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Everything posted by PollexMessier

  1. I've played the game exclusively on controller, on pc, because of wrist problems. and it's fine. It's a lot harder for me to play on keyboard and mouse, just because I'm not used to it. The game has a pretty huge learning curve and is pretty reliant on muscle memory. Changing input methods completely screws with inputs you normally make on almost complete auto-pilot. And when you can't make the input you want to make, the instant you wanna make it, while barely needing to even think about doing it, it massively slows down everything else you're doing and makes things feel really clunky. And because so much of that is subconscious it feels like it's the input method's fault. The game's pretty good on controller. My only major issue is the lack of ability to map gear hotkeys. Which they could solve if they just allowed you to map them to unused "ability menu" buttons... And how aggressive aim assist can be in the moments I don't want it. I've also done a lot of custom re-mapping for personal preference. Really helps when the button you feel like should be doing the thing you want it to do, actually does that thing. Not something you typically have to do much of on kb&m. I normally all I do for that just always re-map the button to open chat if it's a multiplayer game so it's the same in every game. But on controller I remap a lot of buttons in nearly every game I play with it.
  2. I think it's fine. I was worried at first due to it lacking Decrees which was in my opinion the only thing making Duviri's randomization okay. But it's fine. I only struggle when my teamates are severely underprepared, die so far behind that nobody can get to them in time to revive them (which is why you should really be confident in your ability to revive yourself with last grasp before even considering participating) then just leaves and often causes a host migration ruining the mission. Other than that they go pretty smoothly. The issue is that it's impossible to make actual challenge in this game for players that have access to everything. Even with the randomizer and debuffs. It's just not possible. DE is desperately trying to appeal to the people constantly asking them for harder content and they simply cannot do it, because the core of the game so fundamentally contradicts the idea of proper fair difficulty at this point that the only way to actually get that is to make a whole new game. Which they're doing. Randomization is the only thing they can do to make this game hard. And it doesn't even do that. But, what it does do is force you to think outside the box and play with gear you don't normally use. Which in my opinion is a lot funner than them just trying to make everything a bullet sponge that takes 50 damage-cap hits to kill and can one-shot you with any attack, or do stupid junk like just entirely disabling massive chunks of your progression like mods, in a vain attempt to make things hard.
  3. There are 2 kinds of new warframes. Mediocre ones nobody cares about that might get some buffs but ultimately not be worth the effort to grind and build up because you already have an arsenal of frames that do every job they do at least as good, and you've already sunk the time and resources into. And Dante. And we all know how well that went. There are 3 kinds of reworks. Ones that may remove a lot of what people enjoy of a frame but ultimately make them better. Ones that take a frame a lot of people love but has been falling behind and brings them up to pace with the rest of the game. And oh my god this is the new meta. Bonus points for not needing to farm up new crap just to see if it's any good. Guess which one I prefer. It feels like we get a legit rework every 2 or 3 frame releases if not more. It should be at least 1 to 1, if not 2 reworks to every new frame, at least until the full roster is fully hammered out and actually fun to play. The issue is DE doesn't make much money off reworks, even if it ultimately makes the game better and is better for the players.
  4. Yeah it's one of the most unique and interesting weapons in the game. I hope it gets a revival. I've seem more than a handfull of threads on it already actually. but yeah ur right we've gone off topic. So back to it, Here's a screenshot I managed to grab when I was experiencing the bug I was pretty much exclusively using Atomos and Styanax's abilities. Occasionally it'd just swap hands and the beam and audio of the weapon would completely break. Activating it's incarnon mode while the bug was in effect would cause it to produce a copy of itself back in my main hand. I think it might have something to do with 2-handed animations. Possibly while aiming? It's real strange tho. Some weapons aren't even correctly aligned with your hands when functioning properly. But this thing bugs out and swaps to a hand it's not intentionally programmed to be on and somehow it doesn't even look out of place.
  5. Staticor is literally just a throwing weapon with some creative modeling and a different reload animation. Plus it's also dual wielded already. And honestly same. I really want an upgraded version of it. I don't think we're ever gonna get it tho cus the devs seem to hate the weapon. It was absolutely neutered with the aoe weapon changes, and It has a lower riven disposition than weapons with twice as much usage. Feels like DE's classic "it was 'too popular' once so we'll never let it hold it's own again" approach to "balance"
  6. I was having this happen with Atomos the other day.
  7. It certainly appears that way, but canonically equinox is female in both forms. The different forms being different sexes is just a myth that's been floating around for ages. Yeah that's kindof equinox's whole thing. Pretty unnecessary addition to the conversation, and kindof condescending tbh. Equinox is one of only 2 frames in the game I've ever considered myself to have "mained" at some point. I know her kit very well. The energy color thing is something a lot of people probably don't know... but was not really relevant to the topic at all. Yes I know, everybody knows. We really didn't need to go there. As I said above it's a myth that's been circulating through the playerbase for as long as equinox has existed. It's really easy to see why, and how a lot of people might even come to that conclusion entirely on their own. Like I said I even thought equinox was all guy for a while. They just hadn't gotten the memmo yet chill. Pretty much the only way to know this at all is if you read her description and saw the "her" in it referring to equinox as a whole (and if you think about it it kindof doesn't make sense that it refers to equinox as "her" instead of "they" since she's two frames in one, even if they're both female.), If you obsessively payed attention to DE's prime release order, or you had someone tell you. Visually she's the most androgynous frame in the game, besides Xaku for obvious reasons. Base Nezha looks more like his own sex than equinox does.
  8. Basically just "cone of effect but hits the target closest to the center of your corsshair" would solve so many issues with abilities like this. I have wierd problems with switch teleport tho where I'll have my crosshair on the target I wanna switch with... but it'll swap me with my teamate that was halfway across the screen instead for some reason. I assume desync issues but wtf.
  9. Honestly I'd love a gender toggle on frames. But as many have said it's just an asbolutely obscene ammount of work. They'd basically have to make two different models for nearly every frame and deluxe skin. There's are a hand full of frames that look completely androgynous tho. I seriously thought Equinox was a guy for a long time. Kinda wish they were tbh. Imo, it would have been better if DE just made them all like that and never gendered them to begin with.
  10. It really doesn't fit everything, both in style and the fact that, in classic DE fashion, the metallic channel is not the accents channel, so is very very hard to pair with the majority of other cosmetics. I imagine it's going to be a recurring event item. Probably showing up exclusively for Operations. I just wanna see more signas personally. I mean, always bring old stuff back for sure, I hate timed exclusivity with a passion. But the two signas we have that aren't from the god forsaken heirloom pack are both very plant-like. Which is a very specific aesthetic that doesn't really fit a whole lot of stuff in the game imo.
  11. It's incredible how you completely missed the irony in this statement. Cus you basically just described yourself word for word. I was asked my opinion and I gave it, fairly calmly and without even insulting conclave players which, be be fair, I do have a tendency of doing. Calling them a bunch of overly competitive toxic meatheads that make the community a worse place for their presence. But, I held off on that in the interest of trying to be civil. You on the other hand... really just kinda proved my feelings on the matter by coming out slinging completely unwarranted insults.
  12. My honest thoughts is that conclave should have been completely removed from the game years ago. They removed trials for being "Too unpopular and high-maintenance" If DE thinks conclave isn't the absolute embodiment of that statement I want to know what they're smoking over there so I can stay far, far away from it.
  13. Chats have an option for you to filter for specific words or phrases. So if you just make individual filters for the particular items you're looking to buy or sell, only messages containing the names of those items will show up. I mostly use it when I'm looking for relic shares in recruiting since I don't really use trade chat at all, but it works the same. Just click the little magnifying glass in the corner of the chat window to open the filter menu.
  14. Void cascade and armageddon are just trash game modes in general. I don't know how DE thought "hey you know what would be fun? Mobile defense but all 3 points can be damaged at all times and there's a boss you have to completely abandon defending the objectives to fight or it insta-fails the mission!" and "Ohh everyone loves interception, I bet they'll think a new interception where the capture points are as far away from eachother as the entire length of most other missions' maps is a blast!" God tier game design right there.
  15. Khorra's currently the oldest available prime that hasn't been vaulted yet, and her systems is a common part. That's basically the absolute lowest possible position a prime part can be in for value. So of course it's worthless. The trick to dealing with this is utilizing chat filters.
  16. You understand that's a bad thing right? And watch as the impossible to defend moving target is rapidly vaporized, unless you aggressively babysit it with a meta Aoe weapon. Sounds like a blast.
  17. Yeah... The extended missions on sortie and archon hunts are pretty rude in general. But defense is just the worst. I don't think it should be removed, just cus they obviously put in a lot of work for chipper to be the defense objective. But 10 waves is too much.
  18. You probably have access to Phenmor. That's a really good primary to aim for. I've seen a lot of people say Felarx is also really good but I haven't been able to get it to work for me and neither have friends of mine. I'd go for Strun prime instead if you want a shotgun. Strun P's op as hell at base and then you can get an incarnon adapter for it on top of that later. Cedo is also a very good and fun shotgun but I'm not sure how well it holds up compared to incarnons in the late game these days. Lotta good shotguns in this game. Laetum is probably one of if not the most unreasonably op secondary in the game. As for builds on any of those I'd just look up some build videos on youtube. I know it's kindof a pain but I think that's how most people learn to mod things. Leyzar is my favorite youtuber for this. It also always helps if your warframe has an ability to armor-strip. Removing enemy armor is somewhat mandatory in steel path unless you bypass it with slash status.
  19. When I find reload speed to be too oppressive on a weapon I usually just slap a "reload when holstered" mod in the exilus slot and swipe my mele between shots. But yeah slow reloads are infuriating and it feels like DE is leaning more and more into giving weapons abysmally slow reload speed over time.
  20. I did. Why? Cus I didn't feel like changing my pet. It's stupid, but for me it really is as simple as: Smeeta is useful sometimes, and the times it is useful, I get really frustrated when I forget to equip it because I was using something else. The inverse doesn't happen, because even despite how powerful some other pets are, I barely even notice when I forget to switch to them from smeeta. so I'd rather just keep smeeta on all the time and not worry about it. It's kindof the same issue as faction mods. It's just inconvenient as all hell to need to switch it constantly. So most people just, don't. So the question becomes: What do you care about more? Getting more loot, or overkilling enemies harder?
  21. @SymbolicSunshine It's not a bug. They tucked it away in a hidden menu that shows up if you hover your cursor over magazine capacity. They crammed a lot of stats into these. I hate it. I feel like reload speed is way too important to be hidden like that.
  22. I prefer to just solo index. In the interior room you can literally spawncamp enemies if you're solo. And the gamemode is extremely easy now. I kinda miss when it was actually difficult tbh. But not enough to go asking DE to make it harder or nerf every god damn thing.
  23. Because you don't need it, has been the answer to that question for myself. If I can't die, and easily vaporize most enemies already, why do I need a companion that improves ether of those two aspects of the game? Smeeta, on the other hand, does something that actively saves me time. Which for me as an endgame player is completely invaluable. And it's worth to earlygame players should be obscenely obvious. I also just, don't like swapping out my pet whenever I change activities between something smeeta is beneficial to me in, and something it's not. when I forget to swap back to it it's annoying. When I forget to swap off of it to a more combat-focused pet I barely even notice
  24. The fact the game doesn't tell you you can so this is pretty annoying. there's so much stuff in the game that you can basically only know by reading the wiki. Tho, doesn't doing this not give you back the ammo and energy you spent during the ability? Which is like the majority of the point of it?
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