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Everything posted by Ottofyre

  1. Even I have to admit that the extent of that initial nerf was alarming. Still sorry you had to deal with so much unnecessary aggression over it. But I had faith that you would listen to the feedback and get Dante where he needed to be. I appreciate that you all took care of him so quickly.
  2. Thank you. Though I know in reality you always listen to us, it's nice to have it reiterated.
  3. I love what you're doing with Warframe, @[DE]Rebecca I've had faith in you from the beginning and I feel more than ever that my faith in you was not misplaced. I know Duviri had its issues, but from my perspective it was an amazing addition to the game and I have enjoyed the heck out of it. Whispers in the Walls is a wonderful story so far (I haven't finished ranking up yet) and more of the gameplay that I've really come to enjoy the most. TennoCon 2023 was incredible! It was great to see you and the team in person again. Can't wait for TennoCon 2024 (already booked reservations)! As for my favorite frame of 2023... it's hard to say. They're all great in their own way. Maybe Dagath? Though Qorvex has some fun gameplay. I have never stuck with a game as long as I have with Warframe and I can't imagine ever not having it as part of my life. Even when I don't actually play there's always something Warframe in my day. Love to the team!
  4. Just a reminder that this is not a "Story Skip" it's a STORY PACK that allows players to skip the quest while getting the story. So the arguments that the player won't know what's going on aren't completely valid. Yes, some people will just ignore the story in the pack - but some people already ignore the story in the quests. You can't make people care. People who do care about quests will do them anyways. The existence of the Story Pack will not bar them from that content. And people who don't want to be gated from the newest content will have the option to get into it quickly. The Story Pack option isn't meant for everyone, and not everyone will take it just because it's there. I think a lot of people are arguing against a scenario that isn't likely to happen to begin with.
  5. I see a lot of people who feel that new players will only stay if they are invested in the story and that playing the quests is the only way to do that. (And some seem to not realize that the Story will still be presented, just differently?) I want to point out that not everyone will care about the story even if they aren't given the option to experience it through a Story Pack instead of doing the quest. I played the game for years as a simple murder simulator. I played the game because I found it fun to play. It was 5 years later before I started doing quests and learned some of the lore. Not everyone enjoys the game the same way or is looking for the same thing from it.
  6. I am in the "for it" camp. A lot of older games provide a way of boosting new players to current content. It's nothing new. I think the Story Pack idea is great because it fills the player in on the lore while catching them up. I have a lot of sympathy for people who are busy all day, don't have much time to play and "fall behind" on content. It's not a great feeling when you think you are holding everyone back when they play with you. And when you're the one ahead, it's not a great feeling knowing they feel that way. Personally, I haven't seen or thought of a compelling argument against Story Packs and the alternative suggestions I've seen all have their own issues. I guess one question to ask is - Since FFXIV seems to be the inspiration for this, does it seem to have any of the problems that people are saying it will cause? I don't think it does. But in the end I trust DE to do whatever they feel is best for the long-term health of the game and I won't be fussed either way.
  7. October is going to be a very busy month for me, but I'm going to try to do all the prompts Day 1 - Portal Day 2 - Fangs Day 3 - Decade Day 4 - Crystal A little uninspired but I couldn't make my other ideas work. Day 5 - Beetle Day 6 - Throwback Day 7 - Knives Day 8 - Whisper Day 9 - Man in the Wall Day 10 - Orowyrm Day 11 - Inspire Day 12 - Solidarity Day 13 - Courage Day 20 - Spiral Rushed today, so it's a simple one Day 24 - Beard Day 25 - Hammer Day 31 - Faceless
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