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Posts posted by (XBOX)mickeyjuiceman

  1. 9 hours ago, (PS4)CannaWhoopazz13 said:

    Have you been practicing with Simaris?  That will help got learn the course since you can explore at will without a timer.

    That's not correct at all, the timer exists.

    Easiest way is to cheese it with Titania, which I did after I finally got fed up with it. I got past it five days ago, and now I'm waiting on my MR16 test to become available in 20 hours thanks mostly to double-affinity weekend...

  2. 1 hour ago, Sarge_Tarmus said:

    Because I want to be able to play some good, old-school games. Some of them, like first Total War: Shogun have some security issues, and because of that, the newest OS I can run them on is XP32.

    Your VERY edge-case choices are to blame, not DE. (Not that I like this system much, but not for solely personal reasons, as per yours.)

  3. 3 hours ago, (PS4)TONI__RIBEIRO said:

    What ever happened to actually play after the rework, and then make these posts?

    Well, some people can read. Apparently they can also then apply what they've read. Then comment on it.

    3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Solargeo said:

    double the damage is a nerf?

    Some don't read very thoroughly, though, and only get a small part of the information.

  4. 11 hours ago, Glavenusaur said:

    So you've done game balances before on huge games like warframe? because if you haven't you're making yourself sound pretty silly making comparisons without even having a shred of knowledge on how difficult game balancing is or is not.

    This argument is utterly intellectually lazy/oblivious, which makes complete sense in the light of the rest of the similar posts in this thread.

  5. 7 hours ago, NZ_CodeBlue said:

    Have you not seen the change for Ember?

    The range gets smaller but the damage goes up.

    I don't know about you but I like to take advantage on any skills that offers a damage boost.

    I have, yes. The question remains as to why you'd want to use a fragile frame like Ember for melee when there are several better melee frames out there.

  6. 31 minutes ago, oSPoJellyz said:

    I do not understand why people see it as a nerf, she deserves some rework and now here it is

    Because it's blatantly obvious it's not a "rework," because they're just killing one thing and not doing anything else (although I've seen they've tweeted that they're going to have a look at the rest of the abilities, which is INSANE when you realise that is an admission that it hadn't occurred to them until Reddit blew up). "Rework" is being utterly abused in this conversation.

    It's an extremely obvious nerf. Some like it, some don't, but let's not pretend it's a "rework," let's just name it for what it is.

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