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Posts posted by Dalimir

  1. It's not affected by duration anymore, as Blade Storm creates clones instead of Ash just flopping onto everyone.


    I suggest maxing the mod and getting Intensify [Power Strength] + Stretch [Range] for maximum effectiveness. 

    Quick question: Where did you get Blade Storm out of that? The OP was asking about Smokescreen.


    *EDIT* Sorry about double post, forgot to edit onto the one above

  2. Ash's Smokescreen ability isn't really built for durability, only lasting 8 seconds at max rank. Combine that with only a 30% increase and you only have 10.4 seconds of invisibility time, which still isn't much.  Ash's smokescreen is more suited for a disappear and deal heavy damage to nearby enemies, or quickly sneak past a guarded post, not for long periods of You can't see me time, which Loki is more suited for.

  3. and RNG is an acronym for what exactly?

    Random Number Generator


    The RNG drop system generates a number, if the number happens to be within range of X, it is Chassis, if it's in the range of Y, it's a helmet, if it's within range of Z, it's the Systems


    That's just a crude representation, but it should get the idea across

  4. I like the new system you guys have, though I would like some to have a "No Opinion" option, for example: I did vote on everything, however, I have no prior experience with Oberon whatsoever, so I have no real experience on his powers to have a proper opinion, so I had to pick one of the four to complete my vote.  Other than that, I'm liking the new system! Keep it up you guys.

  5. That toggle would certainly help with translation, another thing could be to keep each language their own, but add a toggle-able "Enemy subtitles" Akin to Sniper Elite V2, where you would hear enemy troops speaking in German or Russian, but the subtitles near the bottom of the screen would translate their words into clear-cut English. 

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