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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. If Plague Star did come back as often as Ghoul Purge, I wonder how long it would take before most players would ignore it, lol. And how much DE's sales of forma bundles would plummet.
  2. If you mean which CCs were made exceptions to Overguard intentionally, specifically, and expressly, I can only point to Cold procs. However... A few CC abilities like Bastille have compensatory slows on CC-immune enemies that predate Overguard and work through it. We're coming up on two years of many exceptions working through Overguard without comment from DE. The phrase "implicit approval" at least has to cross one's mind. Especially in cases like Mag, where she's actually been through a rework post-Overguard, without adjustment to her exceptions. DE continues to add new exceptions, the latest being the slow on Qorvex's Pillars.
  3. So it's definitely supposed to provide mastery.
  4. You haven't seen a Frost in 3 years? Have you logged in during that time? Played multiplayer? With your monitor turned on?? :P :P Frost is far from popular afaict, but that's crazy. I mean, I've seen multiple Banshees, Nyxs, and Calibans in that time, and they're far less used than Frost.
  5. It's pretty weird (to me) anyway, but for context the banned player says he only does this in solo mode. So he can pause missions anytime he wants. It's possible DE's anti-cheat detection calculates continuous play differently, but the mission duration we see continues to tick up while paused.
  6. On a side note: it may not be worth it to use Primary Frostbite on Incarnon Burston. Not only because you either have to mod for elements you don't necessarily want or outsource the Cold source to something like a Sentinel with Verglas. But also because its Incarnon mode doesn't benefit from multishot.
  7. What elements are you modded for? One explanation would be if you're modded for Cold or Corrosive Cold in regular mode. But in Incarnon mode Burston changes to pure Heat. Resulting in Blast or Corrosive Blast, and no Cold. If that's what's going on, then changing to Rad Cold or Gas Cold (not recommended) will solve the problem. This is because Incarnon mode's innate Heat will contribute to the combined heat element instead of combining with Cold to create Blast.
  8. There are already a fair number of exceptions.
  9. Not even a founder, but really happy to see you've fixed this.
  10. Just so you know, a lot of people find it prudent to do Radiation Hazard or Radiation Enhanced Mobile Defense sorties with status immunity and solo if possible. Rad status on a player can easily result in a console getting blown up by player damage and mission failure, in addition to potentially involuntary PvP.
  11. That's interesting. There is some variability in what armor strips work on what targets, mostly unexplained in game. Should we assume that things like Terrify and Fire Blast not affecting Acolytes is intentional?
  12. Were you in the Radiation Hazard sortie? Radiation status on players can cause friendly fire. Often irritating but longstanding feature.
  13. Reported that it's not providing mastery here: Hopefully a bug, but only DE could say for sure.
  14. I think they're in a tough position, partly self-inflicted. Very complicated game that's showing its age. Limited testing and no public test cluster. Harsh development cycle. Ponderous bugfix cycle after the initial flurry of hotfixes following a major update. An element in the community that's been traumatized by DE's priorities and reactions in the past and has the attitude "Beneficial bugs need to be kept secret, and snitches get stitches." Anyway, I agree with you. It would have been better to have fixed this right away, I just expect more of the same, and my main hope is it doesn't get worse. Maybe they can get a regular PTC going again, which in 2022 Reb said was still something they wanted to do after simultaneous platform releases and crossplay were sorted out.
  15. I'm not sure that Nyx is the perfect frame for an Overguard strip. Thinking about it more, I don't think just slapping it on Psychic Bolts as just another layer of defense strip is a great idea without some more nuances going into it. (Maybe more a CC immunity supression than a strip of Overguard per se.) But I'm curious to know why Venefik thinks it only makes any sense at all on a pure dps frame. When dps is the only way outside of Null Audit to remove Overguard now.
  16. Duplicate definitely seems to help Shattering Impact on Sarpa. Without it, I couldn't strip a SP Corrupted Lancer Eximus in under 19 bursts in five tests. (Once it was 20, probably because of inaccuracy. In theory, it should be the same number of bursts every time.) With just a rank 0 duplicate and ~76% crit, so only about a 19% of a Dupe proc, it ranged from 15 to 17 bursts. I'd be even more comfortable seeing a test involving a R5 Duplicate just to verify that it's scaling as it should. But that's pretty solid evidence on its own.
  17. Rad-Cold Verglas on Prisma Shade is working for me, and getting Frostbite stacks pretty fast. I checked both in a mission and in the Sim. You're certain your active config was modded for Cold? Rather than Viral, for instance. Another easy thing to miss if you're not used to Sentinels is needing to have an attack precept slotted.
  18. I have other complaints about air support--like most of the old ones being terrible, and Kahl's Beacon being obnoxious--but the only one this change re-triggered is the lack of a large run BP.
  19. Which ones? FWIW I just did the Corpus Spy (can't recall which node) and an Acolyte spawned at about 6.5-7m.
  20. I'm undecided on the rest, but melee stances/stance slots always should have been one polarity, or universal polarity. Or no polarity plus 10 base capacity to make up the difference. They should finally fix this, and give some sort of consolation prize to people who've bought stance forma.
  21. Very good point. Although the contrast would make more sense if the energy economy wasn't totally off the rails. (At the mid- to upper end where most energy options are available, anyway.)
  22. The in game Market does specify max rank for Aeolak, so it had better be.
  23. It is kind of funny that Hildryn is forbidden from using Pillage during her 4, but it's not a problem for most frames that have stolen it.
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