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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. They did reduce ammo caps of the Gaze, Sporelacer, Tombfinger, and Vermisplicer primaries in the Great Ammo Purge. So it seems intentional, even if poorly balanced. (In both directions. 120 ammo seems like way too much for primary Tombfinger relative to other AoE weapons, even though it was reduced drastically.) Although, other than Vermi, which I don't use, I don't even think about ammo for any of these. Except a bit for Gaze, but it hasn't actually affected by builds. I still don't have the pax battery arcane, so it's not that. It sounds like you're talking about Vermi. 90 does seem quite low for it, if I remember how it functions.
  2. Yes, it should be nerfed...to a degree, not into the ground. But DE shouldn't mess with it at all if they're not also bringing substantial improvements to Revenant elsewhere.
  3. No worries. I'm an inveterate quibbler, and it's easy to for it to come off as implying a position more extreme than I have.
  4. 3 seconds for Loki, 6 seconds for allies, scaling with Duration. Which Loki has a lot of room for. "Functionally" seems like a dodgy modifier for immortal there. Personally the ones I find truly comparable to Safeguard Switch are Mesmer, Hysteria, Absorb, and Vazarin Dash. Safeguard has pros and cons with all of them, including Mesmer and Mesmer Shield which I'd call one of the most terribly imbalanced ability-augment pairs in the game. But I'm sure it helps that I find Switch Tele fun, and Absorb, Hysteria, and Mesmer varying levels of dull in increasing order. (Protective Sling is fun when I want to use Vazarin.) I don't want to make it sound like I think Switch Tele is great design and can't be improved. It certainly isn't and certainly can (and should) be. But I naturally push back on proclamations that it's the worst ability in the game without qualifiers ("ANYTHING would be better.") especially when I wonder if it may involve somebody not having used the augment much.
  5. Vermisplicer also gets the Tenacious crit damage buff via Hunter Synergy. Sporelacer doesn't. I also verified that Catchmoon doesn't. So Vermi and Gaze work; and the others don't. How odd. I wonder if there are other weapons that aren't working with Hunter Synergy.
  6. Another Decoy would be worse! :P (Also Safeguard Switch makes Switch Tele good, if we're counting augments.)
  7. If you like the weapon, and like using it with viral, it's definitely worth keeping as it saves you a mod slot, and comes with (what most people would consider) a beneficial negative. Unfortunately I don't think Punch Through works on the Ignis anymore, but that's still two good affixes where the dispo doesn't matter much. Arguably it's actually better that the dispo and affix amounts are low in this specific case. The primary value of viral is in its status effect, and you don't need much on the Ignis to get the maximum 10 stacks quickly. Anything beyond that is taking away from delicious heat damage and procs, which stack forever. If you don't like the weapon, I'm sure you could sell it for a fair amount of plat.
  8. Do you have something Helminthed over Hall of Mirrors? You won't be able to see the augment when you're on a config that doesn't have the relevant ability.
  9. Not quite universal...some frames are lucky enough to have CC abilities that still do something through Overguard. Nyx doesn't; at least not directly. One could stretch the definition of crowd control close to its maximum and say Chaos does help some versus Eximus as long as there are normal units around, and call Mind Control a very soft form of CC. I don't play Nyx, but if I did I'd be very tempted to inject Breach Surge if I was going to focus on CC. (Rather than Absorb shenanigans.)
  10. It doesn't give specifics, but there is a known issue with slide attacks listed.
  11. But rad status chaos is also one of main reasons for him getting ganked by random AoE, so how do you reconcile those two statements? Personally I enjoy the chaos of Irradiating Disarm with Loki, and I sometimes wish he had more rad in his kit. But I like the risk that comes with it too.
  12. Well, I'm not certain there isn't a problem. It's just that other than the Arsenal stat not updating, I haven't been able to see one in the Sim.
  13. They probably do. But they don't know how great Collective Curse can be for ranged weapon play. It's particularly fun with sniper rifles since it propagates their combo, not just melee combo.
  14. That sucks. I wondered about this with Furis, but hadn't tested it.
  15. It's random between frames and weapon copies with same forma count. I'd guess equal chances of each just because it's simplest, but guesses are cheap.
  16. If you weren't aware, at the end of last year, in an interview Reb was asked about new Incarnon Adapters and she said five would be coming this year, but with no other details. Since "adapters" were specified, it seems unlikely this included the completely new weapons mentioned in the devstream. Unless Reb misunderstood the question. Assuming they were five adapters, since I think they'll want to spruce up Duviri content for a bit longer, I'm inclined to think this'll be another Circuit (and probably Cavalero) release. But that's just me guessing. If you already knew about this and meant "nothing else has been confirmed" in a more strict way, as in, "What we've seen and know roughly when they're coming.", then apologies for the unnecessary commentary.
  17. I like that a lot as a plausible guess. But it's not "all kitguns" since a Gaze Primary kitgun worked with Hunter Synergy for me, at least for the Tenacious crit damage bonus. I'll try some of the others later.
  18. I ran a test with a Hunter Synergy Vasca in the Sim, looking at damage popups, and Tenacious Bond appears to apply correctly there with Gaze Primary but not Tombfinger Primary. I haven't checked other kitguns or pets, or pet damage. Vasca has 20% crit chance unmodded. For Tenacious to apply, the primary needs just over 100% critical chance. Spira does 174 damage on a crit if my Gaze is modded for 97.5% CC. It does 279 damage on a crit the Gaze is modded for 117% CC. (Same thing happened with a Veldt modified for under and over 100% CC.) But when I switched to Tombfinger Primary, Tenacious Bond no longer worked, with the TF modded for 110.5% CC or ~150% CC. I'd had a transition from and back into the Sim between the Gaze and TF tests, so I reequipped Gaze: Tenacious still worked properly with it. I'll note that the pet Arsenal stats are very buggy, and it never reflected TF crit. It sometimes, but not always, reflected Gaze crit, but even when it didn't Tenacious still worked with that weapon equipped and enough CC. And to be totally clear, I was only looking at Tenacious carryover in these tests: I've no idea if actual pet damage was being affected by Hunter Synergy in any of these cases. And mission behavior may be different than Sim behavior. But my provisional conclusion is the bug isn't kitgun specific, it's weapon specific. It could affect all kitguns except Gaze, it could affect some non-kitgun weapons, I don't know.
  19. Have you verified it works on Infested Mobility? I'm only curious because it reportedly doesn't work on abilities that are 1s, 2s, or 3s normally when injected in the 4th slot, but I don't think I've seen anyone verify either way native Helminth abilities, which don't have a "natural" slot.
  20. I genuinely don't know. The thought I have is that Gauss Prime beats Rev Prime in raw sprint, 1.5 to 1.1, but Infested Mobility provides 60% sprint speed before Strength. With neutral Strength or better, advantage: Revenant. Gauss can forget about Strength entirely, advantage: Gauss. But Revenant still has a lot of room for Strength, Duration, and Efficiency. Maybe more room, practically speaking, depending on how much a person values Mesmer Skin.
  21. Actually, I'm curious, as far as fastest Reaveframe goes, could Revenant with Infested Mobility and high strength do better than Gauss?
  22. Maybe... "I maybe made Gauss the Fastest Reaveframe in the Game...maybe. (Maybe serious)."
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