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Posts posted by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_IGN

  1. Is that the pistol user?  I think one of the dojo pigments involves them.   I gave up and left paused it for a long time.  Then I ran out of all other pigments and unpaused it.  I would just be running through grineer maps and get the stuff.   I think saturn non endless missions would be good for it.  Sabotage/exterminates.  You might get 4-10 per mission....

  2. The other day I thought I was use the Ceph Simaris simulacrum or whatever to fine tune the colors of my amp blasts cuz I dont use it for much else =P.   So I went to a relay and jumped in the sim and walked over to the arsenal and.......nothing.....  opened menu like in cetus/fortuna......nothing....


    Please add??

  3. I tried looking for hotfix information last night but couldnt find any....

    I had already farmed up Captura, 4 roller floofs and a mod from that event before that hotfix AND that was based on very little play time because I am playing Azure Knights 2 right now.  


    I thought DE would make some changes to the event but I kept my freaking mouth shut in case what I would say would make them nerf it lol......   But I kind of like their approach(I dont like the response by the moronic community).    I didnt run with to many leeches in event...  But when you get 0/0 or worse 1/7 those people caught ignores.  For myself I farmed up tons of rewards with barely any effort.  Just get in the + column and then chill out and play how I wanted to.   I would stand around for a little bit but I usually couldnt do that the whole match for two reasons.  #1 I was afraid of being counted as AFK by game and not getting reward.  #2 Couldnt resist fighting.    But I didnt try to rack up kill counts.  I usually get 8-10 kills per match,  

    I thought DE would nerf the crap out of the event and force the team to reach 50-80 pts like in index which would completely suck all the fun right out of it.   Instead they chose to reward TRY HARDS with giving them more pearls the harder they play which is pretty awesome for those people,  thats exactly the way it should work.   

    So I can NOT agree with that above statement someoene said about this change being for the whiners...  This change rewards hard workers and encourages people not to be AFK.   win-win.  

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  4. 10 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    get on k-drive, press map key so it brings up the 'full map' and you should see little blue dots showing where the races are.  In my case I waypoint them and then switch to archwing lol

    Hmmm sounds awfully complicated... kidding.   That makes sense....   I dont think I ever look at my map while on a K-drive.....  I look on foot or from the air lol.   Only equip my K-drive as needed.   

  5. Let me start by saying I have all animal floofs.  I enjoy the hell out of conservation without putting animals to sleep.

    I took time to watch bolarola and see where the opening was and I found out that if they make it to the spot you call from they will dig around in that food pile and then sit up, exposing the belly.  This takes an incredibly long time though because Bola are slow as dirt.  AND sometimes they get to the call spot and just keep on going....never stopping and sitting up.  

    Thanx to NW I have taken other people on hunts and on these trips some people like to "help".   One guy did this while hunting bola's and he 1 shot the bola way before he made it to the call spot.   This got me thinking if there was a way to do it faster. 

    I have started shooting them in the tails and so far it has gotten me perfects every time.   

    If you dont cheese hunt where are you aiming when you hunt bolarola??  Can you guys try my tail method and let me know how it goes?? 

  6. Treat Cetus/Fortuna like a syndicate.   You gain standing with them, and then use that standing to rank up.   Along the way though you can also use your standing to buy blueprints and tools from them (but you also get to pick free stuff when ranking up to).  

    But anyways you mainly get standing by running bounties @ those places.   You CAN turn in fish/rocks for standing...  You can also do conservations which do not require you to sacrifice anything just have fun hunting.   

    I think the only thing you need for AW launcher is iradite isnt it??   That stuff is everywhere (red rocks) on the ground (not red mining veins).  Maybe some fish oil?? Which just takes any spear..

    Improve your MR to gain bigger standing capacity with all factions.  Your Standing Cap is  MR x1000 + 1000.   Makes it easier to rank up everything or buy things.

  7. I want video showing an advanced K-drive being able to see the race points because its bullcrap...  I have two built k-drives and they do not make the spots appear on my map.  I still have to fly around and find them...  

    What I did do....is place Loc Pins(for a dojo) at races that are worth 5k+ (and color them purple).   Now if I need races I CAN see them on the map or atleast the locations,  still have to fly there and see if a ventkid is present lol.   

  8. Not to mention syndicates have cool sculptures!  But another thing syns are good for is scooping up free relics.   Each maxed out syn will give you 6 relic packs which turn into 18 relics.  You can easily have 3 maxed out before a new set of relics comes along and then poof before you run any mission you have 54 chances at new relics.  Can be a huge difference esepcially with the harder relics to get like axi.   And then after you buy dragon packs it doesnt take alot of work to max out 2 syns super fast to get more either.  Get to around 90k standing in when then switch to their ally and by the time your done they are both maxed out.  

    I am actually ranking up my 5th syndicate right now so I can get the little sculptures lol.   I might stop at rank 3-4 instead of unlocking them fully lol.   Suda has one of the coolest little sculptures!!  But I want a complete set for my ship and my dojo.  

  9. 11 hours ago, FatKavat said:

    The body part thing with Nekro desecrate was fixed already. You can't get extra loot from extra body parts anymore. 1 enemy = 1 extra loot. Nekro + Khora doesn't work either. A single enemy can only be affected by a single loot ability.

    I think that is only talking about Chesa Kubrow mixing with Nekros....not sure....  Because shortly after Chesa changed into mini nekro  people would double dip dead bodies. 


    15 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

    Area can be modified with range mods and charging up the ability (muliplies range up to 3 times). They also have grab range similar to Khora Dome.

    Number of tentacles on default is 10, charged up 20. You can spawn up to 3 more with your passive. And there is no enemy limit grabbed by each tentacle.

    I havent had a Hydroid yet.... but I have NEVER seen a hydroid with a huge AoE especially not one like Khora can have.  All the tentacles I have seen barely take up a hallway.... Also the tentacle count....never seen anyone with 20.  10 may be possible but I have seen lots of hydroid users and their tentacles only suck up a handful of enemies before other enemies bypass them.   You could be right, but I have never seen it...

  10. The slots become empty and available to fill with your next item.  Before you go deleting all your trash make damn certain your weapons arent used to make other weapons.  A ton of pistols are like that,  so is alot of dojo stuff.

    12p = 2 weapon slots (maybe robot and pet slots to?)

    20p = frame slot. 

    Keep those numbers in mind when trading.  


  11. ...When I go out into OV with my custom k-drives there is 1+ random ventkid race start points that do not show up unless I am near them.  

    If you use a frame with max loot radar(or even maybe max enemy) and then fly around in AW you should easily find the race spots. 

  12. Hydroid 100% / 8 targets small area...

    Khora is 65% / huge aoe 

    Nekros is 54% / huge Aoe vs all body parts

    Hydroid is garbage when you are fighting tons of enemies,  Nekros is way better.   Take hexanon farming for example vs infested.  

    However Nekros's desocrate is alot more finicky.   Desocrate can be SHUT OFF from lots of enemies so your Nekro user has to be really on top of his game,  where as hydroid can fire and forget... I think Khora would be the same way.    So for toroid hunting where you fight sooooo many nullifiers deep into waves Nekros kind of sucks.

    I hate khora's dome cuz it lifts stuff off the ground and out of melee range,  so I would probably just roll with 2 nekro for most farming.  Nekro dont need energy at all so you can skip trinity.  

    I have a nidus now and I took him into a farm and he was super fun for me.  I have like 31 meters on Larva(tendril pull) and I have used it to suck people enemies into hydroid tentacles or just to gather all enemies up near the group.  I guess trinity could also be in your sqaud for healing,  but so could other frames.  

  13. Yesterday I hated the event.   This morning I think I read some comments on here or maybe I didnt but I realized....I dont have to rack up a huge kill count.  As long as I get 1 kill 0 deaths I did my part for the team.  I started today with that attitude and played ALOT and I had alot of fun.  I got the captura scene and a roller floof already and I got 8 more days to go lol.  But im currently catching up on tv shows, playing another game I just baught,  and or grinding standing so I cant put serious time into it...  

    But when you start running from the enemies you notice some of them will follow you lol.  And if you are running away from them it makes them go in a straight line, and they dont really shoot at you until they are closer.   So I usually have packs of enemies chasing me while I mow them down easily cuz they are going in straight lines.  But dont stop and aim down the sights to often or they will flank you especially the speedy mofo.   

    I usually end all my fights 10-18 kills and 0 to 1 death.   I know I said all I need is 1/0 but it gets boring just hoing around and im afraid of being counted as afk and not getting my pearls.

    Fighting in the center of the map is the death trap.  Its doable but its so much easier to kill the stuff when its chasing you.  Sometimes when I dont have anything chasing me I will go making strafing runs through the packs of enemies fighting the morons in the center lol.  

    I'd rather have a Roller Moa but atleast I have a floof of one now =P

    Someone at DE was playing waaay to much of this.....


  14. You dont have to buy any and "save them for later".  When you need them, get them....   remember the only things you can not trade between syns is sculptures and syndana's.   Everything else CAN BE, even captura scenes. 

    You really only need to max rank in 2 syns...  Maxing out the standing of 2 syndicates is about the fastest you can go no matter how you slice it.   Get to about 100k in one and then switch to their ally and start working on them and when you are done they will both be max.  If a new set of relics will drop soon (especially if they are going to be in void) max out a 3rd syndicate standing.   Then you can buy about 18 dragon packs right at the start and get a jump start on popping relics.   4+ is a waste unless your going after sculpture/capes.  

    I decided to be dumb and max them all(not at same time).  I want the little sculptures for my Ship and my Dojo lol.  Hmmm...that means I only need to hit rank 4....crap should i stop there or max them out for bragging rights.....  hmmmmm

  15. 13 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    I did this with Naramon active just last week.  Guess it still seems plausible that it could be an intermittent cause of problems with this challenge though.

    Its completely possible to have naramon on AND do the challenge.   Your normal combo duration can be enough, and you never rely on your naramon hit streak decay ability.  

    Im just saying all the difficulty with this challenge is probably caused by it and better not to use it.  Then you know for sure whats causing you to fail.  

  16. You need to eventually master everything if you want to go up in MR.   So unless you get prime stuff just max stuff out and then switch.  

    I think your Kubro on the other hand is definately worth investing alot of effort into.   Chesa has a shot at extra loot which makes him great for you because you need tons of resources.

    I would install an Orokin Reactor? in him if you have it.   Then start maxing out some of his mods and installing forma.   Not sure thats the best Vitality mod.  But its the only one you got so definately max that one.   And then you definatly need to max out pack leader+hunter recovery.   Those two mods let you heal your dog by doing damage to enemies with melee and let your dog heal you with his attacks.  GREAT for keeping you both alive.  Thats my main way of healing.   After that you need [animal instinct] and the vacuum mod...I forget the name of it... comes from orb vallis if nobody will give you one.   

    And then I would do a ton of earth sabotage missions....Thats a huge map...lots of kubro nests.....  take a super weak weapon.   Kill the dogs and farm for mods,  if there are no dogs whack the nest with your weak weapon to make more appear.    You need to get [maul] and [link armor]  (and every other kind of link mod but especially armor,  and 2nd most important link health.  Those two can scale better than the red version of vitality and armor can they are based off your warframes stats)

    Working that Kubro will give you great survivability, great radar,  vacuum, and extra loot.


    For your oberon, that is a great frame(guess your not that concerned about survivability if you can heal lol).  I would load him down with gladiator mods from Plains of eidolon.  He also NEEDS Hunter's Adrenaline.   This give him energy when he takes damage to HP.   This will keep you healing and or spamming offense like a champ.  You wont need streamline.  I'd keep flow because you will easily max it out while getting beat on lol.   Ditch shields and just focus on adding HP and armor.   The faster enemies can break your shields and get to your gooey center the faster you are maxing out your energy.  You wont be super tanky with oberon but adding to his armor will protect you against status ailments and being one hit killed.   But he needs like gladiator resolve(hp?),  gladiator aegis(armor?),   Hunter adrenaline is a red mod so should be super easy to get or be given...  

    But yeah I would make that Dog my priority while just leveling up crap for mastery.   Buy all the weapons you can from marketplace for credits (not plat).  


    gladiator mods are about the ONLY way to for you to create combo-crit melee weapons which make your melee weapons insanely strong and fun.   You can try begging/buying for Body Count and Blood Rush?  combo duration is the amount of time you are given between whacking stuff with melee before your hitstreak disappears.   maintaining a high hitstreak makes other mods grant you critical hit chance bonus's based on your hitstreak.   The higher it climbs the more you start annihilating everything.      Gladiator might, gladiator rush, gladiator vice NEED to be on your melee weapons.

    Otherwise your using a shotgun and cant help you there.   But for assaults and pistols you need to keep your eyes peels for multishot mods and crit chance/crit damage, as well as punch through mods.   


    Keep this stuff in mind if you want to become more powerful

    -Get prime frames/weapons so you can install reactors/catalysts in to double your mod count.  (if you put them in normal frames/weapons your kind of wasting them because you will probably delete that stuff later).

    -Do full rotations in endless missions for shots at strong mods.   Defense = 4 rounds(20 waves),  Survival = 20 mins,  exctraction = 8 drills/800 cryo.

    -If you can hold your own versus infested and or you have been to the Orokin Derelict.  Group up with others to go on vault runs.  These give powerful mods and vault runs are SUPER easy to do.  

    -Spy missions can give great mods also if you can pop all 3 caches. (as well as help you get ivara)

    -Likewise sabotage missions and finding the hidden caches can give some rare mods. 

    -Most importantly as a newbie you should be popping tons of relics and if you can resist selling stuff for plat,   sell the prime parts you get to the kiosks in Relay Stations for DUCATS.   Use the Ducats and tons of credits to buy PRIME mods from Baro Ki'teer when he rolls around.  

    The mods from all that stuff will really take you to the next level.   

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  17. Ok im pro hunter let me try to help....

    -First off make a hunting frame.  For Orb Vallis you can literally use any frame you want.   But the trick is to have max enemy radar because ONLY in OV the animals will show up on radar. (in PoE they do not)

    -Even if you are invisible.. if you move near animals they can be alerted... dont have alot of experience with this myself but when I drag others with me they f it up and I have seen them scare the animals.   Even if your standing still if they get within like 5-10 meters of you they can spook I "think"

    -Make sure NO enemies see you or are shooting at you.   If you have max enemy radar going you should see no red on your radar before calling an animal.  Stuff in OV can shoot a very long ways lol.  If enemies are aware of you = instant fail.   

    Thats about all I can think of..  Your tranq is silent now so pobbers shouldnt spaz out if you miss.     Even if you shoot the lead pobber the others just keep going (although downgrade to just good) (Always take out pobbers from the one farthest in back to front).

    When I need to be off the call spot I recommend about 25-30meters distance.  I only use invis on stovers because they are BUGGY ASF and spawn on top of you.  Everything else out in OV I can take out without invisability.  

    Is this just a pobber problem or all animals???   Can you post a hunting video of a typical hunt for you??  I can make a new invis pobber hunt video if you want me to??? 

    Your on PC or I would go hunting with you.

  18. I would NOT use Naramon as my primary if you are going for that.  That may keep your combo alive, but is probably what screws up the timer.   So you are dropping your combo,  but naramon saves it,  but the riven still counts it as a drop.    

    Or maybe you are just getting penalized for not using the best sentinel  WYRM!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehe

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