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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. I think it will work like it does for everyone else when she is below 1150 since that would be most inline with the old passive aswell which didnt effect the partial gate value at all. Then when she hits 1150 she'll get 3.5 seconds while others get 2.5. edit: And it will likely be insane on her given how easy it is to refil her shields to that point. Heck even just 2.5 sec is crazy good on her when she doesnt even have to fill it all. And then with the new recharge delay mods, oof!
  2. Yup I use Roar for nearly everything, only swap over to Xata's Whisper config to fight Archons. Which might change to me always running Roar depending how the upcoming damage attenuation changes turn out for Archons. Bonus effect from the Piercing roar augment is that it also reduces the CD on the skill from 30-ish seconds to 10. So you can knock down and apply puncture to the whole map constantly, increasing your survivability through the debuff and increasing crit chance versus all the targets aswell in addition to the regular Roar damage buff.
  3. Not always 1.33 sec. It will be capped to 1.33 sec and not scale beyond that to 2.5 sec. The minimum will still be 0.33 sec with the mod, it will just be easier to hit 1.33 seconds compared to having to fill up to 320 shields or whatever the threshold is for the 1.3 sec gate to trigger.
  4. My Lavos build that I use for practically everything is the following. Combat Discipline, Primed Sure Footed, Umbra Vit, Umbra Fiber, Umbra Int, Overextended, Blind Rage, Stretch, Piercing Roar and Primed Vigor. Piercing Roar is replaced with Augur Secrets or Augur Reach in builds where I dont want the puncture effect from roar or dont use roar at all, which is when I run Archons, where I either run basic roar or xata's whisper. Arcanes are Grace and Avenger, except for Archons where I rely on minimal crit for the incarnon perks to trigger. I just replace avenger with +damage to primary arcane or guardian really. Shards are 5 red strength. I did run 2 cast speed earlier, but at times it screws up when you brand skills and triggers the skill instead of applying the element(s). While efficiency is low with this build it really only matters in content that doesnt have very many mobs, where I feel it to be a waste to cast AoE often anyways. In dense content the massive range makes up for a large part of the low efficiency, so you can nuke often enough and wipe out the whole map when you do so. Prefered element mixture on skills is Gas for me.
  5. Considering how her passive works it seems like she will hit 3.5s of shield gate at 1150 shields (the cap to reach the new 2.5 second gate) no matter if her max shields are far higher or not. I think this is the case due to their wording of shield gate duration in general, where they say you'll need 325 shields on shield break to reach the old 1.3 seconds. It also seems to add up with the graph.
  6. Personally I have to say no to this idea since I absolutely hate the vote pause between rotations in defense and interceptions. However they atleast fill a purpose there so the missions flat out dont fail as you head for extraction etc. But for the others I far prefer having a EZ I need to get too so I dont need to have the game pause every few minutes and ask if I wanna keep going. I even get annoyed in fissures since you lose so much time just looking at the screen while doing nothing. Heck 10 rotations means 100+ seconds wasted on nothing, more if you include the part where you pick a new relic to crack. I dont even wanna think on how many hours I've spent on nothing out of my thousands upon thousands of hours of mission time in the game.
  7. I'd love a shadow themed frame. Some "Vanishing on 7th Street" theme would be cool, or like the Shadow Summoner in Shadow and Bone. Something where touching the shadows created harms or kills. Maybe base it around light bending so the frame can stretch and project their shadow in different sizes and directions to do different things.
  8. If you are interested in arcanes you are running experience eitherway to complete gates, at which point experience will cover all your pathos clamp needs as you grind for the arcanes. Which will result in you ending up like me at one point with hundreds and hundreds upon hundreds of pathos clamps and nothing to use them on.
  9. If you like it or not doesnt matter since it is free in the end. There is no opportunity cost to it since it comes from a slot there is no limit on, or atleast no reasonable limit on. You are also downplaying brief respite and augur mods since you make it sound like those are somehow out of the ordinairy costs in a build while completely ignoring that a build that instead plays around armor and HP has the same or higher costs tied to modding, both in capacity and slots, while also using some of the augur mods for the stats they provide. The bolded part is also wrong in combination with the underlined part. Since current shield gate is 1.3 second, any frame with 350 shields or lower after the patch will benefit more from the new mod than adding another augur mod, since the gate duration will be the same or better than 350 or lower max shields. Or did you completely miss that the new mod still allows for scaling values and not just 0.33 or 1.33 seconds depending on partial or full like the current system? So the same % stages applies with the mod as it does without.
  10. Or just circuit tokens and a new vendor page on acrithis that offers pathos clamps, rivens and anything else that could be seen as evergreen.
  11. Dont forget that it isnt only armor from plunder, it's ridiculously high amounts of corrosive added to your weapons aswell. Which means an even deadlier Torid with innate armor stripping aswell. I'll check when he's released to see how well barrage performs. It could be a viable source for sustained ability based AoE damage aswell given the buffs it will recieve. And yeah, they will very likely already be dead when we bring him to missions where the kit wont have a chance to shine or be used at all. Which is the same for nearly all frames in the roster.
  12. I think it is because they dont seem to have liked the idea of undertow in general. Like they mentioned how it hides enemies from other players, it has afk-potential tied to it and so on. Plus WF as a game has changed over the years and the skill isnt exactly useful or beneficial to overall gameplay in any content right now. Or like when I played with my friend and his Hydroid a few years back, where I and others interrupted his joy in the gameplay by stirring or boiling his puddle soup. Where also the question came up "what is the point of the puddle when the mobs could have just been killed faster instead?". It's a limited area, quite small, allows you to drag single targets into it, or tidal over things to catch them, leaving your original spot that you likely was in just in order to keep it safe through puddle CC to begin with. Which to me just reads as utterly pointless and counter productive. And on defense tiles where it is most useful the mobs will likely stop long before reaching it and just shoot the objective, at which point you probably rely on your #4 to protect the target anyways. Which kinda makes undertow CC bloat in Hydroid's kit. Plus since it is defense, splashing around gathering enemies or grabbing them one-by-one from your location only results in a terribly slow completion time of the mission in the end. You'd be better of just being solid and shooting things because nothing will willingly walk into the puddle at any effective rate.
  13. He'll become a terrifying weapon platform with all the innate methods of applying corrosive together with his passive. Swap in nourish instead of tidal wave to get free viral and then slap on a Torid Incarnon modded for gas+electricity or gas+cold and you'll have devastating AoE and single target damage. He'll likely only lack a bit in one-off missions that require constant movement. But all he really needs there is to get his plunder up and then he can apply corrosive for future rebuffs through his weapon, if he needs to rebuff before the mission is over that is. However, the lack of kits catering to one-off missions is quite a normal thing in WF, and most often we dont think about it since they are so simple to complete anyway. For any endless aswell as versus bosses he will be a total monster by the looks of it.
  14. That is how I see it aswell. Even at that point I wouldnt set my foot in Circuit to get those items from the shop since I could do it several times faster by just doing Lone Story SP. I'd get 15 clamps for 30-ish minutes of work at that point while Circuit would take hours.
  15. It is just what the game promotes and it is what to expect when running PuGs generated through RNG in any online game really. If you arent prepared to put up with that either run solo or do pre-made runs. I run solo 99% of the time myself these days and have done so for a few years now since I got fed up by public runs, not only because of "bad" behavior but because there is zero scaling in the game to engage a full group of players in a worthwhile way. Only benefit to grouping is in fissures with more relics to pick from. The few times I do run with a group is when I have a mandatory interception and dont want to dash around all over the map to defend 4 points solo. Or when I really wanna try to improve my chances to get X rare prime BP, which still doesnt really come easier in a PuG since I'm mostly alone to run that relic anyway. This is also why I hope we'll never ever see raids or anything similar to it in the game ever again. This game serves best as a solo experience with very optional co-op.
  16. It wouldnt be worth it. By the time you are done with the incarnon farming you will likely have an abundance of clamps aswell since you already need materials from Duviri to apply the incarnons to gear, so have most likely also killed the Wyrm a gazillion times and gotten clamps. Not saying rivens are a good options, just that clamps are equally as bad or worse. There are just much more effective ways to get both clamps and arcanes currently. What they should add to make it worthwhile for everyone is its own currency at T5 and T10 that allows us to buy rivens, arcanes, pre-built items like adapters, forma bundles, aura forma, reactors and catalysts, heck they could even offer an umbra forma BP that could cost us two tokens if need be.
  17. Even with the buffs to terrify it is still one of the worst armor strips out there. It doesnt work on things immune to the CC part, it scatters enemies due to the CC being terror and if you want to mitigate that you are stuck with a massive speed debuff while enemies still also move away from you. It can work on nuke frames that do not require line of sight, but even there it is questionable at best. Since you may still send too many enemies running away from you before your AoE has time to do its job.
  18. All of that is directly tied to mods while the key is an item that requires nothing and goes into an infinite slot, an item with an intent to only be of negative impact when used so you can interact with something very specific in the game. And now with the coming changes you can still shield gate just the same as before by using the mod to enable it instead of the key. So falls perfectly inline with the modding system as opposed to the key that didnt, since you will sacrifice one thing to gain another, something you didnt do with infinite gear slots and a key. Plus ontop of it all the people that use the key crutch currently will now be able to use it in content that otherwise locks you out of gear.
  19. I look forward to the changes, mostly the recharge delay buff added to certain mods, something only Gauss has access to currently. More mitigation to shields is also welcomed. Never really relied on the shield gate to more than stop 1HKs, so not much will change for me.
  20. I just dislike stopping to charge it up individually, Felarx comes free of charge (pun intended) as you shoot the bird in the head. So just need to empty the clip upon mission start for fire rate, then bum rush to the boss with no stops.
  21. From time to time, not every week, not by a longshot. Rivens however will be a case of no, nay, never, no, nay, never no more, will I farm the old riven, no never, no more. Yeah, pre-built definently for Aura Forma, otherwise I just wouldnt do it since I could just do arbis if I wanted to build them. Umbra would also be a good choice, they could even make it a forced tier 10 pick to limit it more. Exilus Adapter wouldnt be too shabby either.
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