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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Depends on your perspective. If you're using the 25 or so most efficient farming weapons as a benchmark, it, along with about 475 others are all basically worthless. OTOH when nothing will satisfy you but killing mooks with a saw beam rifle--and Convectrix is just too dang abstract for you--Panthera Prime is the best weapon in the game! I do wish it had received some improvements. But it's old, so about the only chance of that is an Incarnon adapter. But that seems unlikely given that Incarnon Miter is already a thing.
  2. A specific reason, no. I'm not even certain nothing has been said, though if anything has been it would have been a while ago. I believe the general reason would go something like... any sufficiently complex game that's been constantly adding new content for years will have far more bugs than will be fixed, let alone commented on. Even if it's only mildly buggy for its age. And I think Warframe is pretty far from only mildly buggy. :P
  3. I think it's an oft-reported and maybe even acknowledged bug with Inner Might, though it's not on the current Known Issues list.
  4. It was just available in November, which was the last Plague Star. I imagine it'll show up again this year, as it has at least once every year. Most likely either in Nights of Naberus or Plague Star.
  5. /insert mandatory Quite Shy Panthera Prime review [ Sorry, this content is no longer available. ]
  6. The sawblade is harder to see than the beam, and might be near-invisible depending on your energy color and how low your visual settings are. I don't know why you're not seeing any damage, unless you're thinking the beam extends further than it does. The base length is pretty short and takes a second to extend fully. It is working for me.
  7. I'm not trying to be mean, but... Kicks in random co-op sound like an epic tragicomedy. However if DE announced they were looking into kick options in Invite groups, I'd be interested, at least.
  8. For other players in the squad too, and I don't think it's affected by "Reduce Teammate Visual Effects".
  9. Z. I'm fairly sure what Madurai is thinking of was finished in 2022. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1332235-update-3220-lua’s-prey/ I'd expect Inaros might get some augment changes with his rework, just like Hydroid did with his. And maybe an occasional tweak here and there outside of that. And there are new augments coming out. But there's no ongoing augment review operation going on afaict.
  10. Hey, the Sortie and Archon Hunt UI reward bug got acknowledged, but hasn't been added to Known Issues. It'd be good to add it, given how many posts there've been about rewards not being received. For reference:
  11. That's a very good argument. It really does make me think it's either a bug or an oversight.
  12. I think so too. Although a lot of people seem to like the mods as is, and might take any reduction in their theoretical damage potential poorly, even if it comes with easier usage.
  13. Yeah, this. My personal pet examples are the Galvanized crit mods. So many people have bug reported their stack expiration behavior, due to the simple fact that it's assumed they'll work like all the other Galvanized mods and there's no indication to the contrary on the mod card. You have to dig deep in the forums to verify it's intended. I'm sure most people don't bug report it and shrug it off as another example of bugframe. And worse still, of bugs never getting fixed. Not a good look at all for DE.
  14. If you equip True Punishment and the riven and no Swordsman's Flourish, can you gain combo? I expect not. The riven mod negative is worded differently and AFAIK has always worked differently than "+X Additional Combo Count Chance" and (more oddly) "+X Combo Count Chance". The negative affects your chance to gain any combo, while the latter is your chance to gain extra if you successfully gain any. Since your riven reduces the chance to zero, the bonus doesn't get a chance to take effect. I'm not saying this isn't a bug. Maybe it is, or maybe just an oversight, and some not great wording on DE's part.
  15. Actually I looked again at the devshort, and it's ambiguous at best whether Reb was talking about improvements to Netracells or just recapping the new mode they teased in the stream last week. So...hell if I know. Haha, nice.
  16. I did not expect a "snitches get stitches" reply from you, bird. :P
  17. I only know of one Prisma Latron shoulder: the left one. The Baro archive listing for last weekend only has the left shoulder. (And the chest and legs.) I also looked at the time for items I didn't own, and looked specifically for a right shoulder before I posted here. Are you sure you're not remembering the leg plates? Those do come as a pair.
  18. Did you watch the video? It sounds like they're doing that and making improvements on what we've got. Of course I don't know how impactful those changes will be.
  19. Anything on other weapon damage instances that aren't benefiting from multishot? Should we assume these are all intended? @[DE]Momaw? From the devshort this week, it at least sounds like beneficial changes are coming (and not just an additional mission) but they aren't giving details yet.
  20. Sure, but I don't think that's what the OP was talking about. Anyway, I verified it myself, Viral status does still increase Reave's health drain. It's odd because it looks like this information was removed from the wiki at some point.
  21. This wasn't exactly true...at about 10m the Angstrum can consistently get a headshot or two, getting better as one gets closer. Far from ideal for an AoE weapon, and I can completely understand why DE changed it. But making it direct hits and leaving it at one hit equaling 40 charges and three hits for a full charge contrasts starkly with the difficulty of charging up some other Incarnon weapons.
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