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Posts posted by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_IGN

  1. Well the answer is no.  Doing quests again I think just gives some crappy materials or credits as a reward.  

    Also let me add on to what I said...   I said only prime weapons/frames...  but Dojo weapons and new original frames are ok to.   Fulmin isnt prime but that gun is bad ass.  Wisp is new so she wont be primed for years.  Harrow/Ivara/Octavia/Garuda/Baruuk/Hyldrin are probably all pretty far off.  So if you like stuff like that definately go ahead and blow reactors/catalysts.  

  2. There are catalysts/reactors in nightwave for nw credits.

    There are also catalysts/reactors as rewards for invasion mission sometimes.  (as well as exilus adapters, that slot next to your aura slot)

    Sometimes DE has special things going on that grant catalysts/reactors.   

    When your starting out its ok to use those on ONE normal crap weapon/frame just so you can rank up your mods and get stronger.   But Orokin stuff should be saved for prime weapons/frames.  

    Forma on the hand you can get and make every day so as a newb it would probably be better to stick with these to get stronger until you get your first prime stuff.  

  3. Health Conversion will work if you also take the mod that converts energy -> <- HP.   

    DEATHCUBE has an augment mod @ Cephalon Simaris that "can" make enemies drop energy orbs.  I think he has to kill stuff outright though which kind of sucks.  

    Again if you have the energy/hp conversion mod you could also use ANY sentinel and use Synth Deconstruction which makes enemies just "damaged" by your sentinel have a 25% chance of dropping hp orbs.   

    And dont forget about Zenurik and its void dash ability to regen energy.   (not sure if its Zen or Vazarin? that also has that central node that grants you energy regen just for picking up energy orbs)

  4. No it will not necessarily be an Axi relic.   Im just talking about the rarity of the item u get from the relic.  It can be a rare from a lith, meso, neo, axi.   wherever DE decides to stick stuff lol. 

    Source = years of playing.   I've maxed out 4 syndicates.  Those prime parts are whats holding me back from the last two lol.  Just to lazy =P  2 rare prime just so I can finish my syndicate sculpture collection heh....  

  5. The new item it is replaced with will also be a rare so its not going to help waiting for that purpose.   Its not going to be a prime part from a common slot.  

    And since you have 2 of them I say go for it.  

    Only reason I would not use it now is if you are close to making TWO hydroid primes.  A hydroid set is alot more valuable than just the system.   If you are not close to having a second full set of hydroid then I highly recommend using it for syndicate.   The system IS the hardest prime part to get for Hydroid though....  Should be super easy to finish off a 2nd full set of hydroid.....   

    And look....the only thing you CANT trade for with syndicates is capes and sculptures.   How bad do you need to rank up with that Syndicate right now???  

    Weigh all that stuff out for yourself and make your own decision!  Hope that helps.  

    (Hydroid should sell easy considering they are a major help for farming toroids)

  6. I will admit to being wrong about new relics not showing up in codex if you do not have any.  I didnt try to farm for Volt/Loki/Bo/Wyrm because I hate the void.   But while I was looking at codex I typed in Volt and Loki seperately and apparently I have atleast 1 of each of the most recent relics which is why they were not greyed out.   

    Dont know how I got them.. it must have been from all the Syndicate relic packs I baught.


    #1 non-problem.

    #2.  We have full info(and tabs) on fissure screen and at the refiner which is great.   We just do not have that info in the codex...where the game tells you to go to see where to find relics...  

    #3.  I can see having no need to post a chat link to form a group to a relic you do not own...   But what is the freaking benefit of not allowing us to link stuff we dont own.   Is this to cut down on chat spam or chat server performance or something??  It seems completely unnecessary to stop people who dont own things from being able to talk about them...  What if I wanted to trade for relics I dont own..????

    #4. This is also still a major problem in my opinion(important info up FRONT).  Same reason as above.  People have to click on your chat link to see if they have any of that relic and then they have to click on a tiny stupid info button to see what the hell is actually in the relic.   That is NOT helpful in the slightest.   The rewards of the relic should be the first thing you see when you click a chat link.  (and then a tab to see where you can find them would be nice)   But this makes it more difficult to form relic popping groups not easier.   


  7. More people = more XP  so stop solo'ing your just slowing down your own progress.   

    Defense missions are hard solo,  there are some frames you can use to make them easier or outright cake walks but there is something you can do before you try to get more frames.   

    When you do rescue missions you get the chance of gaining SPECTRE BP's.  These let you clone your currently equipped warframe and weapons into AI team mates.  When you go into battle you can open your gear wheel and summon your Spectre.   Once summoned you can walk up to him and give him the command to hold position or follow.  

    This is great for interception missions to.   Depending on what frame and weapons you clone  defending with them with vary.   Gara/Frost/ (maybe limbo) are pretty awesome spectres for defense.  

    But anyways You have to use your foundry to build spectres.  There are like 4 different tiers of spectre.   The lowest gives you 10 spectres,  the highest will only let you build 1.  I have no idea what the difference is,  I always use the lowest and they seem to stay alive and do their job.   

    (I wish spectres were more permanent so you could build your own squad to "solo" with.  The different tiers of spectre would just get changed into Team mate A,B,C or 1,2,3)

  8. Im sitting on my rainbow aura and umbra forma too..

    The rainbow aura isnt that big of a deal.  Pretty easy to figure out also...  Just play warframe and if there is a warframe you swap out aura's on alot for different situations then go with that one to receive it.  

    I cant really think of any warframe where I swap out aura's alot.  I know there are a few where I didnt agree with their starting polarity and so made them nuetral,  but I dont remember which those are.   

    Multipurpose frames I guess.  Like you might want a completely different set up for hunting Eido's than for star chart. Or like chroma since he is so good at end game you could give him an a rainbow so you can adapt to any content or challenge.  Like everyone taking Corrosive projection or anti-corpus aura's or energy syphon etc etc.   

    Look at the frames you have put exilus adapters into.  Those guys obviously need every bit of capacity as you can get.   

    But yeah im saving my stuff until there is a NEED or until they become more common type items.   Umbra forma I could stick in so many of my frames and weapons.  In fact I think I broke several of my frames by ranking up my umbra mods to much heh.  Damn Wisp wanting MORE POWER!!!!.  

  9. The only things you actually download on console are patches and hotfixes.   So unless you see progress bars for a download, chances are your connection is down. 

    On ps4 I will occasionally get a message saying failed to log in,  even though it shows my current warframe and themes and stuff lol.   It sounds like the thing throwing you off is the Xbox message saying you could not update your account info..

    But.......can you explain further on what you mean by "all progress lost.."  ???   Your saying that you lose everything?   Your frames, your weapons, your MR, etc, etc.???  I am only speculating but if you quit and came back to the game then maybe you had switched your profile in-between that time so you couldnt access your old account save???  

  10. On 2019-06-30 at 12:29 PM, Alejandrokek said:

    .dur dur dur

    Screw you.  I like the open worlds.  And there is absolutely NOTHING stopping them from going back and adding stuff to them whenever the hell they feel like it.  Look at Plains getting a small update.  Hunting, thumpers, bounty boards.  

    I am dieing for an infested open world map!!   

    Have you seen the new Sentient Tileset??  Doesnt look like working on other things has hurt their ability to make awesome new tilesets either.  

    If you take out open world bounties then your wanting more normal mission types, ESO, Arbies, that new turd mode Desolution?   Oh boy let me contain my excitement!!

  11. I would think its resource heavy to have MULTIPLE pets walking around your orbiter,  but who knows.  I dont really know how I would feel about that.  I think I might only want to see my active pet walking around.  BUT.....

    One thing I have always *kind of* wanted is the ability to keep kittens/puppies as is and have them walking around,  and still be able to use a mature battle ready pet.  

    Im looking forward to the no cryo thing.   I hope they bring alot more changes for pets along with it.  And I hope it happens in the next big patch Emperium.  

  12. Yeah I just went hunting for kavats yesterday and this is definately broken again like it was right after melee 2.? was introduced.   

    Using anything from your gear wheel mixed in with combat is an absolute pain in the ass.   As in whatever you had equipped from the gear wheel never STAYS equipped if you try to swap to melee and then back to gear.   

    I thought it might be because I usually only carry a melee weapon only or melee+primary but it doesnt work in any combination.  As soon as you melee you have to re-open your gear wheel to re-equip a Codex Scanner for example. (if thats what you were trying to use).  

    You guys at DE did have this mostly fixed in that you could go back to your codex scanner from melee.  And that only way to get back to a gun was to first melee and then hit triangle/weapon swap yourself.   But Hostile Mergers seams to have reset that code for some reason.................  Please re-fix this ASAP.   (as well as all the issues above)

  13. On 2019-07-01 at 9:29 AM, xMarvin732 said:

    What do you mean with that? i still can see the unowned Relics in the Relics & Arcanes Codex Tab for an example i have no Axi A4 and i still see them there.

    Thanx beta tester,  errr I mean PC player.   That is NOT the case on (ps4/consoles)

  14. -Sol gate/offense  you go with max strength, duration, eff if possible.  Dur/eff is to let u spam SG.  Str is to make it hurt.

    -Mote camp/support go max range and str, dur can be negative.   Range is for mote aoe and infinite buffs.  Str is for stronger buffs.

  15. The info is definately there when choose relics for fissures..

    Maybe back at the refiner/codex I wasnt clicking on a particular relic first.  I will test that out today.  Im pretty sure I did this yesterday and didnt see anything, because thats also when I went to look at how fissures worked.  

  16. 30 minutes ago, RolloDex said:

    This man has you covered.

    Yeah he did a very good job of explaining the abilities.  

    I have a warframe and a melee to farm focus for specific schools.   Saryn is one of my focus farmers.  Im gonna have to rethink her weapon.  I took a melee because of toxic lash's bonus damage but I think it would be a hell of a lot more fun with a gun just to help spread the sickness.  I didnt think Toxic worked with guns.  

    Warframe mod slot wise though I am still horribly conflicted lol.   I use x3 umbra mods.  I'd love to be able to stick prime flow and Hunter's Adrenaline/Rage on her.  

  17. Wow 1,2,and 4 are all still a problem even after the Wukong update where I thought they were going to fix a ton of the relic UI problems??  I havent been popping alot of relics lately so I dont know about that side but on the codex side and chat window side it is still absolute garbage.  

    Now when people are trying to form groups to pop relics together and you click on their relic link in chat, you cant even see what the hell they are going after until you click on the stupid info button.   That is the freaking OPPOSITE of how UI should operate.   You should be displaying as much info as humanly possible while keeping it easy to ready.  Not making the first and only thing you see initially a dumb generic picture of the item.   

    INFORMATION is the first thing you should see

    On 2019-06-24 at 7:15 AM, krc473 said:

    You can, well on PC at least. DE has decided stuff like that needs to have “pages/tabs”. You just scroll to the next one and it tells you - pretty easy when it tells you when you are looking at it how to do this. Perhaps it is one of those things that console hasn’t got yet?

    .  Relic links do not have pages/tabs on ps4 even after Wukong update(atleast not through chat and not through codex, dont know about the window when ur choosing a relic for a fissue).   Which shouldnt even be needed in a proper UI.  

  18. SPECIFICALLY what I have trouble understanding is how to spread her spores.  Maybe it just doesnt work the way I think it does or something.

    -You cast toxic lash so that melee attacks will burst any spores that are on the enemy.....

    -You then cast spore on something and you kill it to affect everything within range of spore's spread range.

    This is the part where im lost...

    -Now you have several spored enemies.  If you kill or break the spores on these secondary spored enemies is it suppose to cause another AoE explosion of spores to spread???

    I can the initial spored enemy,  then I start killing the secondary spored enemies that got infected from that first enemy,  but spore does not seam to spread from any of those kills.  I see stuff in range as im killing never getting infected.   

    I got some advice last night to always have toxic lash going so that my melee attacks instantly burst spores but I couldnt really tell if it was working or not.  I seemed to see new targets being affected but at other times I saw stuff right next to the enemies I was killing not be infected.  

    Is it possible to keep spore spreading continuously without recasting it?  

    My stats dont matter because I am talking about pure spread mechanics.  But my Saryn uses 250% range/ 150+% strength.  (not an endgamer).   My spread range is 40meters.

    Enemies who dies from Spores damage over time do not trigger a spore spread correct?  

    I could make a video of me running my Saryn if that would help?

    The problem is it feels like I only ever see one spread of Spore per initial target.  Then im having to recast on a new target and trigger another spread and so on.   

  19. ADVICE:   Do not make AND guild all the zaws you have parts for.......    Save your Zaw building for NIGHTWAVE when you have to guild a modular item.  I hate that challenge.   When that challenge comes along then build a zaw your interested in.   

    Personally I love the Katana zaw.  Its fast and you can build it for crits or for status whichever floats your boat.  Its my general purpose melee weapon(for frames that I dont have specific melee weapons for).  (although its been broken graphicly for like the last 3-4 months, THANX DE for not fixing it...)

    • Like 2
  20. You guys almost have quick weapon swapping completely hammered out but there are still a few issues when you trying to switch between gear, guns, melee in whatever order. (This is coming from ps4/console)

    #1.  I notice ALOT when I go from melee to my gun which are usually the automatic variety even though im holding down the trigger it only fires a single bullet and then nothing.   Sometimes nothing is fired.  It isnt until I let up and pull the trigger again that my gun starts laying down a hail of bullets like its suppose to.  So = broken...  

    #2.  I thought this was fixed in the last patch but hostile mergers seems to have re-introduced it.   You are unable to switch from codex scanner to melee..  May be dependant on your setup....  I usually do not have a weapon in every slot (primary, secondary, melee).  If your missing a secondary it can cause problem.  If you only have a melee then you may also have problems...   But this makes hunting kavats or cephalon targets a major pain in the butt.   But this also applies to anything else in your gear wheel.  

    #3.  Similar to #2 Your archwing and the gearwheel do not like each other which is a annoying problem out in orb vallis.  If you have a tranq rifle out and then try to jump into an archwing it will swap out your tranq for your primary or secondary.  Again this depends on what you have equipped.  No secondary is usually a problem. 

    #4  Datamass thingies HATE to fly....   If you are on foot and try to airglide with a datamass in your hands you will drop it.    If you have a datamass in your hands and you jump into an archwing (which can be needed in orb vallis) you will drop the datamass!!     Please disable the ability to drop a datamass if you are airgliding or equipping your archwing.   I can pretty much guess why the archwing forces you to drop your datamass...   Same reason/problem as #3.   When you equip the archwing it hits the weapon swap button.

    This stuff is still in the game as of Hostle Mergers.  

    • Like 1
  21. The K-drive is the only thing in the game you cant gain affinity for by killing stuff (and consequently any standing with the ventkids).  Thats a huge fail right there.   

    I got 4 ranks by grinding pipes and doing stupid tricks.  I got the last rank by doing races.   I still down have gold mods though because I would rather gut the ventkids then do races/tricks for them lol.   

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