn't impressive, as the ability didn't do a good job of gathering two targets in ground finisher range. Hopefully it's better than that live. There's a good chance that the vast majority of players will find ground finishers clunky and slow anyway, no matter how well it synergizes. But it's the main thing I'm truly excited about trying out. Ground finisher play is definitely viable enough for my purposes with Prolonged Paralysis or Pull.
  21. Yeah, not clear to me from the video. I hope it doesn't require Noctua to be out, because then that part is just a component of his 1 instead of being a "passive", and you'd lose it if replacing it. (And it seems like it might be the most replaceable ability.) I prefer DE's passive. I'm actually pretty excited about it (for a passive) though I may change my mind if it doesn't work as I hope. Exactly this.
  22. Probably worth a bug report if so. I don't know if he meant it 100% literally, but Pablo said in the AoD Devstream the intent was to unify finisher triggers between every type, including Mercy. It's hard to imagine a balance reason for them not working for Shadows.
  23. This. Although I don't even care so much about them changing course, depending on the reasoning. It's poor setting of expectations, but forgivable afaic. What is bad community management is to do so without acknowledgement and some kind of explanation. Hopefully DE realizes that and it's coming.
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