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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. I just verified in a mission. Mines hitting never changed alert level even when a grineer target made an audible exclamation. Checked via map icon and stealth affinity buff. (And for what it's worth, I have a humorous amount of experience using these weapons with Ivara, and this is consistent with my experience.) Warframe being the game it is, it wouldn't shock me if there are sometimes exceptions. I'd be tempted to bug report in those cases though. I'll try in a spy vault later. I didn't say it was bad. Only that it's bad at stealth kills, by which I only meant killing enemies in a non alerted state. But I think I misinterpreted that as being part of why you wanted a silent weapon.
  2. You might be thinking of Aegrit? Unlike Castanas and Talons Aegrit's mines do damage before detonation. Castanas don't have this problem/feature and don't run the risk of alerting enemies until detonation. (Sometimes enemies will make "what was that" noises, but their alert level won't actually change.) Of course since they're AoE they have issues maintaining the stealth bonuses. I'm kind of surprised you care about alert level though, considering you're using Baza. Despite great critstats and innate silence it's not exactly the best stealth kill weapon unless you're dealing with relatively weak enemies. One of the reasons I gravitate toward bows, snipers, and similar high 1HK potential weapons on her.
  3. You're using a custom Bo skin, correct? Something like Bo Nocturne? OP is talking about base weapon skins. e.g., I can't equip the base Knell skin on Knell Prime, even though I own both. I can equip a multitude of custom skins.
  4. Scatanas are actually one of my favorites with her. Even though they've been powercrept, and I think nerfed with Navigator, Ivara can still do pretty hilarious warcrimes with them.
  5. 30% in Incarnon mode. But I use Deathtrap Trigger which gives 48%/58% and 3x/3.4x. I understand feeling this is too much of a PITA though. I do wish the buff lasted a little longer.
  6. Incarnon Kunai is quite fun. Incarnon Despair would be interesting too, though I haven't used it on her. Most throwing weapons are silent. There's also Ballistica, which I used for a long time with her, mostly for being thematic.
  7. There's also Spellbind and Lantern, which have the floating animation. Although they don't behave similarly to Sentient Wrath'd targets in other ways: more resistant to being moved , not as easily cancelled. And I've heard that unlike Sentient Wrath they don't count as lifted status, although I haven't tested this.
  8. How did you test exactly? The Arsenal display was bugged but in terms of actual damage it was working for me in the Sim. Unmodded Dera Vandal went from 64 damage on a crit to 102 with Tenacious. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it isn't working under certain conditions though. Like, one thing that comes to mind immediately is whether it works when one isn't the host.
  9. While not ideal by any means, sources of base damage are so plentiful now I think these can still be useful as damage sources. And my 0 damage Phantasma with multi/status/statusd has been pretty amusing as a primer. Not that this applies well to a Vulklok.
  10. It appears to be a bug: your negative damage riven is reducing your damage to zero and this is voiding the other stats. If you equip a source of base damage like Serration, you'll see the stats again. (Tested with a -negative damage Phantasma riven.) If you're trying to get Tenacious Bond's crit multiplier buff, I'd be curious if it works or not with the riven and without another source of base damage. i.e., with no crit stats showing. (Note that Tenacious Bond's bonus is bugged in the Arsenal, so you may need to do a damage test in the Sim to see if it's working or not.) In any case you don't need the riven for that Tenacious. A partially ranked Point Strike is enough to get it over the 50% crit threshold. The OP didn't say they were surprised at doing no damage. The only specific stats mentioned were crit and crit damage. It is surprising to me the Arsenal is acting this way, as it's at least somewhat new. It's also inaccurate: non-damage stats shouldn't just disappear just because damage is reduced to zero. Zero damage crits can still trigger crit conditions, and if one gets an outside source of base damage (like Vex Armor) those crits will do damage. Zero damage instances can still inflict status, etc.
  11. Not sure what you mean. Did you mean to say "adding Harrow"? If so, the Retaliation buff wouldn't block out Attrition hits. And afaict it is. I'd suggest testing again. For simplicity's sake, using Harrow himself as a control is best, with and without Covenant, as it's less likely to bring outside factors into it. I also think it'll be more clear to look at body shots, as orange crit headshots with high crit damage can exceed 21x damage.
  12. I'm not sure how that would work. Like, if Retaliation is active, the game first rolls to see if Devouring Attrition would be successful without it? And then...a Devouring Attrition hit can crit due to Covenant's bonus? Or does it just allow unsuccessful DA hits to crit? Anyway, with some light testing with Phenmor, I'm not seeing any Devouring Attrition crits, and the Retaliation buff on a higher crit chance build appears to throttle DA hits. Down to 0% with enough crit chance.
  13. Honestly, I'd like this for Fire Walker too. But I'd suggest the idea is better implemented as part of a new helminth ability. Rather than change the existing ability from a fun status cleanse that happens to have a small sprint boost to a fun status cleanse that happens to have a slide and friction buff that a lot of people will suddenly find infuriating...especially with high strength.
  14. FWIW, Qorvex's buff can be dropped by jumping off the map or running into a Nullifier. Most other buffs can too, but unlike Speed, Grenade Fan etc., Qorvex doesn't normally recast his much. It's a workaround, and not always available, and the effect should still be made less visually obnoxious and/or opt-out of course.
  15. Oh gawd, no. The last thing we need is another stat to encourage people to use AoE weapons when kill count is there and does the job more than well enough, and already doesn't give extra credit for overkill. I know, I know you deserve to have your contributions properly appreciated, since the mission might have taken 12 seconds longer without them, and you're concerned some primitive casual playing Banshee with a Daikyu is going to take a tiny bit of your shine with a few carefully controlled headshots. But seeing 90% of the damage with 1% of the kills is one of the few pleasures still available playing co-op for me...I mean, for that totally random Tenno example I just made up out of thin air. :P
  16. I don't think so. The NW volume 4 ending / NW volume 5 beginning announcement only listed these old augments: Efficient Beams (Convectrix) Exposing Harpoon (Harpak) Bursting Mass (Mutalist Quanta) Wild Frenzy (Grakata) ...which are the ones that have been missing the longest. Not counting the converted Conclave augments that have been recurring for a while: Ambush Optics, Shrapnel Rounds, etc.
  17. I don't think so, but the fact they made a point of bringing back Efficient Beams, Exposing Harpoon, etc. with this NW season might...might be a hopeful sign they're aware of the problem. Or maybe it just means they're totally satisfied with a 4 year cycle. If it's any consolation, a fair amount of the augments are bad, or don't make a bad weapon significantly better. Sentient Surge is not one of those mods though. You might consider buying more than one, gambling that it's not coming back soon, and that you can recoup your plat selling to some other unfortunate Tenno suffering from an an even further along case of Sentient Tentacle Fever.
  18. The fissure thing, well, there are still lots of complaints about it, so I'd feel silly saying it's a myth. But if it's happened to me in the last couple of years, it's been extremely rare. Corrupted Nullifiers don't often drop right on top of me, and there's a delay before their bubbles are active and expand. Maybe it happens with lag, I don't know. As far as around corners goes, I know players largely aren't in the habit of playing this way in Warframe, but occasionally it helps to be a little tactical and not blunder blindly around corners. :P Especially if one is playing Death Ball Gara. Don't get me wrong, I have sympathy with wanting to change Nullifiers. I'd like the effect to be less binary on more powers, I wish so many of them couldn't spawn at the same time at high levels, and I'd love it if the drone was a little easier to hit. But I also think we shouldn't pretend we're helpless.
  19. I barely have ever used Exalted melee (not counting Garuda's Talons) so I'm the worst person to give a guide. But I have a few thoughts that hopefully will help rather than lead you astray: - Exalted melee can't slot Blood Rush, Weeping , or melee arcanes, so they're more restricted in what they can get out of Tennokai - They're also shorter on capacity. - Turning them off resets their combo counter, so you'd want to minimize that. Hysteria could be a bigger problem because of its mounting energy drain and self damage quirk. - Kengineer says that Disciplines Merit on regular melee counts for Iron Staff (at least), and stacks. Almost has to be a bug, but extremely powerful if it still works.
  20. Yes, Circuit points up to the last completed round. (I think resources there already have something like this.) Which is the best way to handle it, as it's a huge improvement, mostly fair, and mostly doesn't encourage people to see an item and ditch immediately or at a point that would cause an unexpected host migration. I don't recall them hinting it would be propagated to more modes, but that would be nice.
  21. FWIW, Nullifier dispels are already dealt with differently in a few cases. It's just very few.
  22. These days I'm -mostly- at 130 or 145% even when I'm doing pure melee, only occasionally pulling out the sub-100% Savage build. But I'm not playing anything for long longer than 40 minutes, except the very occasional Circuit. I'm going to try Xata with the low range build though, even if I'm a little sad the wiki says Influence can't spread void status.
  23. You can still pick it up right? If so, very old bug
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