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Posts posted by Dalimir

  1. I've just recently noticed today that whenever I mouse over a mod in my codex I have yet to obtain still, it no longer shows its sources, when they could sometime before last weekend. Example: Stalking Fan has not been obtained, and thus is red, before when I moused over it, it would show that it's source was a Sniper Crewman, now it doesn't show any source at all.  By mods I do have in my arsenal, when I view them in my codex, still show their sources when I mouse over them.


    Anyone else hing this problem?

  2. All you young kids and yer fancy Helios flyin' machines, back when I was your age, we had to codex everything by meeting up in one small cramped room, and collaborating all of the data we had, and put it together, sometimes we fought duels over who was right.


    But now, all I need is my trusty Codex Scanner, everything always done by hand, gets the job done.


    *EDIT*: I have everything fully scanned except a few eximus units and the Lobber crawler (that tricky little bugger)

  3. Argh, curse people who aren't away on days of the weekend!


    But in all seriousness, this is a pretty good piece of art you have there, we may have another artist.


    Welcome to warframe, where the ninjas are loud and some sanity is lost, but still mostly there.

  4. Had to make sure, and since you're PC, try using the "windows start" button located either between your left ctrl and left alt keys, or the one on the right side of the space bar after the right alt key,, I use it all the time to check stuff out of warframe while it's running and my credit count doesn't glitch

  5. You guys are doing an amazing job with this game, keep up the great work.


    On to my question: I would like to know where Proxy Wars are at, this is something that interested me a lot, especially after you introduced the Red Veil Resistance. Warframe actually felt populated by more than just the 3 warring factions and the mutating disease, and I would love to see more people and groups and civilians in the system.  Will there be more minor or major events introducing other groups or individuals or will they sommehow sneak by us, appearing out of the blue?

  6. I feel like some bosses need to scale to the group total rank or something. One shotting bosses gets entirely boring.


    Or maybe I'm just one of those few that want to have an old fashioned nostalgia kind of boss fight where it takes a good 5~10 minutes+ to kill something.

    I feel for you, I hate it when I encounter a group to actually fight a boss I know I can't fight on my own (Hyena Pack, in some cases), only to find them killing them all with one hit, sometimes I get frustrated to the point of forcing them to wait that one extra minute at extraction... hehehe...

  7. Okay, but look at how the power is used, it overloads all electronics in the area as a wave of electricity washes over a set radius.  Looking around in some of the rare chances I get in the conclaves (I rarely see anyone in my level <1000) There isn't that much for Volt's Overload to work with, also, the CC stun on Electric proc only works on enemies, Tenno are unaffected by the stun, but aren't immune to the small explosion the electricity proc causes.  All in all, Volt's Overload is best used in tight spaces with lots of electronics and enemies in the immediate area, not wide open spaces with few enemies with high mobility.

  8. They're looking to change Nova's powers in the future, some of the other frames are in discussion as well, but no news there.  Nova's changes are likely in next week's update if they aren't included next week.

  9. In a way, yes, Puncture does equal armor piercing, but not in the way you think.


    Take for example, the Grineer's selection of armour, Alloy and Ferrite.  Ferrite Armour is weak to Puncture Damage by 50% the norm, and Alloy Armour is weak to Puncture Damage by 25%.  In this way, by my guess, is that 15-50% of all puncture damage dealt is not mitigated by their armour value, but it does not appropriately pierce the armour.

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