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Posts posted by Dalimir

  1. Came in a few months back, school swept me up and I never was able to come back until now while things are still light.  And thanks, half of that is supposed to present my feelings on how poorly we are maintaining the balance of the system.


    *EDIT* It also helps give a bit of story to my sudden and unannounced absence.

  2. I've noticed that the Corpus Techs now have what look like an Orokin symbol/key painted in gold on their helmets now, you might want to add that to their Codex model


    Also Frontier Seeker Codex model does not match in game model, in game model for Frontier Seeker is a dark green, while Codex Frontier Seeker is the Frontier armour camo.

  3.                                                                                     The Isolated Returns

    It had been a few years since he had originally been woken up and brought into this world, he reminisced as he sat there, alone, in a secluded post he had found, long abandoned, a perfect place of solitude.  He had honed his skills greatly, and could get through a ship, complete the objective and get out without a single soul knowing, even the dust did not betray him.  After Vay Hek’s failed attempt to destroy the Orokin forests on Earth, the Corpus and Grineer’s animosity towards each other finally popped the cork, and they went into a proper war with each other.  Soon after, both sides began sending messages to the Tenno to assist in their battles.  After Alad V began sending his personal proxy after Tenno who assisted the Grineer, and rumor had spread that inside its systems, the blueprints for a desired weapon were found, victory for the Grineer swept across the system.  He began to see the pattern after Europa had fallen to the Grineer.  When Neptune was next, he quickly moved to support the Corpus in the defense of their main world, hoping to maintain the balance of the war in the system, but he was only delaying the inevitable.  It brought him great pain when he had to incapacitate any Tenno supporting the Grineer he came across, stunning them in hand-to-hand combat and breaking all four of their limbs, knowing they would heal in time.  Knowing the Corpus, he had them send the fallen Tenno to a location where he would pick them up, attempt to teach them the error of their ways and apologizing for the force he had to use against them.  He would then drop them off at a station. When the Grineer moved some of their forces to Pluto while they finished up at Neptune, he finally did something he never thought he was ever going to do: He gave up.  He became disgusted with what the Tenno had become, once a symbol of honor and order, now just a band of ruthless mercenaries fighting for the newest shiny prize.  So he packed only what personal items he needed from his barrack in the Aequitas dojo, took his symbol off his shoulder and left it on his bed, took his weapons, and left without a word.  In his journey throughout space, he found an abandoned yet still functional post in the fringes of the system.  There he meditated; pondering on what actions he would do next.  But today his mind seemed to do nothing but linger on those the Lotus had sent him to eliminate.  Then the lights had flickered unnaturally, he had heard the stories.  Once he felt the presence of the being behind him, he spoke for the first time in the year he had isolated himself.  “Ah, so you’ve come for me at last…”

  4. - Will players with Prime frames ever be able to put the un-Primed base helmets on as alternates?


    You can already place the normal Mag helmet on Mag Prime, I've seen it happen.  Not sure about the other two (or three, depending if founder or not) though.

  5. I don't like a leaderboard system for gaining ranks.  It's too competitive, encouraging fighting against each other instead of working together.  A clan member should rank up through participation in the clan and with its members, not based on their "score"


    But yes an accessible vault door would be a good benefit for storing and managing clan resources.

  6. Not sure if my issue is serious enough for a ticket, so I thought I'd put it here for now, feel free to move it if necessary.


    So I had just selected extraction after wave 20 on Venera on Venus.  Which happened to include 13 Oxium, 3 above what I needed to complete the operation.  However, near the beginnning of the game, I noticed my chat window spamming continuous chat server connection failures along with the reason and appropriate error codes.  After I had left the mission, I was at the loading screen to the menu when a pop-up said that I had failed to connect to the server, and that I would be logged out.  Apparently, it looks like my forced logging crashed the game, and I lost everything I gained on that mission.

  7. None of you see, do you?  If the Grineer win, they will hunt us down with extreme prejudice and without tire or mercy.  If the Corpus win, they are free to steal us without distraction and create even more dangerous proxies.  We need to maintain a balance between the two to keep them distracted with each other while we build our forces, then bring a decisive end to this war and usher in a new era of peace.  I do not know why we betrayed the Orokin or what could have possibly made us, but you can see we erred that time, and this is a new chance for us to get it right.

  8. Vor:


    1. "Captain Vor has lived under suspicion of possessing Orokin technology that grants him powerful abilities. We cannot allow this. Get to his location, and elminate him."


    2. "Vor's reputation precedes him, taking him down will be a favour to the entire sector."


    3. "This ship is crawling with Grunts, getting to Vor will be difficult."


    4. "Vor has a tendency to play with his prey, you muct not let yourself be distracted by this tactic."


    Seems to be it for Vor, will move on to other bosses. (Note: Every boss other than Ruk, Kril, and Vor subject to change due to recent revamping of bosses)

  9. To those who continue to support their own means: I see that I cannot dissuade you, should we ever meet at odds in conflict, I shall take no joy in being forced to put you down.


    And yes, the Grineer HAVE been attaining more "desirable" resources, but when you think about it, it is only because of the constant successful raids on Corpus territory, and the Corpus control the Market, meaning they have large stocks of materials constantly falling to the Grineer to "provide" to us. 

  10. Grineer are the future. Remember Corpus kidnap and dismember Tenno. Grineer want us to coexist while Corpus wants to sell us.


    Support Grineer today!

    Simple Propaganda, the Twin Queens would sooner see us dead than co-exist with them, for we are a threat to their rule.  Right now, to them, we are just a means to an end to Corpus competition.

  11. We are Tenno, our charge to the Origin System is to maintain the balance, and yet what do I see?  Swarms of Tenno handing over the system to the Grineer on a silver platter.  All for the chance to obtain a simple weapon no less!  Sargas Ruk was right, we are just mercenaries, fighting for treasure and scraps.  Alad V's intentions of directing us against the Grineer are true, but his methods are horrifyingly misdirected and twisted.  I look at my fellow Tenno, and I am disgusted.  The Tenno pods that had escaped the Lotus' all seeing eye on Sedna have been rescued, there is no further obligation to the Grineer.  Cease your current misguided ways, and fight to restore the balance once again.

  12. Probably because you didn't have enough weapon slots so the prompt made you buy 2 extra weapon slots for 12 plat, so that you could then rush the item successfully.  So you might want to read those prompts more carefully

  13. Long story short: You always want more mastery rank levels.  Because the more levels you have, the more you can do.  For example, you can't buy the Soma or Penta until you're mastery rank 6, and you can't build clan research weapons (At least the Dera, to the best of my knowledge) until you're mastery rank 4.  Also, the more mastery rank you have, the more resource drones you can deploy at once, and the more trades you can do in a single day.  So yes, getting more mastery ranks levels is important.

  14. (One of many posts to get my Valkyr, Xenthia, up to current events.)

    2 months, 2 long Earth months. Although, she had no way of knowing that, time meant nothing in her self-adjusting cell, sometimes turning into an operating table for deranged technicians to inflict some form of new pain on her to break her, sometimes a rack when some sadistic troop wanted to vent on her with a Lecta, but it was still restraints and bonds more often than not. She had fractured near the end of the first month. Almost all day she endured just about every kind of conceivable torture available to the Corpus pigs daily. For days she would scream and roar in anger at those who held and abused her, constantly thrashing away at empty air, attempting freedom, but to no avail. Today, she had woken up to the extremely muffled sound of klaxons ringing out.

    The group of Tenno had come to stop Alad's crazed scheme, and rescue as many of their kin as they could. When they met Alad, they saw him as the insane man he was, just before he unleashed his "pet" upon them. It proved to be a difficult fight, with the robot's shields seemingly unbreakable, until one of them had hit Alad's neck-board by accident, and for the better. As it stunned him and also his pet, they took immediate advantage of their window of opportunity, and unleashed powerful attacks on the abomination. One of them, a Volt, unleashed his Overload ability, heavily damaging Zanuka, and stunning Alad as well as freeing the captive Mag he was about to turn into parts. He also unwittingly freed another Tenno...

    Two Crewmen walked into her cell as it modified itself for transport, both were conversing with each other as they worked, prepping to get her out of there. Then something happened as electricity filled the room, then she noticed that her restraints buckled slightly, no power left to allow them to resist against her will. Words danced around in her head, with only a few being clear: Escape, tear, rend, kill them all, remember what they did to you, destroy, maim, kill them, kill them, KILL. She started thrashing, tearing her restraints apart, letting out a cry of rage. The other two were startled, one backing away slowly, while the other was frozen with fear. As she finished, the first one ran through the door and locked it behind him, the other banging on it frantically. She let out another scream as energized flames appeared to burn around her, and energy claws formed on her fingers, eviscerating the crewman in front of her. She took his weapons, an electrified whip and a repeater pistol. She then directed her attention upwards, remembering the name of the man she hated the most. Alad.

    Alad V scrambled to his feet, the Betrayers had destroyed his most precious creation! "You SAVAGES!" He recollected his neck-board, and placed his visor over his eyes again. "By my own hand, the Void, will devour you!" Then energized red strands struck out from the grate where he kept his other project, and his eyes widened in fear. The energized hooks brought down the grates into the room below, and out jumped what was going to be his final mistake. The other Tenno were frozen by the shock of this one's appearance. Parts of the inner workings exposed and certain parts added onto it, Corpus designed. She also had what looked like bonds attached to her wrists restraints, painfully bolted into her flesh. The worst affront was the collar placed on her neck, the twin prongs behind her head limiting her head's mobility. She gave forth a single roar, and immediately jumped on Alad, tearing him apart until there was nothing left but scattered remains, his head rolling to the feet of the other Tenno. She looked at them, her claws fading, but she then drew her pistol and pointed it at them, poised to strike if her suspicions of this being another method to break her to their will were true. She then saw a large group of Corpus troops approaching from the door across the room, gather with their proxies and taking aim. She holstered her weapon and let out a shrill scream, it spoke a great many things to the Tenno, hate, rage, anger and fear. Her claws re-emerged, and she leapt to the doorway, and began tearing through them like they were nothing. She continued on her rampage, screams and cries of rage and battle echoing after her absence. The other Tenno conferred with one another, and decided to follow her, and try and see if they can get help for her. They didn't have to go looking, but the two most inexperienced of the Tenno were horrified at what they saw, the others only expressing grim sorrow. The halls they walked through were lined with synthetic parts and lubricants, as well as blood and internal organs. Some of the crewmen they found were still alive, but with large slashes across their entire bodies or with severed limbs, their life slowly ebbing away. Eventually they found her again, crumpled on the floor, and...Sobbing. She seemed passive enough, and the experienced Tenno in the Rhino approached her slowly. She instantly growled to his presence, but with a swift and gentle move, he applied pressure to the right area of her neck, knocking her out. he then carried her to the extraction point, where his snub would head to the nearest healing facility. And hope it was not too late for this one.

    (Aaaahhh, the first of many! Also, Aiglo, I'm Canadian, just so you know.)

  15. I agree with Dtexas, a kick option would be more of a pain than something good.  I once joined a game to level my loadout of Valkyr, Tigris, Cestra and Lecta.  The game I joined had 2 Lokis and an Excalibur, all equally leveled to me running it, all using default weapons.  The INSTANT I joined, one of them said "Kick him" We had never seen each other before and I contributed to the mission fully. This is why I'm against the possibility of a kick option.

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