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Posts posted by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_IGN

  1. 7 hours ago, (NSW)BjarneDemia said:

    That is a comander she or he you can choose is the person inside the teno if you pres a combienation of butons you have a strong atack from her or him but if you go to the back of the ship you go to it you can choose how it looks like bu by me it is a glitch that i dont want


    An operator is not IN a warframe.  They use transference to project themselves into a warframe and First person remote control them.  When you transfer out of a warframe you are actually just a spirtual projection while your actual meat sack is back on your ship safe and sound.   


    As far as the hair that seems like just a minor visual bug that will prob get fixed in your next patch.   For now you have ghost hair lmao.  

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  2. Kuva Liches are new enemies that become our personal stalker type enemy??  Kinda like orcs who refuse to die in Middle-Earth shadow of war?  I watched tennogen but I barely remember these guys.  You use your railjack to go after them?   Do they have anything to do with gathering Kuva or anything?   The name is kind of confusing lol.  

    If Kuva makes our enemies stronger/immortal shouldnt destroying it whenever possible be one of our number 1 priorities??   

  3. Yup still broken as hell.   In arsenal its super buggy.   They removed the sheath entirely from gameplay and you only see the blade.  But last night I noticed my warframe doesnt even pretend anymore.  She would not sheath her sword at her hip,  she just held on to it lol.

    Katana is one of the coolest zaws so this is pretty painful bug.   

  4. Thats exactly what happens to me.   Any time I do long missions the PS4 just crashes and I lose all my freaking progress.   If you rejoin the group you were with,  your XP and rewards are reset to zero and u start from scratch even if they are in the 3rd or 4th round.   So rejoining is completely worthless.  

    25.6 update looks like it has alot of performance fixes.... Im hoping like hell one of those will make this problem go away.   

    I "think" what is happening is I am between waves and the game is trying to spawn a new batch of enemies and thats when I crash....I am pretty sure it always happens during a lull in the action...

  5. I was screwing around in a survival last night,  I was using gara and her 3 + 3 augment to distract all enemies in huge AoE while making them drop energy orbs  It was working awesome but people still bailed but me and another guy kept going.  We had passed 20 mins and things were getting intense.

    I went operator to try and void dash and give my gara some juice... then when I jumped back into Gara I couldnt shoot, I couldnt melee,  I couldnt use abilities.  And we crumbled fast and hard and had to run away lol.     (I tried to go operator again to fix the bug but couldnt)


    Was trying to share ceph scans last night also... we would find the target and I would scan a 1-3 nodes and the target would get free so I would drop another siphon but after that my freaking scanner would stop working and would not zoom in so I couldnt finish scans and had to rely on the others.   (tried swapping around to all different kinds of things and then re-equipping the scanner but nothing worked)


  6. You farming pigments to??  I think that will be the next one I go after.  Pink Mortus. (wish I had gotten it when it was based off the fish!!!)

    If jacking up the bounties doesnt work and you cant just find it hanging out someplace I would suggest being away from enemy bases and getting into fights and letting them trigger alarms for backups (the flying drones that shoot flares).  Maybe if you let those escalate they will start showing up...

    I will try to keep this thread in mind...  dont know if im going to attempt it right off the bat though.  


  7. 2 minutes ago, Scabbbbb said:

    How do I do the one with octavia?

    Not her warframe but her musical instruments so you can use different sounds.  I dont know any other way than jump into your octavia, goto her mandachord, choose an instrument you dont have and it will ask you to buy it.  

    Each instrument pack covers all three catagories of mandachord,  buying any instrument pack will cover base, melody, ..the other one...  So it doesnt matter what you click on to get to the instrument packs.    I recommend Horus as one of the first it is super nice. 

  8. Most people are not going to split up a set of imprints.  Cant you get your clanmate to give you the other half of the smeeta ??  

    On the flip side I have a cool smeeta for sale lol.   Ball ears, guppy tail,  green energy.  Pretty unique.  100p

  9. I just saw there is an achievment for hitting all 22 races.   I've already maxed out with ventkinds and got all the mods and captura lol,  I like K-drive.  I didnt know there were that many race spots until nightwave triggered that achievement to pop up and tell me how many of them I had found.

    I used Loc-pins to mark the high value races.  Its sooo easy to grind up standing from the races. 

  10. Its a pretty buggy mess on ps4.  

    Hunting bugs

    Relic popping bugs - huge issue

    squad being split up bugs

    jordas golem bugs

    PoE bounty bugs

    OV bounty bugs

    Scanner quick swap bug - pretty major

    Data mass and aim glide...they fixed this mostly?  But I was doing syndicate missions last night and put game into solo mode and I started dropping data mass any time I used aim glide.  Went back into group play later and could aim glide without dropping lol.   

    Loss of archwing controls when you have tranq rifle out  (cant just ascend/descend)

    Having to turn in sentient cores one click at a time,  not a bug, but a huge quality of life issue.  

    And thats just what I can remember off the top of my head.  Im sure there are a ton of other things I run into everyday.  Things I put into the ps4 bug section that never get addressed.



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  11. The new season of nightwave has advanced to part 3.  Check out the story at nightwave its pretty sweet...  kinda hard to follow....

    But basicly Kanga and the rest of Arlo's followers have become a cult that worships the infested and uses them as a kind of way of proving themselves...

    They now show up ANYWHERE other assassins/wolf assassins would normally show up.   Just about any missions.. super easy to spot on PoE/OV.  When they show up they are marked with red target icons.  

    For some reason you kill 2 of them but only get 50 points towards NW.   (which seems pretty damn worthless)

    This probably means Kanga has started showing up also....  anyone else wondering what items will be dropped??  Lets murder him to death and find out!!

  12. Define "glitches".....

    Not sure I have hunted condrocs since most latest patch but I have done them pretty recently.  

    I had one condroc fail to ever show up before... but that was a one time bug.   You make the bird call,  condrocs/mergoo fly in at super high altitude to the call spot (so find the call spot and then use your tranq gun to look straight up in the air zoomed in to see them approach.   Then they drop straight down....   when they reach a certain altitude they stop descending and being to fly in circles or circular shapes lol....

    (They should never reach the circling phase...  I found it pretty easy to tranq them as they descend...and then you just watch them fall to their deaths and pick up their corpse)

  13. I will be in a squad with 1 or more other people and everything is going smoothly.....  

    Then without warning or reason I look up and the other people are just gone off my HUD,  I check the squad to find out I am alone.   If I am in a squad its usually for a reason and have usually recruited the people.   So I have shot these people messages asking where the hell they went and why did they leave.

    They always reply that they didnt go anywhere, they are still in the mission and where did I go.   (for the record I am still in the mission also)

    So thats whats happening.   Even though everyone stays in the mission you get split apart.   I guess this is only happening when I am the host so it must be some kinda lag issue???  But I have played 2k+ hours and this has never been a problem until recently.   

    I dont think the map matters.  I think one time it was Uranus - Assur and the other more recent time was free roam orb vallis.   


  14. Come on guys...  that bug from the video is super nasty and ruins relic farming.   I will be so super pissed if that happens with a relic I refine...  

    But the problem is STILL going on after the latest patch (tenno reinforcements).  

    You cant see the rewards,  you can NOT change your selection.

    I also noticed the reward given for that loading bug are invisable from the mission progress screen until you finish the mission,  then they show up.  

  15. ....nw challenge was for any eximus not "infested eximus"...

    Eximus dont really start showing up until 20+ minutes in... (round 5).  And then the longer you are able to stay the more often they show.   This is affected by # of squad.   

    I saw a similar post yesterday and people said they just run ESO for eximus.   

    But im like OP.  I like to do looong infested survivals.   

    Wonder if there are eximus in the salvage mission of eris.  You could farm 4 nidus while doing that challenge...  

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