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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. The DE overview will probably be up today. But you can get a list of highlights by just looking at the pinned timestamps on youtube. If you need more than that, without just watching the stream, do a search for "warframe devstream 176 recap" and several summary videos will come up.
  2. I'm not wondering why things are the way they are technically, though I do think guessing about the reasons is very fun. I just wonder what Pablo would say--if we got him drunk--about why special treatment for Kullervo and Styanax is justified. Other than something along the lines of, "The code is a mess and we've got more important things to do." Or, "What, first I've heard of it." Or, "Have you seen my cat pictures?" :P
  3. I think this follows the same pattern as Overguard in Nulli fields. Frost, Rhino, and Atlas Overguard get nullified, Kullervo and Styanax Overguard don't. Why? No idea. It seems weirder that two of them last through nullification (and presumably falling off the map) than that three of them behave as I'd expect.
  4. Falcor and Xoris explosions. Tenet Agendus disk. I don't have arcane adapters on these yet, so haven't tested them. I'm sure there's more, although some of the others are on slams/slides, like Ohma.
  5. I wish I could easily diagram them out for you. Personally I'd say a general rule of thumb is to shoot what looks most like a (very ugly) face, or where a face would be on a humanoid. A deceptive one is the charger, as the Grineer head underneath isn't actually a headshot target, it's the face on the front, as if it was a Kubrow. Mutalist Osprey types don't have heads (even though regular Ospreys do) nor does the Jugulus. Their movement and dangle-y bits do tend to make Infested harder to land aimed headshots on than the other classic factions. And their relative fragility means it's not as valuable. I only learned them from playing Lanka Loki builds and the like.
  6. Prisma Latron has always only had a left shoulder version. Same thing with Elixus Latron when you run across that. Just one of those weird things, that Baro will maybe address some day.
  7. Not at all my intent. I'm basing it mainly on comments I've seen from some (not all, obviously) controller-users about headshot mechanics. The remainder is from imagining how terrible I'd be if I had to use one for headshots in this game.
  8. For me, as long as a reasonably skilled headhunter can be more efficient than bodyshots in a reasonable spread of content, I think it's good to have the alternative ways to charge up. If nothing else, it's an accessibility issue. People who aren't going to be able to hit headshots, whether because of a disability, using a controller, or a mobile device, should still be able to access a variety of Incarnon modes. IMO, these are too fun to restrict too much.
  9. +1. Although I'd add that charge input and ouput amounts really need some rebalancing on top of that.. Burston: each charge produces 30 Incarnon rounds Torid: each charge produces 34 Inarnon rounds Bronco: each charge produces 0.5 Incarnon rounds And that's leaving aside the difficulty of charging which is far, far more difficult on the Bronco.
  10. I was pretty worried this would happen with Qorvex, considering the parallels. Released in mid-December with a major, integer update, and sort of half-baked on release. (Also I was immediately and inordinately fond of both of them for aesthetic reasons, so I knew in my guts they were both doomed. :P ) But Qorvex looks much more popular, so I can imagine him getting some tweaks/bugfixes/customizations at a better rate. Though it would be truly a remarkable achievement to have a worse rate than Cali.
  11. Biggest surprise and delight for me: sticky corners getting fixed. If it works, that's going to be tremendous. (And something we all immediately forget about.)
  12. Knukor hasn't yet taken a break from being #1. But it's at the lowest overall usage it's been at since it was introduced, only barely ahead of Laetum.
  13. I don't know about Naroxas, but I found it by googling "warframe usage" and seeing the 2023 stats button on the same site as last year.
  14. True. But when I play public it's not uncommon for me to see two Torid users, which seems roughly similar to the days when KZarr was everywhere. Only reasons I guessed top 8 for Torid rather than #1 were the Incarnon not getting introduced until Spring, and the fervent dislike many people had for Duviri mechanics and bugs.
  15. Confirmed on both Valk's Talons and Diwata. We can't know whether it's intended or not, but it's certainly not intuitive. I'd suggest bug reporting it, and seeing what happens. That's easy, like it does for any melee weapon, or (knowing DE) not at all. :P I can't speak for the OP, but exalted melee are both abilities and weapons. It's not crazy to think Rauta's gimmick would, could, or should work as normal, especially if one isn't familiar with the history of exalted weapons being exceptions or afterthoughts.
  16. Another oddity to me is I really expected some weapons that got Incarnon upgrades to make bigger jumps. There were some huge jumps, but I expected more and bigger. Like for primaries, I thought Torid would be top 8 at least, and Burston and Latron would be top 15. I bet the heat maps have changed a lot, but those pages aren't formatting correctly for me, so I haven't tried to dig into them.
  17. What's awesome is that Cali just barely squeaked ahead of Qorvex, despite the latter not even existing until the last 2.5 weeks of 2023. Despite everything stacked against Caliban in terms of acquisition, bugs, appearance, lack of customization, power, and reputation, that seems odd. I wonder if there is some normalization being done to account for portion of the year available. Although then other numbers make less sense.
  18. Cool, Banshee's tied for "least popular frame" with Nyx now! (Criteria: frame has both a vanilla and prime that can still be acquired, both of which were available for the full calendar year or longer.)
  19. Well sometimes they're right about the "never happen", or at least they've been right about certain things for a long time. And I can understand thinking some obviously flawed systems are ...fine, even when my categorization of "fine" is different than theirs. What I really can't fathom is the satisfaction some people seem to get from arguing systems are as good as they can get, and that somebody who asks for improvements is entitled and should shut up.
  20. Or build another one. Copies are clunky in some ways, and can feel like they take a lot of investment. But they definitely work, with a very few exceptions. I'm not against the system getting improved though, whether through better handling of copies or additions to the polarity/capacity system, or whatever.
  21. Let me guess, there were several people declaring that the shard system was perfect as is, since it used to be even worse?
  22. Nemesis xx Armament Descryor: One for every Nemesis weapon, purchased at Cephalon Simaris or for platinum, tradable. When equipped in the gear wheel it forces selection of that weapon on the next Larvling or Candidate encountered, and is consumed as soon as the unit is downed. (Or it could skip the Larvling/Candidate step entirely, but that might be more problematic.)
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