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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. But is it though? Wouldnt that be more a homage to the culture we just helped? I find turkish hats utterly silly, but I dont think the turks agree on that. I also find ushanka hats/caps silly, but my uncle doesnt, nor do most eastern europeans. If I went to either of those places I'd likely wear those things and likely pick them up to own them as a memento. Hence why we are on the subject of immersion here. Picking up that mask and maybe using it at times wouldnt really be breaking any immersion, since it would be rather regular behavior and something you are tied to. Bunny ears on the otherhand, I might wear them at a halloween party, or if I dress up like the easter bunny to make some kids within the family happy during easter. Or if a potential chick would be into the easter bunny or a bunny mutant or something... I guess. 👀❔🤷‍♂️
  2. But Saryn is a girl in a skirt aswell, Frost is a guy in a coat etc. I dont see what the clothing of the frames have to do with it really. And what makes clown/jester out of place when the aestethics do not look like a clown or a jester? As I said, she doesnt sport a red nose, crusty hair and big shoes. You are completely missing what I'm saying. No one is forced to experience your fluffed up ship, same cant be said about those ears, since they will be out in public. So they will end up breaking immersion for some people since they cannot be hidden, that is the whole problem. I'm not against them, since some people may love to use them. I'm against that there isnt a way to hide them for those that do not want them forced upon them by others. While also abusing the living frame they are controlling. Which is a point why people dont want to have to see it since it does break immersion for them. And yes, Gauss acts like a fool since it is the hosts personality. There is still a long step between acting slightly silly and donning a pair of bunny ears. Honestly... no. Considering they are an honor bound warrior caste. They are also likely self aware enough of their own power that mocking someone that practically has no chance to begin with is beneath them. Or do you often mock a "newbie" when you beat them at something you have experience with and is much better at? I know I dont.
  3. Just gonna weigh in here quickly. There was a thread a good while back, sometime after crossplay was added where KPM was discussed. And the KPM between a PC and a next gen console on the same solo SP survival tile were nearly identical with the same frame. Where the slight shift in numbers could be written off to be caused by KB+M vs Controller, since it was that close. And iirc the slight difference also came down to the console player heading towards EZ prematurely while killing on the way, and the PC player stayed in place until the rotation was over, and then headed to EZ without killing. But yeah, you arent alone in ending up with equal counts.
  4. Neither of the two are aestethically out of whack. Both are more in the morbid sense of things, where Yareli looks like something that could be a bride of death really and Mirage just looks like a... Warframe. Mirage looks perfectly morbid and inline with all other frames, she isnt exactly sporting a red nose going *honk* *honk*, or crusty green hair and big shoes. She is a death jester, not a really uncommon thrope. You have the Mesmers in GW2 and you have the actual Death Jesters in 40k for instance, and I dont think any ork would go "hur hur luk at dat funni klown!" since it would likely result in the ork having its head replaced with a heated ball of plasma. Or you have Harley in DC that really gives meaning to the dark potential of a jester theme (and so does Joker). The thing that breaks Yareli is really her anmation set. But even that is based on the personality of the original host very likely. But here with the ears we are talking the actual children that have never really known anything else besides those brief years of childhood up until the Zariman thing. They are practically baptised in fire and only experienced war.
  5. If Yareli turns out fun and playable with the new augment and I feel the need to pick up this new skin I'll likely end up combining it with either Frost, Gara or Octavia noble animations. Frost is just straight up brutal, Gara just has that "you are nothing to me" feel and the little rythmic movement of Octavia just fits well, listening to the screaming souls devoured by ancient horror Yareli and her trusty fish stick of doom.
  6. The main issue is that the game goes from being uhm say Wolverine to Slapstick by adding the ears. But atleast there it's unique characters with completely different origins. Here we are all tenno from a warrior caste, indoctrinated by Orokin teachings and an ideal of a higher purpose after that. But for some reason war hardended veterans of a past war will suddenly decorate their war machines with... bunny ears? I can see the idea behind wings, since it could actually instill fear in the enemy, because who wouldnt poop their pants when they see a massive demon winged creature heading your way? But... bunny ears? We might get lucky and end up facing enemies that have seen Monty Python and will die in fear rather than facing a bunny. The animals like Fib, Tag and Bird atleast make sense out of a scientific viewpoint, since it isnt uncommon to use animals to explore the unknown and the effects it might have on a living body. But... bunny ears on war machines that are walking "living" weapons of mass destruction? So I get what people are saying regarding the "Warframe Curated Artstyle". Even if the rest looks true to the style, something like these ears stick out. DE really needs to start implementing hide/show toggles for customizations of other players. I would love a toggle for color and then for each type of accessory, and for weapon skins aswell.
  7. They already confirmed in the pax live stream that dialing it back wont be a thing. Reb clearly stated it will be core WF gameplay and not like Duviri for instance. So what I assume with this is that it will be what people have asked for in the past really, an urban open world, just with a different aestethic than the rest of the game, or an urban version of Z or Labs to give that feel of a modern day city. I expect we wont get to cosplay Spooderman, Venom, Carnage or any of the other spider friends/enemies. Cyberframewarpunk 1999 maybe? And I gotta say. I utterly dislike the Arthur and Aio hairdos. They just end up looking like two K-pop rejects or something.
  8. This is my take on the skin. Ancient horror, ancient nightmare Older than mankind Sources of terror, source of evil Come forth form the brine Black and slimy, dripping mucus Giant golden eye Beak for ripping, suckers biting Tentacles held high From his her kingdom, deep dark ocean Burst forth to the land Godlike power, demon fury Time is now at hand Vulgar figure, oozing onward Stench of salty muck Devastation, marks his her pathway Malice runs amok Almighty, is risen, to conquer earth King Queen of gods, soul reaper, life has no worth Ancient Horror Ancient Horror Ancient Horror Ancient Horror Time forgotten, master elder Dreadful beastly slug Spewing venom, rancid pustules Dripping acid blood Bow before him her, makes no difference Your mind it will crack Life means nothing, feeds on sorrow Relentless attack Almighty, is risen, to conquer earth King Queen of gods, soul reaper, life has no worth Ancient Horror Ancient Horror Ancient Horror Ancient Horror.
  9. Fast tome: Hyperlexia Prime Slow tome: Dyslexia Prune
  10. That would not work due to the lore. We are after the events of TNW a singular again as the two merge to occupy reality. That we can pick either to look like is because DE didnt want to give us a far too impactful choice that would practically remove alot of potential plat purchase options and so on that players were invested in. The option for operator could be solved by bringing back void blast at that point. So instead of swinging the melee they might be void punching/kicking/head butting things and the damage is based on the melee equipped. They could in reality make a "stance" based on the weapon class equipped that determines the martial arts pattern of the operator. It wouldnt be much more different than how we have both sparring and fist weapons for frames, they could base it on those stances really. And then you have access to the duviri special attack based on the weapon you use.
  11. I'm not sure where you see a change from dark into brighter fantasy? If anything the game has gotten alot darker over time considering the twists and turns of the story. When you introduce and more or less confirm the presence of a cosmic horror entity you arent exactly turning up the brightness. Same when you add more and more Giger-esque aestethics aswell. I guess we can call it brighter since Wally isnt shown as a squidface elder and instead just a creepy smiling "human". Which I guess is lucky for us aswell, since we wont be driven to madness the moment we lay eyes on him. So that is the plus, otherwise the game would kinda end when he first appears rap-tap-tapping and spreading himself in our orbiter. Hey Kiddo <player turns to look for Wally> <text pops up on screen> You've died from madness
  12. It more sheds a light on the issue in DEs design approach. There really shouldnt be the gap we have between power and challenge, since it just means DE throws to much power into the game while not being able to create content to justify giving us that power. We shouldnt see the "afk builds" and players shouldnt need to handicap themselves if things were designed properly and not left rampant and chaotic for years.
  13. That depends on why you do the defense. I tend to run arbitrations these days soley for the aura forma and other defense only when mandatory for some other rotational reward i.e like frame parts etc. It isnt something I'd remotely consider for resources if I want to farm, since the density, even when at max is horribly low compared to disruption, survival or alchemy. Yeah it might be wonky with low spawns for newer players, but so are connection issues in general. But we also have far more places to effectively rank things up these days to not have to rely on "leeching". I'm also not sure how much ESO spawns are effected either, nor defense, since the maps themselves require less of a load from the host due to being very limited in size compared to a full other endless tile. ESO also doesnt have dynamic spawns in the same sense, since they are based on pre-determined locations. One thing I'd like to ask next gen consolers is also. Are you positive your spawn rates are lower than PC? Have you made sure to check it across all factions/tilesets? Since some of the tile and faction combos are currently bugged across all platforms since there is broken pathing among other things that hinder proper flow. Infested for instance on "new" corpus ship tiles are a mess, where certain units can end up in a passive state and halting spawn in other places. Play for instance Palus and then compare it to uhm Wahiba (think that is the name of the dark sector) on Mars. Same tileset, massively different spawn flow.
  14. This really only matters for 3 game modes, survival, alchemy and disruption. For everything else the rate just doesnt matter, and is mostly beneficial at a lower density, since defense ends quicker etc. so you get to the rotational rewards faster.
  15. Kuva Javlok possibly since it is a Grineer weapon. Or maybe Javlok Incarnon.
  16. My opinion is they should have waited to release these until there is an option to hide holiday aestethics. And I dont mind people using them during the holidays, I did so myself at times. For me it is more that things eventually loose their charm when present 24/7. I love the smell and comfort a christmash tree brings to a home, but if it was there 24/7 all year around it'd just be "that #*!%ing tree in the corner" and the smell and comfort otherwise associated with the holiday would loose all of its magic. Maybe this is the first step towards nude frames, cos we atleast have the Playboy ears now.
  17. Except it isnt about some "elite" at all. The content released is not difficult or challenging if the players do it with the equipment that is available to them from previous releases. So the content misses the mark that is in the design of the game, since it isnt designed well enough to support the power that the game has already awarded us. That some people jump into it and find it challenging and hard is an issue of how the game is set up with little to no barriers that seperates what you can and should do. Eidolons were special since they required things that still didnt have any actual progress tied to it from the past. But you can at the same time look at Angels and see how horribly balanced they are in comparison to the power that we gained access to from far earlier content. That players complain and beg about taxis and help isnt something special to WF. That is in all online games with grouping options, be it MMOs or just multiplayer games with co-op and persistant progression. They dont want to spend the time it took for everyone else to get to and through the content, since they want to blast through it so they can get to the absolutely latest. Those arent the people a game should have content designed around, since those players already have years and years of content to engage with. Also regarding the "We constantly ruin our own experience". It is hard to ruin something that isnt there to begin with. There are only a select few new content releases in WF that actually take an "ah-ha!" moment to find a "meta", since most other things are just run of the mill with no new mechanics. Archons, Cells, Circuit, SP, RJ or whatever else "regular" is figured out by not figuring anything out at all. Archons for instance werent challenging, they were just poorly balanced with a practically broken DR system. When that DR system was recently fixed there is no "meta" needed. That there was a "meta" in the first place that some had to figure out was simply an accident due to how the broken system worked. For me there was nothing to figure out since simple luck and chance resulted in me already using 2 out of the few weapons that were barely impacted by the system. So WF really comes down to if you've done earlier content or not, if you have you can breeze through anyhting new that doesnt require specific new seperate progress. If you havent you can just piggyback on others while never learning or bothering to actually use what the rest of the game provides you, since you can just keep doing it. What I hope on with Deep is that it cant be played in co-op. Maybe some people will eventually learn that they need to do other parts of the game aswell so they can stand on their own two legs instead of constantly complaing that something is too hard when in reality it is easy if they've bothered with the rest of the game leading up to that content.
  18. Bane mods in general are popular since most people dont realize that the damage they see is overkill damage. In reality, in order to get any real use out of bane mods you need to go to extreme long runs. Bane of the Corrupted in specific is likely mostly sought after because it works versus most mobs in Circuit, since they are corrupted iirc. Where thing scale quickly to reach those levels of an extremely long endless elsewhere. But for now I wont bother using them. When I go for long SP farm runs I tend to stay for 20-25 relic cracks, which is around 2 hours. And even in Mot the mobs still die instantly with "regular" mods equipped. The thing that starts to get noticable at that point is the increased damage from high tier void nodes, but bane mods wont counter that. edit: Also I'm an 'ol lazy bastard, so having to switch weapon modding based on faction to squeeze a bit more damage potential is too much of a fuzz when it really isnt needed for what I plan to ever do most likely.
  19. No, the rework must proceed as planned, otherwise my hard work in sacrificing virgins to Anhur will have been in vain. Oops, that wasnt ment to come out loud. 👀
  20. I run a similar build but without Primed Heated Charge, I run the Xata mod instead for the energy. Rad just does too little compared to adding damage over time with electric. I'm not sure how the tome performs as a constant killer weapon, since I never rely on it more than to bring up the wanted buffs from it at times. If you really want it as your main gun I'd pair it with specific frames that can help pull it off. Garuda and Hydroid are likely very solid candidates, since Garuda allows you to access guaranteed slash with it while also adding +100% damage from her passive and Hydroid buffs it out like a madman by giving it insane corrosive. If you also run Nourish on Hydroid you'll have access to viral aswell. In addition to his armor strip etc. But I cant see it becoming more than a utility tool for most.
  21. Overall yes, but not specifically what I mention. It's only level increases between those modes, which does not solve the problems of lacking engaging content. And even with Netracells being higher levels well above the norm, it isnt at a level high enough to really handle the power we've obtained over all these years. That is why DE needs to consider adding mechanics to the mobs that might requires us to slow down a bit, aim properly and even prioritize targets. In Netracells and SP for instance I slide through things, hack and chop it with my melee or aim somewhere at the mob with my gun to kill them. And mostly the things die in a slide or a hit or two, which kills another bunch of enemies close by aswell. And this is because they are just lumps of health. So premades resulted in trivializing something? Wow, what an unsuspected shocker! Of course that will eventually happen, which is fine, they were still challenging at release, that is the whole point. What you mention is just normal for games and new content. The problem with most WF content is that it isnt challenging even the day it is released. Atleast Eidolons managed to be. But you are thinking of what it is like now, not how it could be. We dont have what I ask for in the game. Things for instance do not properly stack for enemies, they lack debuffs etc. You practically ignore what is actually said and use the current game as a basis for what a future game would be with the things mentioned added. All those things you see as issues could be solved by applying the correct debuffs and buffs to enemies. Scramble abilities that bring players out of stealth, nullification auras that add a chance to enemy bullets to dispell abilities (like Mesmer Skin etc). There are a multitude of affixes out there in the arpg world to take inspiration from, affixes that work well in games already to combat power creep, meta and so on. It would for instance be very hard for Kullervo to wipe out a massive amount of mobs if one of them suddenly makes them all immune to abilities through an aura, then if that mob also has a weakpoint it wont just be for him to teleport and prison shank it. It isnt like WF is a brand new genre defining game, it is a game among multiple others with a 30 year long past to look at and take inspiration from at this point. I mean DE have already implemented counters to some of the things you mention wouldnt be possible or worth it (not really sure which you imply), we can see that on the Fractured One, which counters stealth and defense buffs in different ways. No need for that to stay to only a boss. So the mechanics are there, they just need to be guarded aswell versus a farting Saryn or a cannon happy Zarr user. It isnt pretending, it is knowing from experience. You talk as if you are under the impression WF is in some unique power creep dilemma. I also get the feeling you think that the weakpoint enemies must be hard to kill. No, they need to be hard enough to kill only so we dont wipe them out with passive splash damage or a tendril linking to them, they need to be hard enough to require us to stop and aim and prioritize them among the rest of the mobs. They dont need to be mini-bosses, just things that make it harder for us to wipe out their friends while they are up, so we take a moment to prioritize targets. Ontop of such things DE could always add jailer mobs and similar aswell to screw us over in our other fast paced combat. Which like in other games would require us to build to avoid it, which would also mean we give up power for utility. Just that we are able to ignore knockdowns is an issue on it's own currently. Which is something DE should rethink imo. However, since people hate to lose what they have it is likely better that DE adds other CC effects that arent covered by knockback/knockdown immunities. In the end WF is just another arpg, so no reason why the things cannot be solved without taking away our arsenal preferences. Deep wont be difficult, since it will just be Circuit lite because we will have access to both operator and companions aswell as certain trivializing Helminth options. In addition to that it will also all take place within the labs, so we'll face some of the most trivial mobs in very simple missions. Assassination and disruption are the only two to really consider, but those will also be instantly trivialized the moment we get to pick atleast just one free choice while maintaining research. All the other modes wont matter, since in a worst case scenario with the weapon/frame rolls you can still fall back on operator and pet and just make sure to bring Breach Surge on your frame to sync with them. But that would also require 12 bad rolls.
  22. And here I sit and go "Yeeeeeessssssss!!!!! Fin-a-#*!%ing-ly!!!!!" to the Nourish "nerf", which for me doesnt matter the slightest in regards to the energy nerf, but ends up being a massive buff due to the viral damage "nerf". Suddenly half the stat spread impact from that buff is *poof* gone and less of a bother. Cant get better than that on a buff that provides a stat that we have no reason to overcap. Well it could be better, if they cut it even harder, but I'll take what I can.
  23. Dont look at the Grimoire for the stats, that is my advice. We have 3 weapons in a loadout, not all of them need to deal damage. The Grimoire is an extremely potent utility tool and it can also wipe out full corridors of Steel Path trash with the alt fire. Which also ends up buffing you with very strong buffs. 10 energy per second, alternate path to efficiency, more power strength and so on. Right now I use it as the active weapon as I play melee, since a quick RMB+alternate fire sends of a massive AoE ball of lightning that buffs me while CCing, killing or adding electric+rad to the enemy for CO. And since I use it together with melee the damage buff from the arcane is always maxed when I swap over to throw a lightning ball. Dante's Tome will likely be alot stronger for damage since it is slash based, but dont let the damage stats fool you, since Dantes tome wont have access to arcanes. It will scale with power strength, but you'd need alot of power strength to reach the same damage that a gun arcane provides. Another benefit on the Dante Tome is that you dont need to waste a slot for an augur mod to grab some shield gate potential, since you still have your normal secodary to hold that mod. I'll likely mod his tome with cold, toxin, xata invocation, galv diffusion, lethal torrent, galvanized shot/hornet strike, creeping bullseye/primed pistol gambit and primed target cracker, with lethal momentum or lohk canticle as the exilus. Depending on how much strength I plan to invest on the frame, I might drop galv shot/hornet strike for primed heated charge instead.
  24. Yeah the worm is good design. You can circumvent the whole status and durability thing by prioritizing it the moment you spot it. Sucks if it sneaks close and does the AoE at which point it will become more duable and status immune. They can do it for new modes, or add al alternate "path" to both SC and SP for instance. No need for anyone to complain then. Those players can ignore the new mode, and for an alternate SC or SP path they can just do the old. The new paths would just have more loot, like add elite units and give those paths the scaling fissure reward unlocks aswell. With elite versions of say an eximus dropping two times their natural loot aswell. But they were challenging at release, that is the whole need and purpose. Nothing needs/should last forever in a live service type game, it should eventually be left behind due to progress. Those mobs are horrible examples. They are 3 huge body parts tied together. A weakpoint should be a small part of a body in comparison to the total size. The second issue is that the floaters are weak and provide a trival buff to their allies, ontop of that those allies are weak in their own sense. I mean the infested used to be the laughing stock of the game, but now we have the pebble people and tincans that are slightly worse. The only thing in all of the labs that pose the slightest threat are the Voidrig summons, and that is is you are totally oblivious/dead/drunk/stoned/asleep/alloftheabove. And DE have proben that weakpoints work. Eidolons, Glassmaker, Thumpers and Mech along with some bosses. Mechs and Thumpers suffered/suffer from one thing though, they the weakpoints of ends up behind them. In the case of the mechs it was due to it being placed on their back and with thumpers it is because they constantly turn the lower body. Glassmaker had a small oopsie issues by having the weakpoints vulnerable to melee. But those are also things that can be fixed. The game also has a wide range of buffs and debuffs that DE could turn into enemy abilities/auras. Why do we not suffer from weapon jamming through enemy debuffs? Why do most enemy auras not stack? There are several things available in the game that can be implemented to counter us without ever having to hard-limit our loadout choices. Other games do it, so no reason it cannot be done here when the issues are practically the same. This game also has the benefit of being able to use the weakpoint system since it is a shooter that allows us to aim with a reticle. Yet none of it is used really. It's like DE has a full toolbox but decide to go to the kitchen and grab a spoon to tighten a screw. No it doesnt. I guess you missed the part where each mission also grants research. So we really dont know if research will stack up or not. It is very possible you can reach and complete T4 without ever using any of the left hand options, you instead just run mission upon mission to stack the research to eventually reach and complete T4. They did though. If you find the UI shown to be the final then that clearly shows what the rewards will be and Reb also said 5 in total, with T4 granting the guaranteed arcane. So that means T1-3 rewards adapter and shards since that is what was shown in text (which you rely on for your own logic), with T4 granting the arcane, since the text only specified new rewards and Reb said guaranteed arcane. However, we already know that all the tiers will have a chance at an arcane even if it wasnt shown or said, and we now know that there will be 6 rewards. So clearly there was enough time with even just a month left to change fundamental (read numbers) parts of the system. Which also applies to research need, as Pablo said, which in the end is just also numbers, so not something fundamental. Number for that matter can also be changes live on the fly in most cases to alter needs and drop rates etc.
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