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Posts posted by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_IGN

  1. This seems to NOT be a bug....

    I had a more talkative trading partner the other day and he arrived at my dojo only to not show up in my tradepost like before but this time the guy said he was just out of trades for the day...   

    People should appear in the tradepost no matter what,  you can give a no trades left message when you try to click on them....   Getting an empty list stating only people who are eligible will show up isnt really helpful...and makes you think the game is bugged.  

  2. I was playing around with making dogs the other day so while my incubator was busy I was using my other pets.   I used alot of cool parts to make my Bubble moa.   I was looking him over and I noticed the precepts from the other moa I had built can go on my bubble moa.  I thought they could only be used on the Moa head they came with.  So this inspired me to build a piece of crap version of the last moa head for the mastery and for the precepts.

    Well maybe that was the real reason I was looking at moa's lol... I think this was for the stupid/one of my most hated nightwave challenges of gilding modular crap.  So I spent time leveling up my new hacker moa and gilding it.  And I thought I was done so after I gilded it I sold it back to Legs for standing (which you totally do not get enough of for handing stuff back in... not even what it freaking costs to buy the parts of stuff...lol).   

    So last night I was looking around Fortuna cuz my standing was almost maxed out again and I was looking at moa's and I notice the hacker moa head I had just gilded and stuff was not mastered...took me a few seconds to realize what had happened but then I remembered...  I leveled it, gilded it,  but I totally forgot to level it up again for the mastery =(.

    Last time I had some moa parts still in my inventory but this time I had to buy all fresh parts and so I bought cheapest crap they have.   But then I took all the blueprints home and went to build them and each one is 50k credits...  200k to build a moa...(definately not twice as good as sentinels...).   What a PITA. And a 24 hour wait for the parts and I have to waste all that time leveling it again lol.  I have already pre-built a new zaw for the next nightwave challenge...I should save the moa for one also but that will be a long wait....dont know if I have the patience for that lol.   

    Thats the end of my story...  Im sure im not the only one who has deleted modular crap after gilding them but before remembering to master them....  


    I must have missed information about Fortuna getting a small inventory boost to some of its stores...  I noticed there was one new hoverboard(a 4th one) and Legs had some new moa gyro's I have never seen before...  I dont know when those were added.  

    PS:  That hacking precept from the one moa head works awesome...  your little moa will just blow past all the enemies and alarms and hack spy terminals for you.  If you are after Ivara or Harrow you definately want one of these with you!!  You just have to stand around until the precept gets triggered but it does not take long.

  3. I dont know... they gave us that fancy circle with white/black in it to show our alignment....  

    There was only one quest where we make decisions right?   And 0 quests that takes our decisions/alignment into account.

    It would be cool if NPCs and our ship AI's took our alignment into account when addressing us.   Like pure evil = fear/disdain,  mostly evil with some good = thinks of you like a monster but doesnt express it lol (my alignment).  etc etc.   

    But im thinking about that new AI on your railjack and how it has a different personality than ordis.  

  4. Yea you hold the respective buttons to swap spears or bait,  tap to use.   If you have all 3 cetus spears I would make Lanzo the one in your gear wheel.  (Thats what you need for hunting murkray for rare fish challenge of nightwave lol).  I have YET to fix my gear wheel so Lanzo is the one equipped first lmao.  I gotta remember to do this when I first get on tonight.  

    I hate fishing in PoE =/  You got this whole ocean along two sides and yet only 4 hotspots at the same damn non random locations...  and then the mechanics of making the fish spawn and the spawn rate of bait fish after you use the bait..   I still have questions about making fish appear.   It feels like the spawn mechanic only starts if you look straight down at your feet.  And then the second thing I would like to know is if you are hunting bait fish,  should you spear everything to help make them spawn faster or IGNORE all other fish.  

    Im not a noob.  I have made such rediculous amounts of plat off fishing lol.  

  5. DE = digital extremes..... the ones who made the game your playing....lmao.... 

    Did you try doing this @ Lua like was suggested to you???  

    Im not a riven guy so understand that,  but i've never seen this challenge.   Would a vormalyst or eidolon count as a sentient also?  Stealth killing a vormalyst sounds like cake.....

    Lua's survival mission is hella crazy but you get the deadly sentient drones atleast once every 5 minutes.  

    But anyways gl sounds like a fun challenge.  


    Side note....since you killed so many sentients in 2nd dream quest im wondering if you ever got "war" blades?  I have never EVER seen these before and it would be cool to finish a second broken war.    ( I dont know what noobs are on about,  I got broken war and full blown war just from doing quests and killing stalker...but I always see them trying to buid their broken wars from scratch...)

  6. When I have trouble interacting with an object I will jump into operator mode to try.

    picking up oxygen tanks during Excavations would bug out on me sometimes and I would be unable to pick them up as a warframe.   But I tried as an operator and it worked lol.  Kinda spoiled things for the lowbies I was running with but it fixed the problem =P.  So now I do that anytime I have problems and it seems to help.   

    Although it looks like it was just a bug^.  

    Switch modes, switch weapons,  hop on vehicles,  open menu's.  I do all that stuff if I run into an interaction/animation bug.  

  7. Yea I read this at the very beginning of trade chat yesterday and I will like what heck...  Im on ps4 and dont even know if I have ever activated a 2FA but i can trade... (I dont remember the last time I read the intro text for trade chat but that part seamed new lol).

    I think its just to combat cheaters

  8. 2 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    They always rotate Rotate Void and Bounties. The last unvaulting (Loki) was in the Void. The one before was in Bounties and so on

    "always" ???  cuz like open world maps have not always existed..  Since they have im not sure they have flip flopped 50/50 where they dump new relics either... BUT lets assume that is true....   

    lokie/volt @ void --> Wukong @ bounties --> Nyx/Rhino 10 days later.... @ bounties......    

    I only brought up that nyx/rhino were at Void cuz they kicked wukong out of bounties after only 10 days......     Either nyx/rhino should have went back to void or wukong should have went to void.  (or even better nyx/rhino should have STAYED gone and rotated in some stuff that hasnt been here in awhile... )  

    But the point is wukong was booted out of bounties before his time was up.   Usually new stuff sticks around for 2 months before being replaced.  

  9. Nyx/Rhino just dropped.. im all over the game.   But I noticed that I am no longer dropping data-mass's during mobile defenses when I aim glide which is GREAT!!!  Havent checked out if I an archwing with a data-mass in OV yet....     soo... #4 partially fixed yay!!!

    Everything else is still broken...

  10. So I enjoy the hell out of farming new relics on the open world maps...until bugs start to happen..  


    -The only thing I remember currently are the Drone missions being a little buggy.   I dont know if it was because of the remaster but Drones have kind of gotten dumb again.  They get stuck on terrain especially around that grineer base on top of the mountain to the faar left of cetus gate.   I've followed drones AWAY from where they need to go so they could go down a hill or cross a stream before heading in the right direction.   But the one that gets stuck is super annoying because you can move them yourself and enemy waves keep being spawned.  

    Before nyx/rhino relics dropped PoE was extremely fubar with ships being stuck in the air and stuff not spawning.   I spent a little bit of time farming relics there today and it seems to be all working correctly again.  So if anyone looked into fixing that stuff I just want to say thanx!!  I really appreciate it!!  

    Orb Vallis

    -Courrier Ambush objective is 50/50 broken.   Sometimes it works fine..  Other times when your trying to hack the console at the end to free the hostages and and those guys with the special items are being dropped off by ship that speed the hacking up,   those guys either dont show up (cant tell) or if they do they do NOT have the special item for speeding up the hack.  I just ran this today with a full squad and none of us could pick up the special items.  So its broken for everyone.    This also keeps you from ahcieving the bonus objective of using atleast one of those items....   

    -I dont have any details for this one.... I think I was doing Meso/Neo level bounty.   Me and a random were kicking butt and I think we had gotten to the last objective of the bounty and it instantly failed.   Neither of us had moved from where the last objected had ended.  We never started the new objective.  I dont think Eudico? even had time to tell us what she wanted us to do lol.  It just said Bounty failed...     (we did the same level of bounty again and everything worked.)


    -At either open world map when running bounties.. usually when you do them back to back whether you are host or a groupie you lose all UI info.  You cant see the missions,  you cant see objectives HP if your protecting or killing stuff,  you cant see kill counts you need.   All of the bounty info on your screen is just not there.  


    I've pushed myself to start farming relics out of OV instead of PoE.  I will try to take better notes about which tier,  which mission/objective I have problems with.

  11. Wukong just dropped July 6th.  You put all the relics into Cetus/Fortuna Bounties which is cool I love farming them there(to enjoy the maps,  not the bugs or people).

    10 days later.......You Drop Nyx/Rhino and.....kick Wukong out of the reward table for Cetus/Fortuna bounties and replace with Nyx/Rhino relics.....   

    WTF...   you have sooooo many options for relic deployment.....  

    -You could not have put Wukong in Cetus and nyx/rhino in Fortuna or vice versa ????

    -Last time(a few months ago...) you had Nyx/Rhino dropping in VOID only.   You could not spice things up and make the relics specific to some other planet....like say JUPITER to enjoy the new gas city.....  talk about wasted potential.

    -How about putting relic sets in normal sanctuary onslaught?? 


    I am just super thankful I was able to score wukong, ninkondi, zhuge once for myself and an extra wukong/ninkondi to sell before you booted him out to the star chart relic pool where its alot harder to get relics.   But this is like a very concerning lack of judgment on your part....   And besides that you drop Wukong+ relics on us and everyone blows through their void trace getting that stuff.... then 10 days later you drop even more relics on us before we have had the chance to build our void trace reserves back up...    how about a free res booster weekend or something...

    Cetus/Fortuna "can" be super fun place to farm relics.  But you need to tackle these issues....

    -turn off fish/mining/hunting when doing a bounty (leechers would still probably sit there and do nothing though...)

    -fix bugs in bounty objectives.  

    -Change up bounty reward pools a little so you get atleast 1 relic per bounty run..   ESPECIALLY tier 2 (lith relic bounty where you only get 3 rewards per run).   But at the same time you have A,B,C reward tables for the entire bounty board that refreshes every 2 and half hours...  this needs to happen more often.  If a relic you want is available 2.5 hours may not be enough if you have bad luck but at the same time if there are NO relics available that you want 2.5 hours is an eternity. 

    • Like 7
  12. This isnt because i melee'ed in the middle of the animation.   This is because it is BROKEN and she continues to hold that part of the fulmin barrel long after you have stopped using it or switched to other things.    She is never suppose to hold it like that.  Normally it attaches to the side of the gun and looks like an ammo clip or something. 

  13. 1 minute ago, DeMonkey said:

    UI mentions it though, by stopping at 150%.

    Why would you do anything that benefits shields? The more shields you have the less benefit you get from Rage/Adrenaline. There's a reason some of us run a Decaying key with Wukong.

    U talking about Vigor i guess....  vigor gives both shields and HP.   The More HP is what I would be after.   Umbra vit + glad resolve + prime vigor is like 900% HP lol...  

  14. Yesterday (sunday) the ps4 game server was having all kinds of problems.  disconnects/log-in failures and stuff,  losing chat server...  

    Well in the moments it was working I was trying to use trade and invited a dude to my dojo.   Except when I tried to open trade with him by using my tradepost his name was not in the list.  There was text in a window talking about what it takes to trade... but the guy was MR10 and actively there.   I tried manually opening up a shop like at maroo's bazaar but he could not click on me either.  

    I tried to leave and reinvite him,  since it was only the two of us in my dojo I figured he would be booted from it when I left..... but when I went back to my dojo he was still there lol.... and I asked if he had been booted and he said no.   Nobody else was in dojo so he should have been booted.   

    We didnt try going to his dojo.  

  15. PS4 - Yeah I thought i missed one.. daily log in reward screen came up and then I saw the new weekly challenges but I never got a new daily mission.   

    But like others have said I did the capture challenge while running silver grove spectre challenge.  


    PS4 servers were also running like CRAP all of sunday....  chat server disconnects,  complete game lock-ups and getting booted back to log-in screen.  I got screwed out of 15 minutes worth of XP after a host migration.  I talked to others who lost relic rewards.   


  16. Can we talk about something even more important??  We need a way to view the imprints we ourselves put into trade chat lol.  You can only look at what the other guy has put into trade.  Im not memorizing name and look of every damn animal I grow.....

    Im really looking forward to more pet revision mechanics like no more cryo sleep!!  Maybe they will let us make more than one copies of an animal or create an ADVANCED BIO incubator where you can tweak the genetics of imprints so you can alter specific things about animals but requires growing a new one.  (Like I would love to be able to alter kavat energy colors.)

  17. 5 hours ago, CephalonDizzy said:

    It builds up to a max of 150% bonus to damage and crit. Gladiator set mods then take the crit bonus into account when applying the combo multiplier set bonus, so it is quite significant actually.


    See that was hidden info.  I was going by just what the augment says  +10% after killing an enemy.  The augment doesnt mention a cap.  Hmmm.....

    Adaption+vigor to be tank.

    Primal+augur secret for max offense..

    I guess duration/effeciency are out for me...  



  18. Primal Rage seems kinda worthless if you have gladiator mods or body count+blood rush builds... 15%....ooooooooo....  whoop t do.....  

    x3 umbra, Vitality, Gladiator Resolve/Aegis, hunter adrenaline, and then the last two are up to you for stat tweaking.   

    -Prime/Vigor for more HP+streamline

    -Streamline+Narrow Minded for better effeciency and better drain on his 4

    -strength mods to boost his 1,2,4 ? (mainly for healing/2)

    I use the second combo.   I got to around 900+ armor and 1400hp.   Constant energy...if you have a pet that does any kind of healing you are golden but if things get hairy you can just poof into a cloud or pulse void mode (with arcanes).


    Valkyr, Garuda, Wukong is definately up there with my other fav melee frames and I've only been using him since prime.  

  19. I did a few with Octavia but it was very stressful.  I'd have to look at her again but I can probably tweak her duration just a little bit more now.   But I usually had like 50-60 seconds of that ability playing and my stealth could be used twice during that time.

    Ivara is pretty good if you have zenurik school,  her only problem is no slides/bullet jumping while stealthing so its pretty slow.   You can still roll dodge though.

    At 30+ im not sure there is an amp strong enough to one hit kill stuff.  You have to leave stealth mode to fire your amp, so it cant take two shots.   The bounce blade scaffold I think would be the best bet...   

    Regular Loki is in assassinations in star chart,  no reason not to get him if you dont have a stealth frame.   You dont need prime,   You dont even need to invest in him just to do stealth.  

  20. This video catches two bugs....

    #1 After initiating my 3rd bounty from Orb Vallis (stayed outside) they started to bug out.   This is the mission where you find the scout party corpses, get the coords to where the few survivors are being held and then have to defend the prison while you try to hack through the gate...   And some of the soldiers are suppose to drop an item to help speed up the hacking process.   But as you can see in the video,  ZERO of the soldiers would show up..  (This makes you screw up the bonus objective and not get extra rewards)

    #2. In the video at around the 17-18 second mark I am using the Falcor disc.  I performed a charged power throw.  You can see I am at full health, not taking any damage, the Falcor kills the robot but when it returns to me it insta-kills me.   This is not the first time THAT weapon and maybe the other thrown weapons have done self damage.   Im guessing the disc returning to you is being counted as an attack like the disc bounced between enemies.   I have glaive prime that I use a little bit also and I cant remember if it does this aso but I think so...  


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