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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. High standards Mid standards Low standards ~ ~ ~ Warframe standards :P
  2. Annoying, yes. Dealbreaker? No. Especially since I use these weapons in regular mode a lot. Although maybe someday there will be a really powerful but ugly incarnon on a weapon I find really beautiful otherwise. Like if Endura Incarnon is awesome but looks like a glow-y children's bicycle, I'll be kinda irked.
  3. Just in case that wasn't a joke, that approach would be reducing consistency, not increasing it.
  4. It could just be my own bias and/or bad luck. It's the kind of thing that would probably need a community record keeping project to nail down what's going on.
  5. With the exception of a couple of items that I'd never acquired, I had almost everything, all forma'd and catalyzed. After the change I went ahead and deleted a fair amount of pure fodder items that I didn't enjoy playing. The impact on Circuit rolls has been disappointing. Fortunately I do still like having a few less items taking up room in my Arsenal selection screen.
  6. No, they just changed the weighting so it's (supposedly) less likely we'll roll weapons we've mastered and tossed. Lowered the odds of weapons that you’ve already Mastered and sold appearing in the Cave. If a player has Mastered a weapon and sold it, it is likely they are less eager for it to appear in Teshin's Cave. So the odds of those weapons appearing has been decreased to increase the player's access to unowned and unmastered weapons. Not like I've been keeping careful records or anything, but I honestly can't tell a difference. I periodically wonder if that change was extremely conservative or if it even worked.
  7. For me, this, exactly. I'm not going to lobby for a blacklist, but I'd use it some, and play solo somewhat less if it happened. (Which it won't.)
  8. It is a bit, though the meta became to ignore stagger through PSF or a status immunity power anyway. (To add to the list of dumb design.)
  9. You are probably thinking of old school Zarr. The much more powerful Kuva Zarr came with the Sisters of Parvos update. (While I think you were on break.) It became the #1 most used primary in the game until the big AoE rebalance in late 2022. https://www.warframe.com/2022stats
  10. Not a correction but a useful resource: https://semlar.com/rivencalc Currently down but hopefully not for long. Semlar hasn't been updating weapon dispos. While many will still be correct, to be certain you'll have to look up the actual dispos on the wiki. (Or another resource.). From there you can calculate affix ranges by hand if you prefer. Ceramic Dagger was mentioned earlier, but I'll just point out that a few other weapons have innate initial combo. And single daggers have access to higher initial combo by virtue of Covert Lethality. Also all info that can be found in the wiki.
  11. It also doesn't open up enemies to finishers. Though unlike RB it does blind Eximus, which is almost certainly a bug. Anyway I think reducing the cost to 5 is reasonable given its limitations. Removing the mechanic entirely seems silly to me.
  12. They mentioned nobody liking a Nikana stance in the last stream. I have to imagine they were talking about Wise Razor. If so, seems like a good sign for it being adjusted or supplemented with a second stance. (Maybe too bad for the stances that have needed more help for longer though.)
  13. It seems like it just shouldn't cost 25 energy. Probably 0, maybe 5.
  14. Ex-act-ly. And yes @ReceptiveOG you are still totally right that this stuff should be vetted and caught before release. But even if DE miraculously got 5x better at doing so, this crap is still going to happen. I gamble on some stuff like this sticking around too, but I always recognize that I'm gambling. I do think it's pretty horrendous design that unfusing shards wasn't a thing from the beginning, and apparently never will be.
  15. Well I disagree about Verglas; and yet I agree that most of the others should be better. But my opinion isn't important. I was just making a guess about what may happen. Mainly because I find guessing about DE's direction is both a lot of fun and sometimes surprisingly challenging. Honestly I don't think a scenario where they raise more weapons to Verglas's level is totally implausible, even though I don't think it's very likely.
  16. I don't know what they originally intended, and I don't even care. Nor do I think that bad reviews are automatically explained by people's take on the original passive, whether they were mistaken or not. I just want to point out that in DE's own summary of the devstream it says... Passive: all weapon attacks by Qorvex come with bonus Radiation damage. Whatever the misinformation was, it wasn't just players with bad hearing spreading it.
  17. I'm a pessimist when it comes to Warframe development. But they did way better than I expected in phase 1. They even made a couple more robotic weapons worth consideration as a side-effect. ...so phase 2 is near guaranteed be a disaster that will literally make the Chicxulub Impact Event seem like a muffled duck fart in comparison.
  18. You must mean on controller? There is a Toggle Crouch setting under Options // Keyboard Mouse // Customize Key Bindings if you use kbm. Seems odd that you'd have it on xbox but not PC controller, but I don't know anything about controllers.
  19. I wouldn't bet on it exactly, but I would not at all be surprised if a Verglas nerf was already on the drawing board for part 2 of the companion rework. (And hopefully a bunch of companion weapon buffs.)
  20. There are so many inconsistencies that I think they must have to do a lot of this individually by hand. Most blinds work, but not all. Most disarms work, but not all. Most slows don't work, but some do. I think they've now made all grouping abilities no longer work through Overguard, but it's taken piecemeal fixes. Etc. Then there are all the ability components that aren't CC--and in one or two cases aren't even connected to an ability with any CC--that don't work through Overguard. I suppose there might be some copypasta-ing from "boss" or other attributes in those cases. I really know less than nothing about what's happening back there, but it's fun to guess.
  21. Thanks. I'm sure there is missing stuff, especially on augments and effects that -don't work- through Overguard but probably should. Periodically I remember things to add and then forget all about them for a while too, lol.
  22. It is at least working in the Sim without breaking Overguard. Tested with non-Incarnon Bronco Prime, and can do 3 finishers in a row if I don't dilly-dally.
  23. @[DE]Taylor Is Qorvex Containment Field intended to not apply its damage vulnerability to targets immune to its grouping effect? It is not applying the vulnerability through Overguard or to Juggernaut that I've tested so far.
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