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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Punch Through is really nice on it, no doubt. (Proud / ashamed owner of three different Ocucor PT rivens. ) Even at ridiculous levels, stripped fodder units die fast. Once there's a tendril or two, it's game on. Also Cascadia Flare or Empowered or Secondary Dexterity are all really helpful for getting those initial stacks going. Although speaking of Dexterity, I'm realizing my perspective is maybe a bit skewed, as I'm perfectly willing to mix in other weapons to make getting those initial kills easier. Even when I've got Ocucor rolling, I get bored fast using it alone.
  2. Ocucor with the augment shouldn't need a riven. Maybe at level cap without any buff abilities or something. It kinda needed a riven before, or at least one was super-handy. depending on what content one was running,
  3. I don't often do two missions in a row with the same three weapons, let alone stick with a set of three that I'd ever dream of calling my "Arsenal". So no, I'm not going to detail the purposes of all the weapons I use regularly. Besides, it would get awfully repetitive typing, "fun and fashion" for all the melee weapons, and "fun, fashion, , and good sound effects" for all the ranged weapons dozens of times. :P
  4. Steel Fiber (armor) will help a lot against everything against Slash procs, which bypass armor. Redirection (shields) will help a lot against everything but Toxin procs, which bypass shields. Adding more health from other mods will help some against everything. Maxing your Vitality mod likewise, but only a tiny bit. Vigor might be worthwhile to add, as it increases both health and shields. There's Rapid Resiliance which helps against all status procs, not just damage...but doesn't help against direct damage. I wouldn't use specific resistance mods normally, but maybe you could slot them when you're going up against specific enemies/bosses. Personally I might go for Steel Fiber or Vigor out of those options. However I'll point out that there are other things that can help. Rolling reduces incoming damage by 75%, including ongoing proc damage. Moving around a lot makes it more difficult for enemies to hit you in the first place. Just being more careful about getting in the firing lines of too many enemies at once can be big help. And Vauban does have ability tools that can kill enemies or disable them. So it adding more energy, efficiency, or range and using abilities more strategically can have a dramatic effect. Maybe the most dramatic effect.
  5. ... "Ultimately, we want to ensure the longevity of this system by proactively putting in measures that prevent an unbalanced reward system caused by indefinite scaling." Mostly I'd say that's devspeak for "The thought of players skating by more and more with login boosters at 4000, 5000, and 10000 days rather than buying them irks our accounting department." :P It will affect some other things besides boosters though.
  6. Which also means they've had going on 11 years to give him, oh, I don't know, +50 armor or something. :P
  7. Stop being impatient. You'll be able to spawn level cap enemies just as soon as you grind out MR1994, Super Duper Legendary Ultra Triple Dog Dare True True Fresh Bingo Master.
  8. Frost Prime is the champion of bad prime upgrades, but Gauss Prime was a worthy opponent, even in defeat.
  9. You may want to read over your OP again if you think it can't be viewed as lashing out. If you genuinely want a "healthy discussion" rather than just to rant, try not calling all the people playing to get through an Axi Exterminate fast "IDIOTS" and labeling their behavior "UNACCEPTABLE". (In allcaps, of course. The signature characteristic of somebody who craves healthy discussion, lol.) This is a subject that's really hard to have a non-toxic dialog about on these forums even if it's presented in the best possible way. You can still edit the OP and try to have a better go of it. Or ask a mod to remove the thread and start over. Or just stick with the proven formula for thoughtful dialog you've got going here.
  10. Pellets count individually for headshot hits, so you don't need huge magazine size. I did it with a basically unmodded Felarx except for Hell's Chamber and Vigilante Armaments, the idea being I didn't want to kill the angel before the finishing the challenge. And I used my sidearm after that to finish him off.
  11. It's a popular suggestion, but I think it's very unlikely. Maybe as part of a transmutation system, where there's a chance of getting traces rather than a guarantee. Mostly because too many of us have thousands of relics we'll never use, and I think DE wants to keep us tethered to grinding traces if we're not going to spend money for new primes. In case you didn't know already, you can turn in Aya for traces if you're really desperate.
  12. Blast is at the bottom for elemental, and Gas might be second from the bottom (Though I'm not sure I wouldn't put Magnetic there instead.)...but that doesn't mean Blast can even, uh, ...sniff Gas. :P Gas damage is only great against Infested, which most players don't care much about when other damage types kill them pretty well. And its status can be very powerful, but takes too much set up and the right conditions for most players to figure out. Or bother with when they do figure it out. Which sounds pretty grim, right? But Blast basically just offers...nothing useful, and worse still, nothing interesting. It's fun to make Gas procs work at least.
  13. I'm a little skeptical of that. But the game has changed a great deal since I was trying to complete the Star Chart, so maybe I shouldn't be.
  14. I think that evolved into Tennokai. I think they said this isn't happening or has been shelved indefinitely. There was what I might call a teaser of a teaser of a teaser just this week!:
  15. I reversed Electro Pulse and Arc Coil above, which I've fixed now. :/
  16. A lot of people love having somebody who can melt fissures fast. I'm not often one of them, but I can understand the sentiment rather than getting angry about it. Am I a bigger idiot for recognizing that many players have very different goals than me, and if I want total control over my game experience, the solo button is right there? Or for still trying to use a Javlok in public fissures? Depends who you ask, I guess. :/ Idiot or not, I'll suggest to you that you should remember that this is a framework that DE set up. And perhaps you should address your concerns to them rather than lash out at the supposed rudeness of the playerbase for playing differently than you want them too in a public mission.
  17. I would have researched where to get Serration and Hornet Strike and worked to get them. Those were somewhat more rare then, and I remember struggling through most of the Star Chart, especially against bosses, with what was then called a "damaged" Serration, which gave something like +50% damage. I finally got the real version while working on Eris. I actually got Condition Overload before it, back when it was super-duper rare and much, much more powerful at the top end than now. Not that I had the mods, weapons, or knowledge to leverage it, let alone remotely approach the "top end" until a lot later.
  18. You haven't sharef those screenshots here, which made it even harder to be sure what you were saying. Or that you weren't simply mistaken. I'm still not totally sure what you're trying to accomplish. As long as it's 100% clear to somebody at DE reading this, that's all that matters, but maybe it isn't.
  19. Do you have Manifold Bond slotted? I haven't looked at this since the Companion rework, but when I did I noticed that Manifold Bond and Electro Pulse really suppressed usage of Arc Coil. It may have been worse if it was in a higher priority slot, but the way I remember it, I got a lot less Arc Coil as long as I had Electro Pulse slotted. Arc Coil was what I wanted, while Electro Pulse was pretty much useless as far as I could tell...even apart from its negative effect on Coil. So I put it away and didn't think anymore about it. If you want to use the mod anyway, try putting it in the furthest right slot on the bottom row and see if that helps. Companions have an AI priority order for their mods, and that's the lowest.
  20. OTOH, you don't have to forma up another set of Talons! :P I totally agree though. How I'd like Exalted Weapons handled is as regular weapons in an Exalted section of the Arsenal, with the caveat that they're only visible and slottable when the applicable frame with the applicable ability is selected. Acquire another copy of that frame, get a another, fresh copy of that weapon. Use whichever weapon copy we want on whichever frame copy we want. Has the advantages of both the current system and the conventional weapon system. And it no longer feels a bit--to me when I was newer to this game anyway--like DE's pulled a fast one by not including exalted weapon copies with duplicate frames.
  21. No, I am killing enemies to my satisfaction, thank you for your concern. There are some improvements I feel could be made to Eximus 2.0, but overall it's one of my all time favorite overhauls, and has been a huge boost to Warframe's entertainment value for me. I'm only griping about two things in this thread: - some CCs that DE specifically categorized as no longer working through Overguard that never stopped working - some non-CC effects that became non-functional through Overguard, despite DE saying nothing about that Both of which have very little rhyme or reason to them. If it's all intended, I'd love to hear any explanation of the logic or technical issues that make them so. I've made a few individual bug report threads on these, and participated many, many more. Only two have been fixed that I know of: Avalanche not armor stripping through Overguard, and Cordon pulling in Eximus through it. There've been a couple of others, but not ones I think I contributed to. So I wouldn't say bug reporting any of this has had a ton of traction over the last two years.
  22. lol, please. I'm pretty bad, but even I can manage to activate Sound Quake when there is an eximus in range and note whether it's staggered or not. Right...please post specific examples of CC abilities working through Eximus Overguard on your end that aren't already mentioned as exceptions here: And tell me where DE says unaimed CC abilities are intended to work through Overguard.
  23. These numbers are in the correct ranges with the published dispositions of the Dual Keres and Dual Keres Prime. 0.65 and 1.10 respectively. The last update to Dual Keres Prime was in July, raising it from 0.6 to 0.65. If you're 100% certain you saw those higher numbers while it was slotted on Dual Keres Prime in the Arsenal then this would be a case of DE fixing a disposition bug, not a nerf.
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