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Posts posted by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_IGN

  1.   52 minutes ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

    1. Make the arcane section of codex display the most current relics even if you do not own any.

    This is not a helpful feature. I would much rather see all the relics I have than the ones I am too lazy to farm. Sure, as a “sort by” feature this is fine. But not as a forced thing.


    This is exactly how it worked previously before the UI changes............

    It was extremely helfpul for anyone who didnt want to visit the forums non stop.   If you knew a batch of new relics had been dropped you could just go into your Codex and see them all and see exactly where to go to get them.  

    In your codex - arcanes/relics  it showed all the arcanes at the top,   then all your owned relics,  then at the very bottom it showed all the CURRENT relics you didnt own.  (like right now it should be showing all the Volt/Loki relics)

  2. You can say that about any ability in the game.  Her motes just feel unbalanced without something offensive.   U can heal, u can buff,  u can CC and do little damage... 

    I'd like one for a debuff or dps... 

  3. I went for max range, medium strength.  I think my duration is nerfed.   I dont use Flow.   So even with all that my crappy Sol's Gate can last for quite a while if im at full energy.  Although if I charge the beam she blows through her energy super fast.

    But personally I think Duration/effeciency only benefits Sol's Gate.  Which is great if you want to rely on that.

    But max range... gives you motes a huge AoE where people can stand for infinite buffs or makes them super easy to pass through.   But I huge range also made my shock mote reach 35 meters... if you breach that it would be 70 meters??    That sounds pretty awesome if you do like to use Sol's Gate.  

    I havent even put a single Forma in my wisp yet.  Dont really know how to mod her.  


    You said a shock mote zaps up to 5 enemies.  What if you have several shock motes down??  What if you have several overlapping Vitality motes down and overlapped, do they stack???  

    I've been squished several times from not paying attention and being outside my healing mote.  I cant imagine going without shields.  And if I did go without I would try to add more range/strength into the build instead of energy.... although what I would probably 100% do is take Health Conversion to tank the crap out of my wisp and use a sentinel to drop lots of HP orbs....although I doubt that would work very well with her healing mote....


  4. Chat server has been imploding a looong time.  

    I've noticed problems trying to chat link stuff for several months.  

    My guess on this bug though is that its related to the UI changes.  Someone probably tried to link something that made the chat server blow up lol.  

  5. If it suppose to be cc then fine,  but then I would ask for a 4th mote that is for damage.    

    A mote that blows up a few seconds after an enemy walks into its radius (so it has the chance of catching more than one enemy).  Or any of the other bazillion methods of doing damage.

    A mote(or several) that do nothing.....UNTIL you let loose with Sol's Gate,  then all those mote open portals to the sun and channel beams of radiation down on whatever wisp is pointing at.   Or they could all shoot energy to Wisp so she can super charge her beam for alot longer.  

  6. I dont know if this next schedules patch will fix these concerns or not but I want to write them down before I forget lol.

    BEFORE DE changed the latest UI stuff you could go into your codex and goto arcanes and see which current relics you were missing and or you could click on any of the ones you had and see how to obtain more of that type.   

    After DE change the relic UI I dont see ANY of that info in our codex.   It only shows relics you own(not current relics you are missing).  And also I can not see anything that tells you were you can go for specific relics!!   

    You cant even see if a given relic type is even in the drop tables currently or not or are vaulted.  

    #1. Make the arcane section of codex display the most current relics even if you do not own any.

    #2. Add back the information on where to get specific relics.

    #3. FIX chat links on console(ps4).   Sometimes for unknown reasons you will try to link a relic and it will not be allowed.  I dont know if its because you down own any or the one you are trying to link is vaulted or if chat links are just borked.  Just yesterday,  Sunday the 23rd of June I was trying to help someone who was wanting Rhino relics.   I tried to link [Axi s3 relic] and the game kept saying it wasnt a linkable item.  But this has been a problem on ps4/console for months now, and sometimes make it difficult to form groups to pop relics.   In chat you will also see other people who have no problem linking the same exact item.     (and 100% no it is not spelling errors making the links not work)

    #4.  The new round of UI changes make looking at items kind of a pain.  If you click on someone's chat link all you get is a picture of the thing they linked.   You have to mouse over to a stupid little box that says info if you actually want to see stats on them item.   This is very counter intuitive.   The stats of item should be the FIRST thing you see when you click on a chat link.   

  7. So heres some feedback for wisp...

    #1 Give us the ability to remove motes,  not everyone likes speed buffs and shock motes can be a real pain slowing everything down.  It would be nice to be able to remove motes when needed.   Breaching seems like it would blow up a mote......

    #2 Shock mote needs changed or something.  Most enemies who get hit with Shock get stunned,  and since shock is continuously being applied they get stunned often,  which slows down the action ALOT.   This can be good in some situations,  but as an offensive mote it does more harm than good.  This need tweeked or changed.   Just keep it straight damage with 0% chance to stun.  Or make it so that if one enemy is within 5meters of another they both get double zapped or something (and can chain to other enemies).  Or just change the element.   Isnt Sol's Gate radiation damage??  I dont understand why her mote is just electric.  It should be a radiation mote,  making enemies turn on one another would be awesome.   Likewise if the mote is only going to be single element it could just as easily be fire.

    Thats about my only complaints so far.  Im doing max range with medium strength I love her as a support role.  Although I think we need a new ghosty/ethereal melee weapon to go with her not just guns.   I would really love a great pair of daggers!! I just unlocked Ivara a few weeks back and I would love to use daggers on her also,  they have such a killer stealth kill animation.   

  8. Problem with wisp is that the buffs get constantly refreshed if you go back into range of the motes.   Likewise if you dont want the buff just dont fight near a mote and the effect will wear off.  So I dont know how you would come up with a good solution to that....  

    You could just ask people not to use speed buffs. (valkyr's is also an armor buff though =( )

    I try not to use the shock mote until deep into waves because it slows down enemies.  I use speed mote alot and nobody has complained to me yet.  It helps guns to but I dont even bother casting it unless I see people using melee lol.   I try to stick to just the health/regen mote.

    The only speed buff I hate is Volt lol.  

  9. Nekro has a low conversion rate because....

    -a corpse can be cut up and each piece gets a chance at being converted like was said above.

    -but the one advantage Nekro has over extra loot abilities is that it has massive range and no limit(except ur mana/health, whichever u power desocrate with).  This allows you the chance to convert waaaay more of the bodies that get dropped in mission than the others as long as people are fighting atleast 50 meters or closer to you which is basiclly affinity range (which most people are to stupid to stay in, so its a good thing you can just follow them)

    On the bad side of Nekro his Desocrate ability is an always on ability.  When you get deep into waves and nullifiers show up your abilities can get turned off without you realizing it.  Whereas it doesnt matter if Hydroid gets nullied as long as he cast tendrils before he was hit. Khora has to work same way..   Thats why Nekros isnt the main ask for hunting toroids.  

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  10. On 2019-06-19 at 11:59 AM, AXCrusnik said:

    You mean just use regular regen? Sentinels don't revive themselves.. You need to either fully die yourself which means losing XP and using one of your mission revives, or have a Regen/Primed Regen mod on (unless you are using Reawaken which only works on Djinn). If sentinels are a common thing for you to bring, you probably want this mod. It's 3 times as good as regular regen which means sentinels have twice as many lives as they would if you used regular regen.

    Yes regular old regen.

    Primed Regen isnt worth depleting your ducats for if you are just getting into prime mods.   Better to save for the ones that will actually make a difference.

  11. Void relics are GARBAGE because the void holds like 50 different sets of relics,  So getting a CURRENT relic has seriously LOW odds.  

    They did the same thing to Rhino/Nova before volt/loki.   

    Your better off just farming syndicate standing and buying relic packs.  Way less frustrating.  

    Maybe if they removed ALL THE OTHER GARBAGE RELICS from void when it is hosting NEW relics it would actually be a fun place to get new stuff,  but with all the garbage relics mixed in forget about it.  

    Some endless give relics more than others.  Defense for example.  But geeez do I hate defense in the void,  the two elevations,  the being attacked from 360 degrees.  Its boring as hell.   But to waste 20 minutes and not get a single god damn relic you need makes my blood boil.  

  12. It is not meant for newbies,  it said this all over the load screens and the first time you log in after the Hostile Merger patch.   So are you asking if the game was lying to you?   No,  no it wasnt.   But if you can do all the pre-requisite quests there should be nothing stopping you.   Farming Hex is no big deal either.  You just have do survivals on jupiter,   hopefully with a full squad and hopefully with a res booster.  A smeeta kavat would also help out.   

    If you ask for rides to the Ropalyst I dont think you even have to do the stupid ass disruption battles to unlock that node,  you can just skip right to it.  

  13. My advice- Skip these mods and wait for the next round of Baro (while building up your (ducat/$$).

    2 of those are for shotguns (arca plasmor?)

    1 is to let your sentinel revive itself, dont need a prime for that...

    reload speed is a big fat whoop t do.

    Prime Flow can be useful on frames that use alot of abilities or use "always on" abilities.  However there is usually almost ALWAYS something better you could replace this mod with.   Vault mods,  streamline,  other stat mods,  more survival type mods.  


    What you want to blow ducats on are survival mods, damage mods,  elemental damage mods.   Stuff like the above you can put off for much later.    If you dont rack up alot of ducats between visits try to determine which type of weapon you use the most and look for those (primary, secondary, melee).


    As far as getting stronger....Do you have any prime warframes or weapons or dojo weapons.   If your having trouble on the starchart it sounds like you need to start using Orokin Reactors/Catalysts on your stuff to get double mod capacity.  Start adding Forma to your favorite stuff.   Well I would say to start blowing endo/$$ to max out mods but if you are starting to look for primed mods that could be risky.   Max mods that dont have 10 ranks,  max the ones that have less or are gold mods like barrel diffusion, split chamber,  or mods that are part of a set like gladiator mods, auger mods,  vigilante mods.

    Although I would probably do the basic damage mod for primary,secondary and melee to max while you wait.  The primary/secondary wont go to wait even if you get the prime later cuz you can use them in your sentinels. 

  14. Power creep already freaking happened,  Its why eidolons, orb spiders,  fractures,  and everything 60+ sucks.

    All my slots go towards survival and stats (on a warframe).  I dont have room for augments and cool wierd support mods.

    I think set mods should get their own row of mod slots. 1-4 spots depending on what you are modding.  Warframes can hold alot of set mods.  Weapons can to.  

    Most of the time those set mods make you weaker in raw damage/survival but make up for it by giving you boosts in other area's.  So I dont see how its power creep if you build out your weapons and warframes sideways instead of just adding to their power.  

  15. In my opinion Hunt sucks because of the range.   You basicly can only pull in stuff that is already in melee range so thats what makes it pretty freaking worthless.   I always wanted Contagion but for some stupid retarded reason they made it self damage so you cant use that or you risk killing yourself countless times.   Hunt looked like the next best thing and something a heavy Valkyr+paralysis user would enjoy but it doesnt even come close to being as awesome as Valkyr's pull.  

    I feel like warframe arcanes are worthless,  zaw arcanes are worthless,  and kitgun arcanes are worthless.   The selection of actually useful arcanes is non existant.  Operator arcanes are the only cool ones and with everything at stupid end game being damn near one hit kill you no matter how much HP or armor you have you are pretty much locked into using double HP revitalizer arcanes when you exit void mode so you can avoid death and instantly heal up your warframe by jumping in and out of operator mode.  


  16. Heres my feedback on disruption with my limited experiece (Just enough to get to Ropa)

    -HATE that all 4 pedestalls are lit up on minimap at once.   Only the ones that are active should show.

    -HATE there is a RED pedestal, RED key, and oh yeah RED demonlysts,  that is so helpfull when looking at minimap

    -HATE that Demonlysts just bumrush pedestals and one hit kill them.  They move way to fast and spawn way to close to pedestals.

    -Love... *thinking*...

  17. I breed kavats to sell.   For me Smeeta are like 75-80% chance.  Adarza kavats are alot rarer.   Not alot of demand anymore though so I havent made any in awhile.   Plus I had like 20+ kubrow eggs so I started growing those lol.  My last 2 kavats were smeeta/adarza.   

    yellow energy is the most common energy color in my opinion also.   If you get anything other than yellow try to get more plat for it =P.

    People shouldnt really care about the price of imprints.  Whatever you pay for a pet you can turn around and make your own imprints from it and sell it for the exact same price you paid and get your money back.....

  18. I guess my advice will suck since im not a math nerd end gamer...

    But I would go for the first riven.  Multi+CD

    I guess it might depend on your Rattleguts build...  Mine is pure RoF and crit chance so just with point strike my Rattle gets up to like 80% crits which is pretty much every hit lol.  Sending out more shots + huge crits sounds alot better just raising the overall damage of everything by a small-medium amount.  

    If you didnt go pure RoF, and built your rattle with a little more base damage then I think the other riven might be better.  It could really beef up your overall damage.   Then again...more crit damage would be nice.   Dont know if the slower RoF build of rattles can reach the same crit chance as easily so they might happen less often??  

    Pure RoF build + Harrow or any other frame that has ROF buff abilities is pretty magical lol.  

    But like I said for me the multi+cd seems like the more appealing choice.   If you already have them both I would test them both out.  

  19. There are enemies who can SHUT OFF abilities.  Nullifier Bubbles being one of them.  Im not sure what all enemies can do it.    With infested I think you are pretty safe??  Corpus have alot of shut off enemies.  Grineer I am uncertain of...

    But yeah if your not fighting infested keep checking that its active preriodicly.  

    Thats why Hydroid is preferred for farming toroids.  He can drop tentacles and not have them interrupted+plus the 100% rate.  But a vigilant Nekros is still a good thing because hydroid only affects a small group of enemies at a time where as Nekros has a chance at everything with his radius 40-50meters..

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