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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Aiming is nowhere stated to be an intended factor in whether effects apply or not through Overguard. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1305472-eximus-reborn-dev-workshop/ Plus I'd add that the majority of CCs that aren't aimed don't work. Gloom is one example, notable to me because I think its popularity as a Helminth injection was one of the primary impetuses for CC immunity getting added to Eximus in the first place. But we could add Sound Quake, Molecular Prime, Divine Spears, Chaos, and many more.
  2. ➕1️⃣ But a Dishonorable Mention might go to Prowl, since there is no CC component to the ability at all, and not even a non-CC debuff, and yet the pickpocket doesn't work through Overguard. :/
  3. Visible to host and invitees. Hidden from drop-ins.
  4. In the image the build you have open has another ability injected in the place of Primal Fury. If you have an augment for that ability, you'll be able to find it. If you open a config that still has Primal Fury available, Primal Rage will show up as normal.
  5. Currently it'll change the Arsenal mag size, but it's never had any actual effect on bows, or anything else that pulls directly from ammo reserve.
  6. Adjacent to this, I often suggest that only toxin procs should bypass shields, rather than toxin damage inherently. This would require a fair amount of rebalancing though, especially on the player shield end of things. Much of what makes Treasurers tougher than nearly all shielded enemies is their shields being an exception to Toxin bypass.
  7. After three dispo passes without any decreases, and all that in the context of Incarnon Genesis weapons, my takeaway is they've lost the willingness to nerf overperforming weapon dispos.
  8. I'm all for more difficulty in the game, but random crits and headshots on players are a notoriously unsatisfying way to handle it. And of course it would have had the most negative impact on builds that weren't exploiting invulnerability, invisibility, or Mesmer Skin. Healers, damage mitigators, and jump-arounders can use the boost. Moreover its removal should make calibrating difficulty easier for DE as well as players. Will DE actually treat this as a step back in order to take two steps forward? I don't know, but it's a promising change.
  9. Multishot doesn't work on hitscan AoE weapon damage. More details (and some non-hitscan AoE examples) here: edit: Actually I don't know about Tenet Detron. I don't have the weapon to test, but none of its fire modes are hitscan AoE and it's not mentioned as one of the other examples on the list.
  10. It does, but without the Melee Guidance bug it doesn't circumvent initial combo regeneration.
  11. I can understand feeling it's unfair. But to me, they're more than anything else, just differences. Different abilities do similar things but have distinct characteristics. Terrify doesn't strip Acolytes but it isn't hampered by LoS, which most armor strips are. Some strips do damage, some don't. Some strip shields, some don't. Pillage restores shields and Tharros Strike health while the others mostly don't. Etc. I don't need all strips to work the same, any more than I need all damage abilities to have the same base numbers or do the same damage type or be as effective on the same enemies. Which is not to say that I find armor strips perfectly balanced: I don't. Pillage is too strong as a Helminth ability compared to (Seeking) Shuriken, Oberon's strip is too restrictive Polarize strip might as well not exist...I could go on. Although fair or not, none of these differences and imbalances would be "double standards" AFAIC. Not unless DE was discriminating against certain frames on the basis of race, gender, class, or ethnicity. Hopefully you're not trying to imply that. :P
  12. I don't need total consistency in armor strips, but I'd like more consistency, and more information in game. I don't mind if some armor strips don't work on VIPs. But I'd like it tightened up and spelled out so I know what to expect. And what to bug report. (I don't find the lack of an armor strip that works on Acolytes to be a categorical dealbreaker for SP, but I'm going to guess that's just being dramatic.)
  13. I sort of dislike the bullet attractor effect whether its on void or magnetic, when it comes to other people inflicting it. Since if it's not applied or can't be applied to heads, it disrupts my ability to land headshots. I suppose that could be adjusted maybe... But it's already quite powerful when applied correctly, so I don't know. Alternate idea: have magnetic inflict ability suppression--basically Silence. The duration would need to work differently than the shield debuff--maybe something like 2 seconds per status proc. FWIW the cool thing about this route is it parallels what magnetic procs do to Tenno: makes it harder for them to cast abilities by draining their energy. Don't know about the specific numbers, but I like the OPs resistance suppression suggestion for Void. (Not the first time its been suggested. Same with ability suppression or just about any idea for reworking status procs that can be imagined.)
  14. Dual Ichor and Torid as well. But yeah, Hema and more infested Incarnon would be cool. I really hoped for Sporothrix, since it's neat and the only sniper without an altfire. But the augment makes that seem more unlikely now. Mios and Mutalist Cernos are two I'd love to see. And Pox and Embolist both fit the trademark "bad, old weapon" characteristics.
  15. I'm not sure why you're explaining this to me, like you think I'd disagree? There are a number of these listed in that thread as well, including Pacify. But they're much more tedious to test, so I suspect there are great deal I'm unaware of. I'll add it, thank you. Question though: just in terms of drawing threat? They're definitely extremely good at that. Or is there more to it?
  16. While I don't think it true it's literally the only one, what's most remarkable to me about Stomp is how infrequently I see Rhino players using it. Maybe they're all playing low range builds, I don't know. :/ Well, me too. Although some of those listed in the thread are "borderline CCs" or maybe not CC at all by many definitions. Aggro manipulations, for example. But they're mentioned for the sake of completeness, and because many definitions are not all definitions. If you know of outright errors or omissions or learn of any, I still update that thread periodically and would like to hear about them.
  17. Are you saying the others in that thread are incorrect, that they're all minor in comparison, or just that you haven't verified them yourself?
  18. Any Qorvex fixes / adjustments coming, or are yall satisfied with where he's at? I do find him a fun frame, but basically for his stats, passive, and audio design. All four of his abilities have significant issues.
  19. One of many CC abilities/effects that do so. It might be the best though. Celestial Stomp is also quite good for this, but a lot clunkier. And takes an augment.
  20. I'm confused. What you're describing is "The Lone Story" or "Duviri Experience", which are open world modes closely related to each other and mostly separate from "The Circuit". If you want to play the actual Circuit, for instance for Incarnon Genesis Adapters which are exclusive to it, you'll have to select it in the Duviri section of the Navigation panel. Circuit progression is very clear: it's a rotation of a few mission types--Exterminate, Survival, Void Flood, Excavation, Defense, and Jackal Exterminate--on a small map, mainly for points to claim Circuit tier rewards. Keep going as long as you want. However you'll lose all points for that session if a mission is failed, or if there is an unsuccessful host migration, so I don't recommend staying too long or if the host leaves. The Flying Snake Boss is in the Lone Story or Duviri Experience. Personally I only play these solo, but if you want to get to the boss in co-op, it's best to do Lone Story as it doesn't have the side-objectives. If that doesn't help you, let me know.
  21. While it's an obvious way to do it and very plausible, I'm really not in favor of fixing single target weapon issues by making them AoE.
  22. They ended it exactly when the patch note, the news item, and the timer said it would end. I can understand many people finding that timing inconvenient, and inevitably it was going to catch some by surprise. But it wasn't rude, not when the information has been available for a month.
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