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Posts posted by (XBOX)mickeyjuiceman

  1. 22 hours ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

    The chances are 100% exactly the same as if you all cracked the relics at the same time just with added time wasted on 3 pointless runs.  

    You probably want to be less obnoxious when it's entirely clear you have no idea what is being discussed.

  2. 6 hours ago, (PS4)owenslim said:

    he needs to deal damage and thats final

    If you had actually played Rhino, you'd know about Roar. Which is a huge damage buff when modded correctly. But I guess that's too complicated.

  3. 18 hours ago, YomaBlood said:

    So, what up with all this streamers that have 50 to 100+ viewers but only 5-6 ppl talking in chat???

    You understand what "viewers" means, right? We're not all 13yo typing away trying to impress other 13yo with our dank memes, some of us are doing other things while also having a twitch stream running.

  4. 1 hour ago, lulialmir said:

    you need to complete the entire alphabet that comes to name the excavators, so in a total of 26 excavators

    I think you're missing the point. This is not possible to do, unless your alphabet only consists of A B C D E F

  5. 7 minutes ago, Caelron said:

    I'm not even sure what weapons, frames and mods are good or not.

    YouTube research helps a lot in seeing what does what.

    Always try to play in groups, that helps with affinity gain, generally, and can even get you into a clan.

  6. 7 hours ago, (Xbox One)Madinogi said:

    care to explain how having to wait 2-3 years inorder to hit mastery rank 25 or hell even 26 when it arrives is fair?

    I thought people grew out of complaining about "fair" as a concept when they were little children. Welcome to the real world, sunshine, where things don't entirely revolve around your concepts of them.

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