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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. GAptitude is of limited value compared to the Serration mods on at least some popular weapons, mostly AoE.
  2. I'm sure it's true, because there are ton of weapons in the game. But one could guess the same about every weapon specific mod. We do exist, and I think you've missed the main point of those mods: giving cool but little used weapons an optional and unique perk. Rather than "giving already popular primaries a dagger armor strip passive" or "giving every side-arm a passive melee combo and stagger buff." Personally, I think a more appropriate response would be to keep the mods restricted, but buff some of them. (Looking at you, Javlok and Ripkas mods.) Or leave the mods as is, and buff or release better versions of ones that are lacking. (Looking at you...all of them.)
  3. Oh, right, move both that and Harkonar Scope to exilus please. Do you mean making all sniper augments exilus? If so, it doesn't seem to me like they should get that treatment over other weapons. Maybe Voltage Sequence...but I'd rather it got buffed. Same with Meticulous Aim. Lasting Purity seems fine taking a regular slot. Volatile Variant getting made exilus would be goofy. If you meant new augments, I'd like to see an example or two. Why do you see it as a sniper problem rather than single target problem? If AoE weapons didn't exist, and the game wasn't so horde-focused, snipers would look much, much healthier. As it stands there is a lack of content that's appropriate to single target weapons, and an extreme lack of content that pleads for ST burst damage potential. Even the priority targets we have that seem like they'd be candidates for it aren't so much really, largely due to power creep and damage attenuation.
  4. Maybe. But it's just an uncommon mod, so it fits pretty well in DE's tier system as is. Better than many even, in not being made obsolete by rares in every situation. Only thing that bothers me a little is that Focus Radon has the same capacity cost as Reflex. Not sure why the new mod is cheaper than Focus Energy. Some of the other new rad mods are cheaper than their rare predecessors too, so it it seems intentional. Pretty minor thing though.
  5. 20%. I'm sure there are cases where that's important and/or somebody doesn't want to dilute their damage profile with radiation (or electric). Actually a type that comes to mind are Heavy natural slash builds.
  6. There is more information and some videos here: At least, I think this is the same bug.
  7. I just did this yesterday. If it helps, my strategy was just a gas build in Incarnon mode against SP infested, and I got it done in the first couple of minutes of a Survival. More than half of that was probably charging the thing up, which does suck. I could have done it faster if I'd thought to use Scourge, but I thought that was still very easy. If SP infested are too sturdy, I suspect regular spawns are still high enough to get this done in a few minutes. Charging will take longer though. To make it even easier, I'd recommend a grouping ability, aggro minion, or a source of radiation status to get enemies to clump up. I know this is an old comment, but I don't find this to be true with either the Bronco or Strun. In my testing it's more like, "As long as one pellet hits the head, I get credit for at least that." My testing was against level 1 butchers with a complete overkill build, at varying distances and without ADS, so almost as far from ideal conditions as possible. In 80 shots, at varying distances, I got 79 charges with the Bronco. A couple of explanations come to mind for what you saw. 1. Bronco takes 40 charges, so 1 charge is really hard to see. 2. Its spread is awful, so at medium distances with low multishot, I think it's possible to just miss the head completely. I think that's probably what happened with my missing 80th charge. Similar story with Strun, but it's got much tighter spread, and is much more forgiving in general.
  8. Well both. Although I'd say Developers have more individual responsibility and basically all the collective responsibility for the state of the game. But players individually should take some responsibility for what they do with that game IMO. I can criticize DE for thinking Mesmer Skin or injectable Nourish in its current state are good ideas, but also recognize that I don't have to use them. And shouldn't if they're making the game less fun for me.
  9. I would not go that far. It's a combination of limited multishot counting on kills; shotguns having a lot of damage generally, so prone to overkilling; and spread being an issue. All these problems are much less severe against tougher targets. Personally I find Bronco much less forgiving than Strun. (Incidentally, I use multishot rivens on both.) I don't have Incarnon Boar yet. edit: Oh, Strun takes 40 headshots to get 40 charges. Bronco takes 40 headshots to get 20. I guess that's why. :/
  10. Yeah, that was funny. Especially given that they just released Energy Nexus, and keep adding frames that rely on spamming. Bring back the old Energy Leechs! That'll fix the energy system real good! :P (Neither one of us is serious, but nevertheless I'll point out that giving all Eximus a Disruptor aura would mainly result in people moving over to the frames that are immune to it. Well, that or quitting, lol.)
  11. Was it really that long when it got changed? Since a few things like sniper combo multishot work despite overkill it seems like they wouldn't have to do anything as sloppy as re-enabling corpse hits. That said, I don't feel like the system needs to be easier overall than it is now. The main thing I'd like is some charge tuning by weapon so that things make more sense. Bronco should not feel 3x harder to charge up than Burston for 1/30th of the Incarnon mag.
  12. Reb mentioned that in their micro-stream today. She didn't actually say they'd be boosted, but said something about them having a plan. Maybe the plan is to add small amounts of endo to the reward table? Maybe the plan is to finally wipe out the human masters who created them?!! Anyway, judge for yourself https://www.youtube.com/live/7NjOqcYMlvE?si=Teiv89c7LidJaJEU Starting around 11:00.
  13. I think they should rebalance Incarnon input/output amounts pretty much across the board, particularly since they removed the ability for multishot to charge off of corpse heads. Probably should just take multi out of the equation to simplify things. This time account a little better for the degree of difficulty in hitting headshots with different weapons. Maybe...maybe add body shot charging to more weapons as long as headshots are more efficient for people who can hit them. Also should boost power levels on some of them, fix a bunch of evolution bugs, and rethink several evolutions that never make sense to pick up.
  14. I'm not adverse to it being thrown in the trash, but I think the accuracy debuff would be fine as a secondary effect. It does make a small difference in the Simulacrum when I'm looking for it and nothing else. The problem is it's very subtle, and there are a lot of attacks it seems to do nothing on. (And the sad truth is, a lot of enemies have incredibly pathetic aim anyway.) If it got something else on top, something impactful and more easy to detect, then I think it could be fine. A disarm, a status debuff, a stun, or a combination shield/health vulnerability that was additive to and smaller than magnetic/viral could all be cool. That makes sense though. Stack 1: 30%. Stack 10: 75%. 9 * 5 = 45. You might be thinking of Gas. That description in the wiki (Copied from what we were told, I think in a Dev Workshop.) says "...to all enemies within a 3-meter radius; subsequent procs increase the radius by 0.3 meters up to 6 meters in total after 10 stacks." That one either starts at 3.3m, caps at 5.7m, or scales at 0.33m. There is Puncture's weakness debuff, explained in game as reducing damage up to 90%, but is definitely only 80%. Which is almost certainly the intended amount.
  15. I forgot to mention yesterday that I did confirm the 12 combo multiplier was actually functioning like that on Heavy Attack hits, and not just a UI glitch.
  16. Consider buffing Blast status directly, please. The Puncture boost was a decent model.
  17. LOL, fair, but that joke rightfully belongs to Caliban. :P Cali owns that joke. Although maybe he's renting it out?
  18. I'm impressed Banshee didn't make your list. Actually she hasn't turned up in this thread at all afaict. Which is odd for long forum threads about frames that need help.
  19. I'd try it with forced regen from Augur/Brief Respite. I haven't checked recently, so maybe it's also been nerfed, but that used to reliably jumpstart Lethal Progeny shield restore.
  20. I mean, you had to know that was a prime target for a nerf. :P (Although I wouldn't be surprised if it's still very exploitable.) But it doesn't matter, as you are completely right: this is one of the reasons breaking down shards needs to be a thing.
  21. Shoot I often have a variety of contradictory opinions on the same frame, lol. I can simultaneously feel like Ivara is both one of the best and one of the worst designed frames in the game, for instance.
  22. The current version of Fire Walker is better for Nezha in virtually every way than the original. But six years later, I still miss it being a channel and playing the Silly But Fun, Absurd Damage Fire Kick Pyroclastic Flow minigame.
  23. Personally out of all the frames the OP listed, I only would have said Vauban was "doing great". Hildryn I would have considered, but I can't get around the fact she's got two pretty bad abilities and one really dull one, and is propped up remarkably well by Pillage her passives, and the Helminth system. OTOH, out of the ones in the OP "in desperate need of help" I only really agreed with Inaros and Chroma. Though Trinity and Ember I don't feel I know well enough to have an opinion, and a couple of others I believe are in desperate need of a rethink (Limbo) or bugfixes (Caliban) rather than what I think the OP meant by "help". And all of them (and many more) could use some help, just not "desperately". So...words and opinions and opinions on words are interesting! Or maybe not, YMMV, etc. :P
  24. Not the only one, either. Many of them (like Breach Surge) a lot more impactful than Dread Mirror's knockdown would be.
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