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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Are you inflicting heat procs on him or using Silence? I'm not sure if they still do, but these have been known to get him stuck in past.
  2. I like most of these suggestions a lot. Small quibbles: Silence prevents enemies from reacting to sounds within its radius, which isn't the same. Especially for builds without high range. I don't object to her getting an additional passive though. Your suggestion is definitely thematic. Well that, and the Pull orb gimmick getting removed completely about a year-and-a-half ago. :P
  3. I'd like Toxin damage to stop bypassing shields, Tenno or enemy. Toxin procs would keep this property. There would need to be other balance changes around this though, to avoid things like newer players having too much trouble killing Corpus, Infested becoming too weak, and shield builds becoming even more powerful.
  4. Can the Innodem's projectiles do substantial damage? I played with this mechanic some a long time ago, but gave up on it as cool but too weak. And if something is cool, my standards are usually pretty low. Is there something unusual you have to do to beef it up?
  5. The last answer we got was that the more difficult timer was intended and justified due to the power of the potential bonuses. But yeah, I wish they'd reevaluate this. Particularly as, unlike the other Galvanized mods, Scope/Crosshairs are very specific about what kind of kills will trigger: headshot only, and not resulting from bleed/toxin/heat dots. I'd like the mods better with shorter timers or a smaller bonuses--within limits--if they came with the same stack expiration behavior as the other Galvanized mods.
  6. I don't have the slash arcane and haven't been tempted to acquire it. I just don't find slash procs that dangerous. I very rarely slot the Toxin arcane. Toxin can be quite dangerous to builds reliant on shields...but the arcane only protects against Toxin procs, while Toxin damage itself is the main problem, Nullifier I slot sometimes. Mainly in Circuit, occasionally for weird stuff like a Magnetic damage sortie.
  7. First off, the UI is misleading. The ability card only shows the duration for allies, which has a base of 6s. The buff bar only shows a timer for Loki's invulnerability, which has a base of only half that. 3 * (1+ 1.92) = 8.76 If you're really seeing it capped at 8s though, that's interesting. If you haven't already, I'd suggest slotting Constitution and Augur Message on too, and seeing what happens. I haven't stopwatched it, but I have a build with 20.22s duration according to the ability card. And,. as I'd expect, the buff timer shows 10-something when I use it in mission.
  8. It's been so long since I did the Solaris grind, so apologies if I'm forgetting a rank up or something you have to do to see all of Ticker's bonds. But purchased Debt Bond costs are pretty random, often costing resources or credits, and not Goblite Tears or other syndicate locked items. For instance right now, I see four options for Training Bonds: fish parts / credits, resource / credits, fish parts / resource, and one that would be unavailable to you because it involves Travocyte Alloy. Bonds are on a timer and rotate regularly, so hopefully it's just a matter of revisiting Ticker.
  9. It can be done. One little thing that makes it more straightforward the second time around: challenges don't need to be done again. I did it partly for different polarities, partly because back then we had to visit Cavalero to change evos. Polarities are one thing, but now it's a little annoying to need to do it merely because of what looks to the user like a UI issue.
  10. There are times when a Survival or other endless will be the only mission(s) available at a given tier.
  11. It shouldn't matter. I only say "shouldn't" instead of "doesn't" because I haven't tested it, and Warframe is a weird, buggy game. But aside from that, the only mechanic I can think of where rank matters isn't something that specters can do anyway. If you want to call it leveling, some Incarnon perks apply to Specter weapons. Or used to--I haven't tested this in a long time. Kuva/Tenet progressive damage bonuses don't apply. Interesting related question is whether the frame rank matters. Do rank sub-30 Tenno Specters have lower health and shields?
  12. I don't know if it's true, but I've heard once or twice that support can assist with this. Although what I recall hearing was that they could get people past points in the quest, not reset or suspend it. Again, may be untrue, true, or partially true.
  13. Younggunn82, your arrogance will be your demise.
  14. Always remarkable how many things they apparently have to do by hand.
  15. Not sure if this is what you're saying, but I find it easiest to control the test by starting stopped but with sprint toggled, pressing roll, pressing forward during the roll and releasing before the roll is finished. Won't get the same distance every time, but it keeps the starting spot the same. Base sprint speed seems to have a bigger impact than modded sprint speed. And Amalgam Barrel Diffusion seems to reduce the differences, contrary to what I would think. With sprint toggled on and without releasing the forward button, I still get the dodge DR during the roll.
  16. Nope, nor have they done so about all the other exceptions. OTOH, they haven't said they're supposed to be exceptions either*. The only exceptions they've ever called out as intended are cold proc slow and Limbo's ability to send enemies to the Rift. Other than those, this is what we've got: DE, Eximus Reborn: "While Overguard is active, it will keep Eximus units immune to Warframe crowd control abilities and anything that will stagger, knockdown, stun, mind control, ragdoll, and blind." Stomp on Overguard is technically a slow, and slows aren't specifically listed. But obviously by any sane estimation strong slows are a CC. And I'd point out that the majority of slows, weak or strong, did stop working on Eximus after this was implemented. So the list wasn't meant to be exhaustive. *Since the Eximus rework and Overguard, that is. Long before that, a very few of these abilities were specifically changed so as to have some effect on "bosses", usually as part of a nerf to having their full effect on these enemies. Bastille is the one I remember offhand, which could originally freeze bosses in stasis. Stomp is suspiciously similar to Bastille in this regard. Although Stomp's slow is so extreme as to still basically be stasis, whereas Bastille's slow is so moderate I think many people don't realize it's there. I didn't until it was pointed out to me.
  17. Sprint speed does have some effect on roll distance as long as sprint is active at some point during the roll.
  18. Or even if shields are multiplied by much more than that, lol.
  19. This. Probably not a bug since it's worked that way from the beginning AFAICR. Hopefully something that gets fixed with the Companion ability overhaul.
  20. What build are you trying to use? Mainly just trying to get an idea what mods you have available. But if you're not interested in build advice in a feedback thread, I won't waste your time. As far as feedback goes... Oxium Ospreys are really tough. Probably the most difficult regular Corpus unit you could choose. And have been the source of many other complaints that I can recall. They don't just have Robotic health, they have tons of it compared to other units, besides being the rare Corpus with armor underneath their shields. If they're presenting difficulties to players on a scale that other shielded enemies don't, it might suggest a change to Oxium Ospreys more than it does a buff to a class of weapons.
  21. Toxin damage bypasses nearly all shields. ...which a lot of people will think is all that needs to be said. :P But where's the fun in that? So I'll also mention that non-Incarnon Paris Prime has enough damage that with Magnetic it can brute force most shields in non-Endless in a couple of body shots. Don't want to be tied down to Toxin or Magnetic? Maybe one more body shot. I won't deny that traditional bows are more disadvantaged than most weapons vs shields, between charge time, flight time, and arcing. Slow, semi-auto, single target weapons face most of the same issues in the game in general. AoE is where it's at, and if you don't enjoy AoE, fast automatic weapons are better than slow weapons as a rule of thumb. But maybe it comes down to choosing the right tools for the job if you want things to be easier. If you want to go the hard way, well, Toxin and headshots are there for you.
  22. I don't really care either. I don't play Frost and in very few cases do I find prime upgrades to be meaningful. The slightly higher concentration of meaninglessness in Frost Prime's case is just a funny thing. Granted though, it was 10x funnier in those years when higher shields were often seen as a negative!
  23. To add to this, in the Sim I can't tell that it has any effect on vanilla Acceltra either. In fact if I use Zephyr Jet Stream with 322% projectile speed, I still can't tell. In comparison, it's quite obviously working on Spira and Akarius Prime.
  24. I'm presuming it would be at least some work to convert these to emotes, and more to make them usable by any frame. Partly I'm inferring this because it hasn't already happened. I have no background in the field though. If my presumption is wrong and whatever significant cost there is was already sunk into the trailer, then free is great. Maybe not realistic, capitalism being what it is, but definitely great. But if the cost is significant I'd rather prices be upfront than hidden, so that people who don't care enough to pay for an emote don't subsidize it for people who do.
  25. Cool idea. I like the idea of free, but no game content truly is. New content either gets charged for, or the cost is hidden in higher costs elsewhere, or developers are putting in more time without getting paid for it. Free to you and I, but not "free". Personally, I'd consider buying Prime emotes if the prices were reasonable. I can also see them being used to sweeten Primed Accessories bundles.
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