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Posts posted by Ionshatter

  1. 16 hours ago, Draconicdisciple said:

    I could agree to all of this except losing energy when dying. I pop it as a fail-safe and use it with the possibility of dying in mind, a small knockdown is fine since it rarely happens anyway but losing energy would make it hard to even justify using the ability, because if I happen to die then my whole combo flies out the window.

    That's actually a fair point. Thank you for contributing to the discussion.

  2. 9 minutes ago, schilds said:

    Just tested it, it's definitely three. The fourth one disappears just after you cast the 3rd one, even if there's time left on it.

    Guess I'll have to change my build :-P.

    I just tested mine as well, while the duration is very short you can have 4 shooting turrets at a time, I have pretty decent duration and cast speed which might be where the discrepancy comes up.

    I will concede however it isn't long enough to actually matter, it just doesn't instantly dissapear upon cast like other abilities with hard caps. I think the duration just works out like that.

  3. 2 hours ago, krc473 said:

    The problem with OP's thread is that they don't appear to have read the upcoming changes from DE. Changes are happening (not necessarily these ones.

    It's DE. DE need all the help they can get when it comes to improving the game, need I remind people of Arching, Railjack, Liches, Release Grendel, Etc etc etc.

  4. 8 hours ago, Teljaxx said:

    No, @Ionshatter did it right, for once. The typical tl;dr does nothing but promote ignorance through laziness. Why do you think the person spent all the time and effort to write out such a huge post? They have a lot to say, and it can't just be effectively condensed into a sentence or two. If it could, they would have saved time and just done that from the beginning. The tl;dr inevitably leaves out important information, so if that's all you read before you respond, you can't possibly have any idea what you are actually responding to.

    This man gets it. Thank you.

  5. Long in depth post, TL;DR at the end, discussion is highly appreciated.


    After picking up the frame I was hyped for months to get, I realized she had so many design issues that made her a chore to play at best, and downright rage inducing at worse.

    Let's go into what exactly Protea is for, arguably the most important thing about her. 

    From what I understand Protea is a combo based warframe designed with defense and team support in mind, ala shield grenades or the dispenser, with some self affecting boosts like rewind and blaze artillery. Now coming from that standpoint, why is it so frustrating to do what she is intended for?

    1. Shield grenades are hard to pick up, full stop. Even with decent range it's difficult to get them on your teammates who are constantly bouncing and rushing around, as ninjas do.

    2. Shrapnel grenades are well, not worth the button press tbh.

    3. Blaze artillery has so many problems as an ability it's kind of absurd. Every time I push 2 I can't help but think, "Why won't this thing shoot some enemies right in front of it? What are the numbers on it's back and why do I need to know what they mean? Why despite my 16 shot clip, it only shoots 8 times before disappearing? Why can't this thing turn around? Why doesn't it just follow me while active?" And so on and so on. People know what's wrong with BA, DE knows what's wrong with BA, it's just so unfun to use under most circumstances.

    4. Time Anchor looks and feels fun to use. When it works properly and that is so rare I have come to despise this ability. If nothing else, this is the ability that needs worked on to bring the fun factor up on Protea. Let me explain with a story.


    I wanted to try Protea Eidolon hunting because who needs meta. It seemed like a great idea, drop dispensers to replenish energy after tall boy microwaves for others, use time rewind to just tank magnetic procs and rewind back to full energy, supply team with nice shields, and hunt Vomvalysts with blaze artillery. As soon as the hunt started, every single design flaw or oversight became very obvious very quickly.

    Nobody could or  would pick up the shield grenades, shrapnel is a meme, dispensers take so long do drop energy that the eidolon out ran it, blaze artillery would sometimes waste vomvalists, they most often would just look at them (bug?), and Time anchor. Oh god time anchor. I leaned so much about how this ability sucks in 5 minutes time.

    Time anchor sometimes just doesn't refund energy. I don't know why. Time anchor resets ammo, hp, and energy right? It also carries through, or can pick up status procs along the way for some god forsaken reason. Time anchor will actively take things from you for using it at low energy/ammo, because again for some god forsaken reason if you gain anything during it's duration, that does not carry though. Oh except magnetic procs. This was brought to my attention by the lovely Trinity in our squad that put up with my extremely stupid decision. Also we didn't get the cool "recorded sounds" playing in reverse that we were promised during the sound dev stream so just add that to the pile.


    So where does that leave us? I suppose where I tell you how to fix this I suppose. Protea suffers from really really dumb problems, and with literally tiny tweaks here and there, she could very comfortably fit into the "Extremely fun but not necessarily useful" category of warframes, with the likes of Gauss, Garuda, Wukong and Zepher.

    1. Shrapnel could use either a small damage or base range buff.

    2. Shield grenades should make like flying Vauban nervos and seek out allies.

    3. There are plenty of threads breaking down how to fix Blaze Artillery. Personally I think damage is fine, it's just functionality like following Protea or rotating 360 that would fix it.

    4. Dispenser is fine, power strength should maybe affect how fast it puts out things instead of the number.

    5. Time anchor should at the very least keep the positives you gained while it's active, IE ammo, energy, HP. The burst should be a status purge, knockdown is cancer and should be replaced by another mechanic that is less frusturating but more punishing for dying. Maybe you loose all your energy in a desperate attempt to save yourself. Please fix the refills nothing bugs.



    Reading is good for you and can increase your understanding of complicated topics. But for those who refuse: "Protea bad, here how make good". 


    And INB4 the inevitable "I have fun with Protea she's fine" have you ever considered maybe you could be having MORE fun? And that buffs to a frame you enjoy is not a BAD thing? Also also infinite sustain is not something we have unprecedented, just go check out Rage Garuda's infinite ability to tank, but requires combos and some skill expression. I fully believe Protea should be the support version of that.


    Thank you for reading.

    • Like 12
  6. Actaully getting endo AND engame rewards seems to appease everyone in this matter, a few other threads mentioned something along those lines as well. Like after rotation A you get the endo and another drop that isnt endo, or like Jun-Mai suggested enemies have a garunteed drop chance, or even better, the drones do. What if the Drones dropped 100 endo apiece and it was removed from the drop table, and each drone drops 100 endo scaling in amount exponentially every rotation, like 100, 150, 250, 400, 550 etc. I don't think this is unreasonable considering how fast the enemies scale now, and how much more risk you take going past the 40 min mark considering everything can 1 shot you.

  7. 6 hours ago, Jun-Mai said:

    hey! I'm a returner with pretty good gear I could need that endo, but yeah I agree it's kind of a slap in the face if the only thing you get is endo for that amount of time, it should probably scale better and maybe tie the endo rewards to the A rotation only? that way you can still farm some endo

    This is a fine idea, if people want to farm endo then they can stay for 1 rotation and leave. If they want to get better stuff they stay. I quite like this suggestion.

  8. 5 hours ago, Chewarette said:

    I like how you propose to "drop Endo rewards" and then "new type of Ayatan". That's beautiful going through a complete wall of text to end up with that.

    Perhaps I wasn't clear, though I'm pretty sure it was obvious: "


    6 hours ago, Ionshatter said:

    New types of Ayatans *unique to arbitrations* that are *more valuable* and *cooler looking.*



    6 hours ago, Ionshatter said:

    Drop Endo *redundancy* entirely.

    I'm, very obviously referring to getting 3 diffrent endo tier rewards AND Ayatans worth less or more than all 3 tiers. It's like trying to loose weight and eating pies, then someone says, "stop eating pies, instead just eat sugar, flour, water, baking soda, and apple filling instead."

    Its the same thing with extra steps. Arbitration Ayatans could be redeemed for Vitus essence, or highly prized decorations, or many many times more endo than any other ayatan gives. They could be larger, more intricate, more valuable.


    Also if reading a larger amount of text is such a problem than maybe you should go back to highschool.  

  9. I'm sure you are wondering why people don't play Arbitrations. I'm sure you guys are wondering why people complain about it. 

    I'll tell you exactly why. At the time of writing this post, I have done seven Sorties, hoping for a riven or the like. I got seven, count 'em, Ayatan and endo rewards. I think to myself, wow, that sucks as I already have hundreds of thousands of endo laying around. Oh what's this? Arbitrations rewards have been reworked? That sounds great! I have the star chart complete, I have late game gear that I've spent years acclimating for such an occasion. Lets go!

    I spent 1 hour and 30 minuets fending off waves and waves of level 100+ Grineer. 1 hour and 30 mins of destroying small annoying drones that screwed over my ally Limbo who we constantly had to revive. 1 hour and 30 mins of tedious methodical standing in one area and fetching power cells. All in the hopes of an aura forma, or a cool mod worth some plat, anything. 

    1000 endo

    2000 endo

    Ayatan statue worth endo

    2000 endo 

    2000 endo

    Ayatan worth endo

    2000 endo

    4 C rotations for some endo. 3 years of grinding to reach this point, where I can get some Endo. 


    DE I'm saying this honestly, I have around 1600 hours invested in Warframe on my second account, and about a hundred on my first all those years ago. I've spend hundreds of dollars on Warframe because I support and admire your team. 

    I'm starting to loose my respect for you because of S#&$ like this. How could you promise an endgame mode that gives you something you already have thousands of and don't need?

    How could you consider that rewarding in the slightest? The worst part is you know what makes us happy, what is satisfying and fun to play, you've shown us with the Exploiter fight which has amazing rewards and is fun to do. But everyone can do Exploiter. Not everyone can do Arbitrations. Why should Exploiter be better? It's insulting and quite frankly infuriating to spend an hour of my time doing something extremely difficult and tedious to get something I can get in half the time at an endo farm on the grineer mission. 

    Here's how you fix this. 

    1: Drop Endo redundancy entirely. This could be applied to sorties as well. Ayatans and Endo are the same thing for basically everyone.

    2: Add built forma. It takes the same amount of time to farm the relics, and maybe the 1000 hours I've spent to get to this point should exclude me from the 24 hr wait at the foundry. 

    3: Add normal Rivens. As is it's impossible to farm Rivens consistently. Who cares about the Riven market, its all inflated garbage anyway, and with a hundred weapons in each class the chances of getting one for a weapon you enjoy are extraordinarily low. 

    4: Ephenepras in the drop table. I have no idea how to spell that btw.

    5: New types of Ayatans unique to arbitrations that are more valuable and cooler looking. 


    The entire point of a farming game is to get things that makes you better at farming things that make you better at farming ad infinitum. The endgame farming mission, should not be a harder way to farm S#&$tier rewards easier got elsewhere. Instead it should be easier to obtain things we've been tediously farming for years, or things we can't get elsewhere. 

    I worked hard to get here, I want an easier time getting things like forma and Rivens. So please DE, give me that feeling of joy at getting a cool drop again, instead of despair. I think I, and thousands of other Veterans and fanatics of your amazing game deserve it. 


  10. We need some massive bug fixes as soon as possible. Now would be preferable. Mainly regarding the Plains of Eidolon. I know you guys are busy with Venus, (Hype for that btw) but Warframe is borderline unstable at this point. I will be adding to the list as I find them.

    1. Dargyns get stuck all the time. 

    ● Stuck in every sense of the word. You get stuck with them. You get stuck near them, you get stuck inside them, you get stuck driving them. Same to a lesser extent with archwings. It's incredibly frustrating especially when /unstuck is on a five minute cool down for some reason. Lower on the list of priorities.

    2. Eidolon Synova hitboxes.

    ● Holy Jesus where do I even begin with this one. They are buggy as hell all, the time. Hitting them from the sides yields 0s, despite seeing a hp bar. Invisible Eidolon limb boxes constantly cover them up, and you can forget about hitting them when the Eidolon is moving. God damn please make these moresults consistent.

    3. Hydrolyst eye cancer, and unavoidable bullS#&$.

    ● On lowest visual settings, the screen is constantly a disco acid trip snorting meth off a unicorns horn. It's obnoxious and unnecessary. Please tone that stuff down. Not to mention the constant wave of stupid, random, untelegraphed attacks coming out of nowhere and nuking the entire team. Not sure if a bug so it's going in anyway.

    4. Inconsistent abortion rewards.

    ● We're not talking about more alone time here either. Leaving or dying in a group constantly yeids varied results. Sometimes I keep my pickups or rewards. Sometimes I loose it all. If I run out of revives and wait for allies to complete the mission, I have a coin flip of what the rewards will do. Also, if you die during Eidolon hunt, and wait for your mates to kill the final eidolon, the leave the squad, it counts as a failure, and you loose rewards. But not if you stay. 

    5. Weirdness with friends

    ● Just invited my buddy to level some stuff on defense with me. All fun and games until his warframe was stuck at spawn, jumping in place and hitting the window. Apparently though, on his screen, he could freely run about and still even revive me. Strange, and a bit disorienting. Also,




    "Could not join BC session is full", "Could not join BC host could not be found", "Could not join BC screw you having fun with your friends."

    This. All the freaking time without fail. 

    5. Mentaly $&*&*#(%&ed lures/cats/dogs/enemies/spectres.

     Getting stuck. Phasing out of existance. Not doing what they are supposed to, animation locking, standing in the way etc. Etc. Please god at least look at eidolon lures. 

    6. Who needs abilities?

    ●This is astoundingly broken and needed to be fixed 2 weeks ago.

    Randomly, without warning, cause, or reason, your warframe will decide to stop using abilities. 1 thru 4 just say ABILITY IN USE. Same with transferrance, and self revives. The only way to fix this is dying by bleeding out. Please for the love of god, fix this first. 



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