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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. No, actually I don't. :P We're apparently in agreement that Heavy Attack wind up takes time and Tennokai pretty much eliminates this. And you probably didn't mean to imply otherwise. And that's all I was interested in.
  2. I don't know if this'll make sense to you, but the phrase in English that brings to mind is "a distinction without a difference". Yes I have a rough idea how different parts of heavy attacks are modified by wind up speed and attack speed. But my response was specifically to your complaint about Tennokai heavies not being useful because they aren't faster than regular heavies. Tennokai heavies take less time to execute than normal heavies at baseline. Why? Because roughly half of the animation series is reduced to zero or close to it.
  3. Murmur is correct, having only recently arrived. But every weapon class with faction mods other than RJ has had a complete set of primed Grineer, Corpus, Infested, and Corrupted mods for several years. Some of these may be very expensive to get a hold of right now though.
  4. Oh, gotcha. You didn't mean "make them not need a weapon exilus adapter", just "make them readily available without doing WitW and all its prereqs." Yeah, it would make sense to be able to open up the slot earlier, especially when there are some more exilus options. The quest reward upgrade segment would still be valuable for melee arcanes.
  5. Is your view particular to melee, or do you think exilus slots should be free on weapons and/or frames and so on in general?
  6. DE said they took this enemy capability out just recently. Apparently not every enemy could do it, so no idea if it would apply in Duviri even if they goofed up.
  7. Any particular reason? Not sure what you mean. It certainly affects wind-up, and I don't see how you could say that isn't part of the "heavy attack itself". Although you might have a harder time telling the difference between Tennokai heavies and regular heavies with weapons that already have quick heavy attacks, innately or from wind-up mods.
  8. Plus Braton, Burston, Latron, Strun, Boltor, Soma, Paris, Boar, Zylok, Vasto, Bo, (Skana). :P I'm not sure if the OP is counting any of these though, perhaps because their Incarnon forms are no longer Orokin style.
  9. It's hard to say outright better than all Incarnon, but some primes are very competitive and aren't directly comparable to any Incarnon yet. Glaive Prime, Rubico and Vectis Prime come to mind. Or if you really want to use a particular weapon type, there may not be an Incarnon for it yet, e.g., if you want to use a polearm, Guandao Prime is superior to any Incarnon, even Incarnon Dual Ichor with Extra Cheese. And if you find Incarnon activation and downtime unappealing, good primes will feel effortless in comparison.
  10. Yeah, it's inconvenient compared to the polished tables they published before this year, but the data is here: https://www-static.warframe.com/repos/WarframeUsageData2023.json
  11. Are you not on Crossplay? From DE's usage data it looks like there's no significant difference between PC and XB for Rev Prime: ~5.2% vs 5.0%. Interestingly last year XB (and PS) had higher usage of base Rev than PC, for whatever reason.
  12. Ace was bringing up Kullervo though. Who was already of above average popularity in the year end stats despite only being available for 6 months of it. So he's not weak and he's already popular. Why is he on your list of frames that need reworks?
  13. It's really specific to the Grineer Galleon defense/interception tiles, not to Sedna. Others can be found regularly on Saturn and Mercury, and (I think) elsewhere rarely. You can figure it out by checking the node's preview picture to see if it looks like Hydron, but there is a list here: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Grineer_Galleon Those are the quickest medallion nodes, but there are a few others to look out for. Grineer Forest Interceptions, Corpus Ice Planet Defense/Interception, and the multiple point version of Grineer Sealab Defense/Interception. These are bigger maps, don't always spawn 8 medallions, and can have other issues, but can still be worthwhile. There are also the newer Corpus tiles, but these are very large and often only spawn one medallion. Nice thing about the medallion system now compared to how it used to be though: higher tier medallions take priority. So, for example, a map that only spawns one will at least be the best one, and a node that only spawns 5 will be the best one and at least two of the mids.
  14. Just on the offchance you don't know, the charged shot does have a couple of tricks up its sleeve. Forced Impact and slow fire rate, so Internal Bleeding is viable, and this has the potential for minimal ramp-up 1 triggerpull kills of eximus in base SP. (But not very useful if you like killing things with the autofire too.) And multiplicative stacking between base damage multipliers and Galvanized Aptitude. So base damage bonuses and priming are more valuable than normal.
  15. How long were you away? I started in 2017 and that's the way it's worked at least that long. Is it possible what you remember is shared affinity from other people in your squad killing? In that case a lot of affinity can go to your weapons, as long as you're in affinity range when a kill is made by your squad mate. Otherwise maybe there is or was some quirk or bug with Gara that allowed affinity from your own ability kills. But that's not the way it normally works.
  16. Tiltskillet


    I, on the other hand, have no principles. Galv. Shot, Galv Diffusion, Primed Target Cracker, Sentient Surge viral or corrosive 60/60s, Primed Heated, flex slot (Lethal Torrent, PPG, or bane) Ruinous Extension. Eject Magazine if you have trouble with losing tentacles and mix in other weapons. (Ice Storm instead of a cold 60/60 is also good.) Cascadia Flare, Overcharge, or Dexterity. If you are are killing things really easily, punch through can increase kps in that last slot. * * * Anyway to bring it back faintly to the original topic...I'd do terrible things for a Javlok augment that was as good as Sentient Surge.
  17. Tiltskillet


    Multishot doesn't work on the throw.
  18. Tiltskillet


    Yeah, the magazine damage bonus is really never worth building for except maybe if you have a great Javlok riven. The sad thing about Javlok throws is, while never great, they were far better before the speargun rework. It lost its double damage bonus for full charges and now you almost have to build for reload speed, which you could ignore before. That being said, if you enjoy throwing it (full time) anyway, the best way to do so is generally with Internal Bleeding, as there is forced impact on the the spear hit and the explosion. It does have what I'd call an augment, Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp. But as mentioned above, it's not normally worth a slot unless you really value mag size on the regular fire or just want the passive while meleeing with sword & shield. Any kind of improved variant would be exciting for me. Really exciting would be an Incarnon...but DE hasn't yet done any adapters for altfire weapons, so the chances seem worse than other old, weak weapons. Ocucor had a ceiling, but when built with its mechanics in mind, a ceiling far higher than Javlok's. And Sentient Surge makes it a force.
  19. Pertinent: https://youtu.be/DAaApsFNWXg?si=h-WdfZStu8z24jin
  20. According to some comments about it in the wiki from 2022, the teleport function on Master's Summons specifically didn't work on Moas. The presumption made being to prevent exactly this thing. Then in Nov 2023 there's a comment saying it's a standard way of doing Lua. /shrug
  21. If you mean the in game market, the only thing I can think of that applies is the Gauss Prime Access or Prime Pack. If you purchase any prime access from DE, all the components are already built. (And in the case of frames and weapons, come with reactors/catalysts built in, as well as frame/weapon slots.) If you meant Warframe Market, the third party trading site, the previous answers apply.
  22. Does Mirage have any tap/hold abilities? If you're talking about an ability from another frame that you injected on her, try using the menu to invert that frame's tap/hold. edit: too slow!
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