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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. It sounds like you recognize this is your own idiosyncratic definition. But in that case it seems odd to jump into threads and try to impose it on people who are just using the jargon conventionally. Especially when, even by your own definition, the headshot change makes it at least a minor nerf. Before my time, so maybe I have this wrong, but wasn't that all changes that didn't affect "damage number, critical chance, critical damage, status"? Probably so. Probably so whether the outcome was enjoyed or not, even.
  2. Yeah, those are nerfs. Mostly justified nerfs, IMO, but let's not be afraid to call things what they are.
  3. Yup. AFAICT we didn't even get a patch note that this was fixed. That should be the barest minimum. I never tried took advantage of the bug (I'm just not that interested in Blade Storm.) but I know a lot of people thought it made Ash more interesting, and modernized him a bit for the current game. And some of these people really wanted to believe that it was a Pablo refresh that got accidentally released early and without documentation. Anyway, document better, DE.
  4. If Rip Line scaled off mods on her Exalted, she could yeet anything into the sun, including herself.
  5. I am seeing some odd stuff with Pistol Amp in the Sim if you did your testing there. Sometimes it's applying to the Arsenal stats for my Hystrix, but not to the actual damage output. There are other Sim bugs that can confuse things too. (I suspect some of these happen in missions as well.) And even apart from bugs, it's easy to go wrong if all factors aren't accounted for.
  6. I suspect they've never been released the first of January or even the second. Sometimes it's been the second week of the new year, and my guess is that's what'll happen this time.
  7. +1 to this. Although there were flaws with the solution, particularly in hitting some weapons much harder than others, some of which were kind of marginal as AoE. And these cases probably seem more jarring to people, given the context of some AoE Incarnon weapons and Melee Influence.
  8. I can't remember testing this or not, but the Wiki article on Equilibrium says no: The effects of Arcane Energize and Energy Pulse do not apply to energy from converted health orbs. Likewise, Arcane Pulse does not apply to health from converted energy orbs. Also... Health and/or energy orb efficiency from Amber Archon Shard is not taken into account and will only use the orb's base values.
  9. Yeah, it really suffers in comparison to Protective Sling, obviously. It could really use a multiplier to the incoming damage during the invuln phase so that it gets a beefier shield, and attacks that aren't soaked up shouldn't remove hp from it. I like the directional aspect, although that should be made clear in the description and graphically. It still wouldn't compete well very with Protective Sling, but I think that ability is too powerful. One good thing I noticed playing with it right now: it doesn't have the anti-synergy with Sling that it once did, where the invuln would prevent it from adding hp to the barrier.
  10. I didn't find Gauss or Citrine to be bad, but I enjoyed the game modes, and wasn't exactly focused on grind. Disruption especially; Mirror Defense somewhat less so, but Citrine parts have a pity system. Caliban I bought, so I can't comment on that. Gauss Prime will be coming this month, if you don't care about the base frame.
  11. It's pretty dissimilar to the ones that were converted. The barrier is directional, and doesn't confer full status immunity.
  12. Can you share the complete breakdown and how many samples?
  13. Mostly you build for both. Due to low stats in crit damage or status application, some weapons can't effectively be built for both. Most of these are bad weapons but not all. Lower than ~1.8x crit damage and you might not bother with crit. There are ways to stack good crit chance on low crit chance weapons, so that isn't as big a deal in the meta. But if you don't have access to those, then you'll also want to look out for crit chance lower than 15%, especially if it's combined with lower than 2.0x crit damage. Too low of status chance is far harder to generalize about because a lot depends on RoF, innate multishot, multiple damage instances, forced procs--higher can get away with lower status chance. (You could go to this page and look at "average procs per second". Lower than 2 per second can be a red flag, but it's still rather complicated in many cases.) Status is also becoming easier and easier to outsource somewhere other than one's dps weapon, so pure crit+damage builds are becoming more common.
  14. I still think those will happen some day. I mean, DE only just released the Jackal rework...at least if we look at it in terms of geological time scales. :P The reason I don't think area/vendor consolidations are likely though, is that I suspect DE likes all these transitions eating up small chunks of our time. Or at least they don't dislike them enough to feel incentivized to fix them when there are a thousand other projects to work on.
  15. I could see it either way. I kind of like that there is calculation in some fights about using all the Incarnon guage versus sacrificing some of it to have a full charge when it's needed more. OTOH, it does kind of suck to lose the Incarnon gauge by accident on some weapons with really fast reload like Kunai. (It can happen on any, but the longer the transition, the longer I've got before a second buttonpress can register, the more it feels like it's my own dang fault for bungling it.) If we got this feature, maybe it should only apply to the headshot charge-dependent weapons though.
  16. I don't know if I'd say "problem" but pre-nerf I ran into a couple of Sunder Garudas that completely wrecked non-endurance SP. And one that wrecked quite high level Circuit, but I don't know what decrees they might have had. Reportedly there was a lot more of this on the Asian servers. Post-nerf I don't think I've seen anything like that, but I've spent 90% or more of my time solo in that period.
  17. Not against the idea, but since I have zero desire to visit Drifter's Camp, this wouldn't make any difference to me personally. I'd prefer it if Palladino or a rep showed up in the relays, in either the Meridian or Veil alcoves. Which makes a ton of sense to me, and is probably even more unlikely to actually happen. :/
  18. Reload is 3.7 seconds base from an empty mag. Using it in the Sim that looks about right if I start the stopwatch immediately after pulling the trigger. If I increase the mag to 15, for a an Arsenal reload time of 7.3s, it still comes out about right. Which if anything is a little faster than I expected, as I think normally there's a RoF delay before reloads actually start. For example Strun Wraith comes out a fraction of a second longer that its reload speed if I start the timer right after pulling the trigger.
  19. Super helpful, thanks. Also, sad. But a deluxe implies DE hasn't completely forgotten he's a frame, at least.
  20. What's your source of info for that? As much as I like to joke about whether he gets his prime or an augment first, I'll be surprised if he doesn't get one in the next batch, whenever that is. Though I suppose Sevagoth waited 27 months, and it's been a mere 25 for Caliban! Anyway, the real question for me is whether he actually gets a good augment or something that makes me... "Sentient Underwhelm: Lethal Progeny can now be moved through and no longer block fire by friendly units."
  21. While not terribly informative, I don't think it's misleading either. Though I do wish it gave some rough estimate of number of hours. Which I'm sure varies wildly, but DE gave us an estimate right before it released, and I still found this helpful even though I went way over it. But I also don't think information or the lack thereof is the primary issue. The lack of an intermission or way to back out is. Not such a big deal in other quests, which rarely go over an hour, but still a welcome feature. But in a quest that takes 2-6 hours? (Or in my case, 7-8. :P ) That's crying out for it. Fair point. But... ...which people who are spoiler-averse are going to avoid.
  22. Oh, good catch. According to the most comprehensive list I know of, it's additive. No idea when this changed or if it's always been in error.
  23. I don't have the augment yet, but a couple of videos by very reliable creators say it's exploding on every contact. (Also the standard AoE / PT behavior for that last year is exploding on first contact, not last. Komo is the only one I know of that still does that.)
  24. I don't really have an opinion, but guessing is fun, and my guess is it gets nerfed again this month with Gauss Prime coming out. Maybe more nerfed for other frames than Gauss himself, though I think its nuking potential on him won't escape completely unscathed. Maybe they attach some of that to a synergy with another ability.
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