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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Oh my, I can imagine possibilities, and I'm mildly excited to see what it is. But it's still sad to think they've tried to address Decoy with yet another augment even if it's really good.
  2. I didn't even notice the Pablo spoiler in the OP about Loki getting a new(?) Decoy augment. Three augments for one very, very bad ability, what a world we live in.
  3. Did you intend to quote the one about Nyx's augment too?
  4. Shortly after that stream, they looked at the results and the crawler had highlighted everything.
  5. If you just want classic dnd wizard, it's almost got to be a dagger...unless you want two staves, lol. I doubt the Grimoire will be considered single-handed. But if it is, a glaive-type would be pretty cool and maybe good for space-wizard vibes.
  6. Hopefully you've got them by now. But if not Ticker has 5 medical for about 3 more hours for alloy plate and mirewinder biodes.
  7. Ticker has 5 medical for about 3 more hours for alloy plate and mirewinder biodes.
  8. Same problem today with the Survival Eximus Stronghold on Gulliver, Phobos. New style Corpus map, though with Infested enemies. Maybe a dozen or so eximus, and that was after staying for 16 minutes.
  9. Gas at least has some powerful niche uses. (I'd say basically the same for radiation.) Magnetic's niche is almost non-existent once somebody has a full suite of toxin mods and leverage. Blast is just funny. (But I really like Punch Through, so that hypothetical Blast/PT mod might get some use out of me on a few shotguns.)
  10. I don't know about Limbo specifically, but a lot of CC abilities could use this. Also Tornadoes, and--in a super extreme way--Stomp / Celestial Stomp.
  11. Same, although it depends on which dev personality is dominant at the time, "Balance Curator" or "Balance Schmalance". :P Although I could see maybe melee getting a corrosive mod, since they want to put melee on the upswing. Just for fun, and making a lot of completely unwarranted assumptions, here are my guesses: Rifle: Magnetic / Magazine Shotgun: Blast / Punch Through Melee: Gas / Heavy Efficiency or Corrosive / Combo Duration I really don't like that Rifle mod, but hopefully magnetic status is getting a buff. (Inflicted on enemies. We know mag status is getting a nerf on players.)
  12. Archons are mostly immune to and untargetable by abilities. Some other bosses are only targetable on non-torso weakpoints, which disqualifies Peacemaker. The other "bosses" that it doesn't work on I'd assume are intended at this point, although one never knows for sure with DE unless they say so.
  13. What's your complaint, exactly? If you just dislike Circuit gameplay, fine, but Tesla and I were talking about bugs making it unpleasant.
  14. If it didn't work like normal elemental mods, and only boosted existing radiation, that'd be bug report time unless we're told it's intended. We've already got at least one example of a combined element mod working as expected in the Akbronco augment. But a mod that only boosted radiation on sidearms that were already modded for it or the very few that have it innately would be kinda funny.
  15. Pertinent: From here: https://wccftech.com/warframe-whispers-in-the-walls-and-beyond-qa-with-creative-director-rebecca-ford/ I'm not suggesting you shouldn't present ideas for improvements, just mentioning some related context. I do think it's perhaps notable that when improvements to these modes were mentioned, Reb was thinking in terms of them being too easy rather than needing to be streamlined or QoL'd. Although in such a brief answer, I wouldn't jump to any firm conclusions either.
  16. True, but I haven't given up on them fixing more Circuit bugs. (Like, if they're not working on Jackal, they need to be sued for Dev malpractice.) And I'd say that if these new Incarnon are attached to Circuit, it makes it even more likely bugs get fixed than if it were dead content. I have given up on them fixing every host migration issue though, so for me this is probably the most important step they could make. Hopefully it's coming soon and it actually works.
  17. Even if they're saving Circuit progress at that point? For me it would be one of the best game modes if it weren't for bugs causing progress halts. So I'm really pleased about that. Doh! I looked around but missed that entirely. I'll /report myself.
  18. "Highlights" as in particularly noteworthy details rather than details I'm most pleased about, if that wasn't clear. Not that a re-announcement of modular archwing on its own would have gotten my hype motor past first gear or anything. I'm super pleased about "Saving Progress in Endless" (Almost entirely because of bad host migrations in Circuit and the side-effects on player behavior these cause.) and happy they're lowering bile costs at least. I'm glad to hear more Incarnon are coming, but I hope it doesn't mean that only 5 are coming in 2024. Similarly I'm glad they've got ideas for frame reworks, but I'm hoping for at least two next year. There were other noteworthy things too, but I just picked out the things that interested me the most.
  19. Fair amount of interesting stuff: https://wccftech.com/warframe-whispers-in-the-walls-and-beyond-qa-with-creative-director-rebecca-ford/ Highlights for me: Saving progress in endless Reducing bile costs for shard removal 5 new Incarnon Adapters Some ideas for frame reworks, one will be coming in 2024, but no firm plans yet. No modular Archwing edit: I missed the already existing thread about this here:
  20. From an interview with Reb here: https://wccftech.com/warframe-whispers-in-the-walls-and-beyond-qa-with-creative-director-rebecca-ford/
  21. Alternate construction: " ...only going to get assists if you're not slumming." :P Either way it's worded, I'd add that a lot of builds with really high KPS, especially with Equilibrium, that the ideal Energy Generator weapon can be a moot point. As they'll be generating plenty of energy through enemy kills.
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