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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Basically. Removing the standing cap completely won't happen, but people can dream. But then you also want to make it twice as hard for casuals. To "balance" it, lol, as part of the grind reduction. Terrible idea.
  2. Clone does reload. It's actually one of the many frustrating things about him, as he'll happily reload long before a magazine is empty. I think this dates from before he was nerfed. I agree with the general sentiment though, that he needed a nerf, but DE could have gone about it in better ways.
  3. Nah, both ways are useful. And if it's only going to be shown one way, breaking them up is smarter. Mostly because people can always add up the percentages if they want. But it also lets us adjust mentally for things like starter frame usage.
  4. A 30s CD would still be an improvement for Bronco!
  5. Hah, I'd totally forgotten I had a Reave-ruda build from ages ago. Anyway, testing this now in the Sim, Blinded targets (and unaware targets for that matter) take the same Seeking Talons damage as unblinded targets. Occasionally things work differently in the Sim, so f you feel like you want to confirm this in a mission without injecting Reave, I'd suggest using Vaykor Sydon's blind or just sneaking up on an unaware target. You're using Viral for this? I didn't realize this still worked. Or is there another trick to it, that doesn't involve other sources of damage or multiple Reaves?
  6. Playing around with this a bit with a four shot Vectis Prime, I'd add a detail: pausing for a moment between shots increases accuracy to perfect or near as I can tell...even when there truly is no visible recoil. Vile Precision + Stabilizer + Deadhead + Twitch. Rapid fire, it's all over the place, especially without Twitch's buff. If I add Reflex Draw's buff on top of that it narrows down to what I'd call "very accurate". But still not the accuracy I get if I pause between shots. So it seems like it's phantom recoil of some sort. This isn't important, but I'll note that with Vile Precision alone, I do see recoil on all four shots. It's dinky, but it's there. Same on the second shot of a two shot regular Vectis. I don't have Energized Munitions injected at the moment to easily test more than that.
  7. I agree with the concept, but 50% efficiency is way, way too much, even as a starting point. The default method to charge up would become bodyshots. Far easier, work on everything. And a successful body shot would tend to give more charges on average than a successful headshot because it would cause much less than 50% of the damage, and thus not be as prone to losing charges to overkill.
  8. When its overwhelming. They also balance around power to an extent. And things that ruin the game for other players. And things that can be easily exploited for afk destruction. And things that don't work as they intended. I think Mesmer Skin is bad design, but Rev doesn't really fit any of those criteria other than usage. And let's not kid ourselves, other than Mesmer, Revenant isn't that special.
  9. ➕💯 to favoriting relics. Although I don't know about forcing them to the top automatically. A "sort by: favorite" option would be better IMO. I'd also like a "sort by: vaulted" or to be able to search by "vaulted". And while we're at it for things that have been requested a thousand times: a vaulted marker on the relic, rather than having to tab.
  10. I don't know. Probably? Heat is far easier to work with in general though, so people likely tended to not be as worried about maintaining Flare stacks.
  11. It would be nice if the game told us ahead of time how stacks expired. (And/or consolidated this behavior.) Until then, you're stuck consulting the wiki or other outside resources if you don't like surprises. (And sometimes you'll be surprised even then.) Only DE could say for sure, but I assume so. Mostly because its stack behavior seems intelligently balanced to me, partly because it's always been this way. And partly because it mirrors that of its cousin, Cascadia Flare, which came out several months before.
  12. Haha, yeah, we're almost opposites. I was in a legit clan, nearly always hc, and usually untwinked except for stuff I muled off of old characters before they died. I've still never traded for anything. So never had Chaos or even the full Nat's set. I did some LLD, but not a lot. Those players were really, really skilled, totally apart from the gear they had, and I was way out of my depth. More good people than $&*^heads though, and it gave me a better appreciation of PvPers than a lot of PvE gamers seem to have.
  13. You probably meant one for each ability? A few frames do already have two augments for an ability though. (And supposedly Loki is getting a third one for Decoy, lol.)
  14. Same! Favorite builds: various elemental martial artists. But I never made it to 99 on anything. I still play a bit, maybe a few days a year. D1 as well, but that's more like every few years. Speaking of D1...whenever I play that, it makes me appreciate things like even having a sprint button. :P
  15. Would also be great to finish all the stances that only have two or three basic combos. Whips and Sparring have two stances, but there are only five unique combos between each class instead of eight. And since I'm dreaming here, it would be fantastic to boost at least some of the worst stances in terms of damage output if not feel. Both of those whip stances are awful. Not much point in adding more stances if they're not going to be at least better than that.
  16. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1374373-whispers-in-the-walls-known-issues-thread/#comment-12919265 Some Arcanes have a 0 over their Buff icon, including but not limited to: Arcane Victory, Arcane Avenger, Arcane Grace. Other than the UI not showing the percentage buff, Avenger was working for me in a quick sim test of crit popups.
  17. Good news: they reviewed a bunch (not all, by any means) in the not-too-distant past. Bad news: several of the ones they reviewed are still regarded as bad, I think largely because of flaws in the abilities themselves. I really do want an augment overhaul, with the starting point of DE deciding what they want augments as a concept to accomplish. And in a lot of cases, it would mean some adjustments to base abilities. But even if all that does happen--which ain't likely-- I don't have much hope that it'll be well handled. Of course opening up augment slots and calling it good wouldn't be handling it well either. It's just easier to imagine, since it wouldn't take nearly as much development, and can be monetized/grindetized.
  18. Primed Fulmination isn't changing "Embed Damage Radius" in the Arsenal stat. But I think that's only a UI bug, as in the Sim at least, it is making the actual damage radius larger. (Tested via damage popups and status application to nearby targets.) It's not a huge difference. But that's basically as expected, since the base radius is small. Lethal Momentum is also significantly boosting the range of the weapon there. I didn't try to examine the actual velocity difference with the mod, but high strength Zephyr's Jet Stream causes an obvious reduction in travel time over the same distances.
  19. Ooof, thanks, I'd forgotten the Options search bar was a thing, even though it's staring me right in the face whenever I open that menu.
  20. https://www.warframe.com/news/devstream-176-overview
  21. It's not with the other keyboard settings. Options // Accessibility // Hold to Sprint. It's near the top. Turn it off. Unfortunately it won't keep it toggled on through various transitions, but it'll still be a huge improvement over keeping it pressed down.
  22. In the Sim it does look like the self-stagger radius with PFulm is larger than the Arsenal's radius by maybe a meter. Same with regular Akarius. And without PFulm, though the discrepancy might be larger with the mod. It'd be interesting to figure out if the actual damage radius matches up with the Arsenal, or if it too seems larger
  23. I do switch between them, but I use Resonance more. Partly because I find it more fun, partly because with the weapons I normally use, Resonance is good enough against armor in basic SP. And when I need to armor strip something beefier like an Acolyte, casting Sonic Boom three times will do it without an augment.
  24. Honestly I'd forgotten Vigilante Vigor existed. Considering how rarely I think I dip into shield gate, VV probably is better. But I'd want to test it. It could also make a good replacement for a non shield mod in cases where the extra tank would be helpful.
  25. I sometimes use a kind of shield regen build in SP. Shield gate is still an important component, but I don't go out of my way to leverage that. There's no secret gimmick to it: Primed Vigor, Fast Deflection, Rolling Guard. (Primed Continuity, Primed Flow, Augur Reach, Transient Fortitude, Resonance, Handspring, and usually Enemy Radar are the other mods.) Aegis and Energize for arcanes. A robotic companion with a good status weapon, Manifold Bond and Guardian is very helpful. (And maybe that's the sooper sekret, if anything is.) No shards, and no Helminth. Though if i were serious about the build, I'd put at least one each of casting speed and parkour velocity on there, and replace Quake with Breach Surge or Condemn. (Or Pillage, but Pillage just feels too cheesy to me.) I might explore Adaptation, Vazarin, or Rakta Dark Dagger for harder content like Archon Hunts, Netra Cells and the like, but this works fine for basic SP. Honestly there, as long as I keep moving, I don't even get a shield gate very often. If you don't have Primed Vigor, I think Primed Redirection would work even better most of the time, but I like having some health buffer for toxin. Regular Vigor should work if that's a concern for you as well. (And if you really don't want to go the Catalyzing Shields route.) Aegis should be replaceable with Barrier or any useful arcane.
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