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Everything posted by (PSN)iuvenilis

  1. I thought DE had mentioned the new "bonus plat" console discounts were an experiment and they'd make the final decision at a later date. Perhaps I'm simply mistaken. Seems like the decision has been made, so I gotta live with it. The extra salt, when PSN has sales and discounts the plat bundles (maybe once or twice a year), they give better discounts. So even if I did buy plat, I may as well wait for those sales instead.
  2. Unfortunately, they're still arguably a long way from being "inline". The PC 75% off plat would be equivalent to a 300% bonus plat. But we're capped at the same 75% bonus (roughly equivalent to 45% off). Typically, we might get 25% bonus, which is roughly equivalent to about 20% off. If they won't match the discounts, I'd much prefer the old discounts.
  3. So which is it, do you want tips or not? Just shoot it and then take cover. Don't go for the "perfect" shots (iirc this is using the sirocco amp?). It'll be over in a couple of minutes.
  4. You might be better posting in Feedback. I'm sure it's come up before, so I'm sure there are others who would agree.
  5. I'm genuinely not sure what you mean? I'm on both the forums and reddit nearly daily and I find them both to be equally toxic at times. I actually find the subreddit to generally be more polite and helpful. At the moment, the Dante changes are dominating the reddit, and either you're for it, or against it, which seems similar to the forums? Outside of the recent upheavals, the subreddit is mostly people asking questions and getting answers (even when most questions could probably be answered via the wiki). I've often felt the forums are slightly more toxic, simply because there seems to be the same core users driving the conversations, and sometimes that can lead to others being drowned out. I don't notice that on the subreddit. Edit: I do also agree with what @UnstarPrime mentioned about the up/down votes. When there is a divisive issue, it can be difficult to get a constructive conversation happening on reddit. But I find that's just as likely on the forums too, it just plays out a little differently.
  6. Ah yup, it's quite likely Haven was killing them before pillage could do anything. As others have mentioned, Garuda is also a top contender for infinite Gloom. Mostly comes down to personal preference. Do you like their gameplay loop, do you like their fashion frame. You might like Garuda for certain missions/enemies, while favouring Hildy for others. I lean towards Hildy for the armor/shield strip, but that's basically redundant against low levels and infested. Happy hunting, tenno.
  7. Hm, are you fighting against infested? If so, I think you also need blazing pillage. Against all other factions, they all have shield/armor, so pillage should work on them.
  8. Probably Hildryn. She can completely ignore energy simply by tapping pillage. And she's easily built for high strength and high range. I use a gloom hildy build to cheese the archon excavation (and similar) missions.
  9. If they have created a cross-save account, yes.
  10. Your friends will need to also make a cross-save account by creating a PC account and linking to their Playstation account. Then you should be able to trade with each other again.
  11. You'll need to contact support directly https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us Try a restart first, maybe that'll fix it.
  12. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Passives/Weapon It's not sorted by weapon type, and I don't think it has augments, and it doesn't have Praedos so it's possibly missing others... But it might give you some ideas.
  13. If you're looking for a cheese-method, Titania's got you covered. I was also stuck on this for years. It wasn't until MR30 became available (and I wanted those rewards) before I started taking it a bit more seriously. I failed many times with many other frames. Titania knocked it over in about 3 practice runs followed by the real.
  14. Um what? And necro much? Post is almost 10 years old.
  15. Yes, you need to make a PC account, and then link your playstation account (make sure to select your Ps account as your primary). Note, this will prevent you from trading with other PS users who haven't made a cross-platform account. You'll probably then need to activate 2FA on your "new" PC/cross-platform account.
  16. Sounds like a dragon key.
  17. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Nitain_Extract Acquisition Primarily obtained from Nightwave Offerings for 15 per x5. This is an "evergreen" offering and is always available for purchase in unlimited quantities.
  18. Ontop of what's already been mentioned, just don't forget some of the tenent weapons can only be purchased using corrupted holokeys (from railjack voidstorms).
  19. It's an Archmelee mod, so have you checked your archmelee weapons? I have no issues equipping it. You are correct though, it's not in the codex and can't be linked in chat.
  20. The exalted config will "match" the frame config. So if you choose config B for mesa, it'll also choose config B for regulators. If config B on regulators has no mods, then you're basically screwed. So I make sure to swap both the frame and regulator config I want to use onto A.
  21. I never had issues trading with my old housemates. It's usually pretty obvious if it's trading between alt-accounts (which would get you get you banned). Should be fine. That said, I'd still be careful. For example, don't buy a large plat pack with a login discount and then give him half. That could land you in trouble.
  22. There were some server issues very recently. Possibly related to that.
  23. Dragon keys are used for opening orokin vaults. Blueprints are from clan dojo. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Key
  24. No. You can replay the missions as many times as you like, but that doesn't complete the archon hunt again. You've already got the little check-marks next to each mission showing it's alredy been completed. It only tracks the first time as you completing it. The archon hunt can only be completed once per week. Similarly, there might still be a NW challenge for sorties. Same deal. You can replay the sortie missions as many times as you like, but you can only complete it once per day, as denoted by the check-marks next to each mission. They're functionally similar. Once you've completed the mission, the check mark appears. Once you've completed all 3 missions, the hunt/sortie is now complete and you get the hunt/sortie reward.
  25. Well yes. You can't complete the archon hunt more than once each week. So it won't just magically give you the nightwave standing. You have to actually have the challenge and then complete it. Are you completing three rounds without extracting and without the enemy scoring a single point?
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