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Posts posted by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_IGN

  1. Fish chick is who I hit up first every time I get to Cetus to check out how much standing I need(and if I need it).  Konzu is the second.  Miner dude 3rd (for blueprints).   Zaw and Animal dude Im not even close to messing with yet. 

    The only reason I use fast travel is because we are forced to walk so freaking slow inside Hubs wtf is up with that?  To reduce lag? Does it even help lol??  On PS4 player textures seam like the biggest issue as most people are grey blobs most of the time in hubs to me.    If we could walk/run at a normal speed I might actually walk around Cetus a little more.   Maybe not....  The town is awfully cramped and has really bad flow.

    We do go to Konzu for the bounties though.  I wouldnt mind that being his first option.  I do check the standing after missions to see what my total is at.   With how crappy the bounty system is implemented I also check it to make sure I actually got standing from running a bounty.   But I've learned my lesson to only run those once per timer.   The Bounties need a whole lot of love though.   Completed bounties should be taken off the list until timers are reset so you cant run them multiple times and not know your not getting points for the other times.   It would also be hella awesome if we got notifications when bounty timers reset!!  The way alerts show up in-game is how cetus bounty resets should be handled.   I imagine most people only do one set of bountiers per DAY and then have an awesome fishing session sometime during that to farm up the rest of the standing.   Im cool with that.   But I would also like to run the bounties a few more times because they do have loot and XP attached to them.

  2. Pff I have the opposite problem.  I cant pull in the credits fast enough to pay for stuff.   Endo flows like water.  

    Defense/Survival missions and push it and you will get tons.  What you also need to do is Treasure hunter missions to get Sculptures.   Use your stars to fill in the scultpures and poof 2k endo.  I also sometimes find sculptures randomly in other missions(but very rare)


  3. I would be playing even MORE PoE if there wasnt stupid bounty/standing limits in place.   I also like to go fishing for standing while waiting for bounties to cooldown.  

    I just got to Lv3 standing with the Ostron (im Mastery 8) and got a new spear.  Takes 70k+ pts to reach next standing level.   And before that happens I really need to purchase a crap ton of blueprints for bait/ore that all cost 10k each.....

  4. Ceries - Seimeni is 20-25 grineer and give around 25k+ credits after 2 rounds.  I'd probably do the Ceres survival mission if I was in an invite only group.  You dont want to play with randoms in survival cuz some guys are more than happy to just do it for 30+ minutes at a time.  

    Im MR8.   

    Dark Sectors are the spots that are controlled by clans.  The farther out in planets you go the more the rewards but also the more difficult the enemy.  So find your own happy medium. 

  5. I like Ceres - Seimeni (defense) dark sector to grind for money.   Several times I have been the only one who opts to go for a second round and everyone else bails.   I havent actually been to the 2nd round with a group of people so I dont know if its broken then....  

    But what happens is when I start Wave 6-8? the npc enemies refuse to come out of their spawn points and will not attack the thing you are defending.  So you have to run around and goto all the spawn points.   After about Wave 8 the defend point changes position again and then the enemies go back to normal.   

    This is a video to show what is happening.  This is me solo at wave 6 after the first 5 waves go off perfectly.   I dont know if it bugs out because everyone else leaves or what I think is more likely the NPC's just dont recognize the defend point from rounds 6-8.  


  6. Im a newb but the only issue im aware of is that it sucks in any bullets that try to pass through it.   So people cant shoot through it which can be a pain in the butt sometimes, its really only good for dooways/bosses.    Your other three powers all dish out nice damage to so there isnt much reason to use magnetize except in certain situations.  

    I hate bubbles heh.  

  7. Hint*  its by the giant tower that is visable from just about anywhere.    

    But yes we absolutely need to be able to see the exit.  AND OR be ale to just warp back to cetus,  keeping our loot/xp!!!! and bypassing the stupid slow gate.   

  8. 2 hours ago, (PS4)haseo_the_adept said:

    Here ill provide a guide

    Lanzo:Charc Eel Cuthol Goopolla Murkray Sharrac Yogwun

    Tulok: tralok......

    Peram: Glappid Khut-Khut Mawfish Mortus Lungfish Norg

    I've caught Khut-Khut, Mawfish, Mortus, Tralok with the Lanzo spear also.

  9. I have the newbie laser and can only get up to 2-2.5 accuracy.   Im pretty sure the more accurate you are the more stuff you get.    But how much of this is just built into the game as different levels of lasers???  If you could do it perfect with the newb laser you would never buy the expensive ones.   

    My only real complaint is that your distance from your targets affects the speed at which you can move your laser.   If your right up close then it is slow as hell.   If your 5-10 feet away its super fast.   I want to be up close and have medium speed..

    Actually what I wish is that you would plunk down a big laser drill and you would have to defend it from grineer/infested for x amount of time.  Best of both worlds.

  10. Discovered I could not get to Lv2 Standing without fishing and mining so was forced to start doing those things.   I fished in the long thin "river/stream" thats straight ahead of the Cetus gate.  I fished in some of the smaller ponds.   I also fished along the ocean. 

    Overall I had alot of fun fishing but there were two huge drawbacks.  The first is the freaking constant assault by infested unless you find their stupid spawn pod and take it out(or more than one).  Grineer patrols arent that bad but if you get bored and run a random mission out on the plains then it feels like it takes forever for them to leave you alone again.  Second huge drawback is just the reflections off the water making it damn near impossible to see anything under the surface,  and the natural lighting at night making the water pitch black.   The shimmer on the water is a major eyesore.  Even if you have your back to the sun or its the middle of the night its tough to see into the water.  Being higher up helps.   Trying to fish at ground level from the shore is extremely difficult and for along of the ocean thats your only option.   

    I turned all my little fish into materials and I donated all the medium and large fish I had caught which got me 2k in standing to show how much I fished.   I was using the Lanzo spear.   No baits,  no dyes.   

    All that fishing and mining I did took real life hours.  I can probably get 3k standing in 15 minutes just from running the first two bounties (Im Mastery 8).   And most of that is just standing around with my thumb up my butt waiting for fish to show up or the right time of day so I can see into the water.   Its a time sink and not the fun kind.    I spent the majority of my time fishing but I have turned in all the rocks I have gotten from two mining trips now and compared to fishing... I think mining gems should be worth 10x the standing as they are now and thats just to break even with fishing.   It would be nice if both of those were then doubled.   Or find some way to make the time spent doing the not fun activities multiply how much standing you get.     You fish or mine for materials or standing and its just to slow at the newbie end.   I want to be out shooting faces and slicing bodies in half not squinting at water for 2 hours or drawing circles around rocks. 

    I feel like the non fish wildlife really got the short end of the stick with this expansion.   The fisherman NPC should be changed to fish and wildlife.   Birds, small/medium/large game should have been things we could hunt for standing too.   We could make special bows or guns to hunt animals with.

    --In terms of getting around the plains of eidolon I think our tenno should get hover boards or hoverbikes that cruise along at ground level.  A piece of gear you only have to craft once, that goes in your gear wheel, that you can pull out whenever you want or need.  

    --I am not cool with the cooldown on bounties.  We should be able to run those non stop for standing.   Put a cap on how much we can earn a day or whatever but whats up with letting us do them for 0 standing?   Even when I flip flop between the first two bounties I can lose out on standing.   Besides alerts.   Every other type of mission in the game lets you do them repeatedly.    Im trying to raise my standing and its just taking waaaaay to long.   Even though I want to be doing Cetus bounties I get sick of waiting and go back to my ship and run alerts/missions that actually helps me.

    -There is one mission segment on PoE that is on the same level of annoyance to me as Spy missions....  You get tasked with finding 3 supply boxs and your only clue is a giant search area.   I've even tried using my normal scanners to look around for their highlights.   I have seen the clock run down on that event a few times as nobody in the entire group could find the damn things.    That mission segment needs changed.    Highlight them on the map but make them defended or give some audio clues when we are near/far from them.  (And then also think about totally reworking spy missions...)

  11. -The load time while transitioning between Cetus and PoE is unbearably long....

    -As soon as we finish a bounty mission the mission end screen should pop up with our rewards and stuff instead of having to hoof it back to the gate.   Do we even get our rewards and mastery xp if we quit after finishing??   When your out on the plains they toss more missions at you so its really confusing what you are suppose to do.   Some people want to leave and take on new bounties but others would like to stay and screw around,  but if the people who want to leave goto the gate then it warps everyone back there!!    So Bounties shoud have more of a hard ending.   The group should be disbanded,  then the people who want to leave can and the people who want to stay can....


    -When you are out on the plains the gate for Cetus should be marked on your minimap AT ALL TIMES.   


    -I wish things in this game were better explained.   There are vendors in Cetus who have things I have no idea what the purpose is or where im suppose to go to get the items it takes to get them.   Your given the Kubrow quest line super early on but you really cant do it until you can start farming Nano Spores which isnt until Saturn.... So I finally got there and baught the power core for the incubator and stuff made a Kubrow...mission over....the end....   Jack squat about how Kubrows will die and how to stabilize their DNA,  Nothing about breeding,  nothing about making Kavats.     External information is crappy information..       The news feeds are awesome,  you click on an article and it opens the browser and shows you a web page with information.   It would be nice if you went in and linked everything in the codex to a wiki page or something and or youtube vid tutorials. 

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