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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. I associate this less with the Hall nerf, ostensibly for performance reasons, and much, much more with explanation for the Dual Ichor fix. "Melee Influence is intended to trigger “On Melee Electricity Status”.
  2. Pillars also have a slow effect. It's weak-ish, and not affected by ability strength, but it also works through Eximus Overguard. Chaos does have a major, major strength versus Pillars though: It doesn't need LoS. (And 3x the base range, which makes up some for being limited to one Chaos instance at a time and the higher energy cost / lower duration.) But I agree that Chaos is a little lackluster these days. It's just that it has been for longer than Qorvex has existed.
  3. If it's any consolation, Ichor was powerful before Influence even existed, so you've still got a great weapon. If you mean Yareli being able to proc influence with a sidearm while on Merulina, that was obviously a bug. You're right that the bugfix should have been documented in the patch notes though, along with Virtuous Surge, and whatever other non-melee Influence exploits got addressed. I suppose it could be they weren't even aware of these bugs, and the fixes were just a side-effect of working on Dual Ichor.
  4. Anything on all the other weapons that aren't benefiting from multishot?: It's frustrating not knowing whether these are bugs or not, or how they should be bug reported. It they are intended it would be great if the Arsenal stats would at least reflect the fact that multishot doesn't function in these cases.
  5. There was a time when eximus weren't dropping their guaranteed orbs in the Sim. So there's some precedent for mundane drops in the Sim working differently.
  6. It is. Also Wolf Sledge.
  7. Just a couple of notes in case they're helpful and if you're interested in testing more: Qorvex is very handy for this, although I don't yet fully trust his PT passive working the same as regular PT. And object PT can be sketchy anywhere, even on conventional weapons. A large part of the reason I haven't spent much time testing it. In the Ballroom Sim, shooting through the statues seems the best way to look at it.
  8. I'd call it more "just an average mess"... 🤪 ...since the vast majority of weapons seem to fit in category 1. (Like so much so, I'd think most people who weren't around before Veilbreaker and have even thought about it just assume that's the rule.) Although if you know of more examples in the other three categories, I'm open to amending that judgement. Plus it's a subject I'm very curious about, so I'd love to know more without having to test every weapon one by one.
  9. There are many, many weapons I haven't tested or looked at. And when I've been looking closely, I've almost entirely been concerned with bodies--landscape may impact some of them differently. I also haven't looked at ricochet or chaining AoE with PT. Anyway, such as they are, my observations are there are four different behaviors: - PT Projectile stops at first target, explosion originates from first target. The vast, vast majority of projectiles that carry a radial damage component haven't been affected by Punch Through at all since Veilbreaker. Nearly all still display a PT value in the Arsenal if modded for it, radial beam weapons being the only exceptions I can recall. (Whether they punch through or not. See below.) - PT Projectile continues past first target, explosion originates from first target. Ferrox regular fire, Trumna regular fire, Opticors, Scourge Prime throw. I think there are a few more I can't recall, and no doubt some I haven't discovered. Most or all are weapons that have always had innate PT. (Scourge Prime is particularly bizarre, as its PT is undocumented, it seems counterproductive, and the basic version doesn't behave this way.) - PT Projectile continues past first target, explosion originates from last target. Komorex altfire, Mutalist Cernos, Ignis. - PT Projectile continues past first target, explodes on multiple targets. Sporo with augment. I feel like there's an Incarnon weapon that does this too, but not one I've tested personally. I could have sworn Ignis was put in the "non functional PT" pile at some point. But I just looked at the Wraith right now, and the beam is punching and the sphere originates from the last target hit exactly as you described. OTOH PT on Primary Gaze does nothing to either the beam or sphere. I haven't tested the others. I would have bet this whole group worked the same way as each other, and I would have lost that bet. Another odd inconsistency is Torid (non Incarnon) vs Mutalist Cernos. Non functional PT on the former, last PT contact explosion on the latter.
  10. I'm a card-carrying member of the Ground Finishers Fan Club, but even I think forced ground finishers is a vile, vile idea. :P
  11. I have a lot of practice with ground finishers. They're mostly reliable for me...as long as I'm solo and am built in such a way that I don't have anything interfering too much with knockdown status. Those are big caveats. I guess I'd list the issues they have like this... - Some effects and animations can prevent knockdown in the first place - Some effects and animations can end knockdown prematurely - I think sometimes objects nearby can prevent a finisher from being executed - The reticle aim trigger is a little finicky. For instance, you can be well within your base range but still too far to activate. Sometimes being too close seems to be the problem, which is even more unintuitive. It would be great to have the first three could be cleaned up, though I'm extremely skeptical these can be fixed completely. Distance being more forgiving would be great, although in a way this is the least important to me as it's an issue that is minimized with practice.
  12. I'm impressed you were able to do it once. Any idea what the trick was? It used to be I could just crouch and look up and get the sentinel 99% of the time. Another way was to bullet jump and look back--not as reliable, but pretty reliable, and fun to do on the move.
  13. Stug has a severely arcing projectile, so it's going to look quite a bit different than Dera with negative projectile speed. The video was really just for fun, not to demonstrate that projectile speed must have changed since then. Although looking into this more, I do see some old videos of projectiles going backwards or basically going forward at walking speed.
  14. Obligatory: https://youtu.be/HQOr4vTF0RU?si=fPtLj0akqwyHQLPv I'm curious if there is different floor on projectile speed now. Like, can you tell the difference between the riven by itself and the riven plus unranked Terminal Velocity?
  15. This is explained in the video that Zakkhar provided. Amp + Virtuous Surge. Obviously a bug that it can proc Influence. Another one is Yareli using a sidearm with electric while on her surf board. There are probably more bugs that do this.
  16. They aborted this idea last November. It's unfortunate there isn't a note to that effect in the OP or thread title.
  17. No. It's a challenge, certainly. But gas can be strong even now. I cannot say the same of Blast or Magnetic. More or less. But there are already some exceptions, and decent standalone gas mods would expand them.
  18. Yup, although I think of it the other way around, that all the advantages of snipers over conventional rifles come with the disadvantage of needing to scope. (From a gameplay and balance standpoint, not a RL standpoint.) Although ironically enough, the Perigale and Sporo at least seem like quite competent hip fire weapons.
  19. Standalone gas mods would be niche, but still could be pretty awesome, depending on secondary stats. /not sarcasm One less mod needed, Opens up corrosive or viral combos. These are two basic issues with the element that'd be solved. And best of all we'd finally have an answer to the age-old question, "Would gas damage be increased by elemental damage if gas mods actually existed."
  20. Can you name any that don't, other than auto aim weapon? I think I've come across a few exceptions, maybe some throwing weapons. Seems like the vast, vast majority do have better accuracy / tighter spread while in ADS. Which irks me to no end.
  21. Very often, not always I'm quite likely to customize damage except with the most powerful loadouts. Still do it sometimes with those.
  22. Were you looking for the riven in the Arsenal upgrade screen for the Cycron or at the Modding Console? If it's was the latter, try the Arsenal. If it's not in your Arsenal upgrade screen for the Cycron, and you have the riven icon selected there and it's still not showing up, it sounds like you're either suffering from a very sucky random bug or accidentally deleted it yourself. One way that could happen is if you had the riven selected and never deselected it or exited the mod console before you started dissolving your duplicates. It would show up on the confirmation screen before being dissolved, but it would be the last thing on the list and very easy to miss with a bunch of other mods. I've come close to doing this myself more than once. If it's really gone, you'd need to contact support to see if it can be restored. https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us If it does show up in the Arsenal but not the Modding Console it's probably a filter issue. There is a filter button on the bottom of the console. A good configuration for this so no mods are hidden is Show Maxed: ✓ Rarity: Show All Polarity: Show All Game Mode: Universal Anything different than that could conceivably explain why you can't see the riven.
  23. Maybe instead of (further) decreasing the injected version's power outright, increase the base energy cost to 75. I feel like that's easier to justify than a reduction in its energy bonus, viral buffs, or explosion. It's definitely still a great deal at 75 base energy.
  24. Which body part is status immune? I've been curious about Juggernaut status immunity. It's odd how difficult it is with most weapons to inflict status in the Sim with AI turned off. I want to assume it's because the belly isn't exposed, which is an area I do sometimes get status procs, especially with wider projectile weapons. And yet it's quite easy in missions even when the Juggernaut is prone, seemingly regardless of what weapons I use.
  25. New Tennokai mod idea: Container's Reach Enables Tennokai. Tennokai chance increased by 100%, range increased by 10m, but the activation window is delayed until there are no enemies within 20m.
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