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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Just adding some information in case you didn't know or somebody reading "...isn't affected by dmg reductions of any kind" was going to take that literally. It's true, and I would enjoy it if Recompense points and cap did scale with armor, for instance. I just think it and Kullervo are quite strong already, and any buffs there would probably need to come with some rebalancing elsewhere. I feel the same way about your other proposals, other than the WA mobility fixes. And I don't mind some nerfs if the overall package is more interesting. It just seems like a lot of effort to go to for a frame that's really good and a ton of fun already, when there are so many I wouldn't say that about.
  2. I'm all for Wrathful Advance's mobility and targeting being cleaned up. I have mixed feelings at best about all the other proposed changes. This isn't exactly true, last I checked. It's affected by dodge mitigation, by the friendly Ancient Healer aura, and indirectly by Puncture's weakness debuff on enemies. Also by Rolling Guard and Protective Dash--I wouldn't consider invulns "damage reductions" exactly, but a lot of people would. Since Ancient Healer worked, there may be similar things that do, but I know Eclipse does not. Airborne DR and weapon blocking also didn't work. There are a lot of things I haven't tested.
  3. You mean holding the "use" control? Does anything else work that way already? I've got nothing against the idea, but if it's not in game already it's less plausible.
  4. Maybe, but if so it's a bad look to do it in small bits and without saying anything about the larger context.
  5. I don't think it's a great idea to change Eclipse to base damage anyway.*. But at a bare minimum DE should apologize for implying the buff wouldn't change for Mirage and explain their reasoning for it. *In isolation. I can see it making sense as part of a large scale damage rework.)
  6. As VibingCat noted, it's never worked on SP Acolytes. (Before that, with event Acolytes, I don't know.) The wiki does say that "Bosses are unaffected by this ability" with no further elaboration. Terrify can strip at least some mini-bosses like Juggernaut and Demolishers. OTOH, almost exactly eight years ago, there's this patch note: Update 18.5 (2016-03-04) Terrify will no longer fear boss-type enemies, but will continue to apply an armor reduction debuff. I haven't found any DE documentation of a reversal of that in the wiki. Eximus with Overguard up are immune to the fear, but still can be stripped. So if there's a connection, it's not straightforward.
  7. It does work on ground finishers, and it looks like the new Sandstorm will be good at putting enemies on the ground in a pile. If so, he'll be able to get multiple shadows at once fairly easily. Just something to keep in mind. I don't know that it's enough to make it a good augment. Personally I still may not be interested in it not because of finisher requirements but because I don't enjoy minions much.
  8. I've heard from a reliable source that this exactly what is going on. source:
  9. I still haven't opened up that option--I've just been sitting on the points forever--but yeah, looking at the wiki description, you're right. I do like the concept behind Absorb's deactivation buff, but it's not implemented well.
  10. A funny April Fools could be announcing a new Caliban skin and augment. Although I suppose nobody would fall for it.
  11. "Squishier" frames make some sense to me. "Pure dps" frames don't, as if they're good at their role, they should also be good at removing Overguard the old fashioned way. (Also I don't think any such frame is likely to ever exist, so it's kind of moot.) But I'll mention as an aside, that since Absorb to me is kind of a travesty of an ability, Nyx is deep in the Squishy Spectrum afaic. :P
  12. It'd be funny if Yareli loses the DR and knockdown protection with the augment.
  13. Well, they haven't even specified how they're going to nerf it, so maybe you'll get your wish, lol. I agree they shouldn't just nerf. They are buffing Decoy, finally, though it's hard to see it any difference on other frames when Molt exists. But at the very least, I'm happy for Loki. Why it took so long, I have no idea. Hey DE, if you want to take a look at the other least used Helminth overrides, I'll happily take a few buffs to those abilities too. If the Disruptor aura is your concern, then the better counters are energy orb generation abilities already.
  14. We don't even know what the nerf is. Did you not listen to that part of the stream? If it makes you feel any better, I like what they said about it, that their goal wasn't to topple it from the most used injection, and that they'd be willing to buff it back up if it got hit too hard. DE being DE, I'm skeptical, but let's see what they do. Although DE could delete injected Nourish entirely, and it wouldn't ruin 90% of builds. And nearly all the ones that would be crippled would still be workable with modding/arcane/shard adjustments. So maybe cheer up just a bit. :P
  15. Would be a great bit of polish for modding, especially for players of low MR and / or less experience with WF. I still remember thinking how shoddy and unnecessary seeming the normal behavior was when I was forma-ing up gear.
  16. Dagath and Qorvex are getting new skins? Anyway, Caliban be like:
  17. What have they said about the possibility of dedicated servers with Soulframe?
  18. On some weakpoints. The ones I know of are on Murmur, where there are cases of Incarnon charging on a weakpoint that doesn't trigger other headshot conditions. But Moas for instance have a "head" in front that triggers headshot conditions including Incarnon, but no damage multiplier. And a fannypack weakpoint that triggers no headshot conditions, including Incarnon, and a damage multiplier. So it's not totally simple. But I haven't made a study of non-head weakpoints, so I don't know how "not totally simple" it is.
  19. You can see it with most ranged weapons with enough spread / inaccuracy by looking at the shot pattern on a wall...but I'd guess Pakuku wasn't trying to deny that there are more projectiles, or any of the ancillary effects of having more projectiles.
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