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Posts posted by (XBOX)mickeyjuiceman

  1. On 2018-06-03 at 8:06 AM, NinjaZeku said:

    Funnily enough, I'd say "entering endgame" is where you finally forget about the idea of a "main"
    (if you haven't done so before) and work on maxing out / gitting gud with a variety of (if not all) Frames, heh.


  2. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    Man, you're soooo knowledgable about game development! 😄 Where can I download YOUR successful game?  You must have one, right?  Where did you study coding and game design?  I mean, I'd much rather learn from you and play your game, since you're obviously so much smarter than the award-nominated studio Digital Extremes!  

    .....keep your ego in check, mate.

    I guess if you're a fanboi who is not smart enough to attack the argument you make an ad hominem attack on the poster. The idea that only award-nominated (not winning) game studios can point out that testing is very obviously flawed is childish.

  3. 19 minutes ago, rune_me said:

    They obviously do test them. They even said in the devstream when they showcased the rework, that their testing suggested she might be too powerful for onslaught and she would probably get nerfed.

    Yeah, that's really great "testing," isn't it? "Testing" doesn't just mean "yeah, we used it and it works."


    20 minutes ago, rune_me said:

    Besides releasing things early and then adjusting afterwards has always been how DE does things

    Having always done things in a stupid manner is not a good reason to continue to do so.

    And Google doesn't release "broken" software that they have to make major changes to immediately as a matter of course. "Release early, release often" is not the same as "release broken because we didn't test it anything like well enough, then fix (probably)." Bugs happen, but this is design/testing failure which is completely different.

  4. On 2017-09-05 at 5:08 AM, xXDeadsinxX said:

    That's a good way to get banned. *slow claps* if you really want to get hit by the ban hammer, go for it 😛

    Next up, an explanation as to how that will get you banned. Still waiting.

    Oh wait, it won't. That's probably why there's been no followup by the poster, too embarrassed.

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